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Infantry Assault Badges, + others, some observations...helpful.

Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by sniper1946, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    German Militaria Blog

    Infantry Assault Badges, plus other badge's..

    some observations...

    How does a collector who concentrates on panzer items happen to own 73 Infantry Assault Badges? In the middle to late 1970’s a wave of reproduction items motivated some collectors of Third Reich militaria to switch to U.S. militaria, Japanese swords, etc. As a result, during that time I purchased a number of Infantry Assault Badges (Infanterie- Sturmabzeichen) for $8 to $10 each. In addition to the enticingly low prices, I bought them because I was curious about the many different maker marks, the variety of metals and finishes used, and the methods of manufacture and construction.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    This aint a job for Superman but is a job for Supermen-namely--Fischer and Stewy. Those two are experts on this badge. Im nowhere near their league on this badge though i do have 12 of them myself ;-))
  3. fischer

    fischer Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Hello Sniper and Carl

    There are 35 known or accepted makers of the Infanteriesturmabzeichen along with 15 unknown but accepted original makers of the IAB.

    There are 24 different makers marks on known makers including two different mm's for the Wurster example
    There are six LDO marked examples.
    L/10 - Deschler
    L/14 - F. Orth
    L/51 - Wiedmann
    L/53 - Hymmen
    L/56 - Funcke&Bruninghaus
    L/61 - Fredrich Linden
    There are 8 known examples without any mm.
    There are 6 unknown originals without any mm.
    There are 9 unknown originals with mm's but the makers have not been proven. This includes the (7) seven MK.1, MK.2, MK.3, etc examples.

    There are LDO marked examples and also have maker marks also. For example we have the Linden L/61 marked badges and we also have the same designed badge with the mm FLL on it. We also have examples marked with the LDO number L/56 for F&BL but there are the same designed badge that does not have any maker mark on it but the design, hardware shows it is indeed a F&BL made badge.

    I hope this helps...would love to see some of your examples.

    Best Regards, fischer
  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Fischer, glad to see you here and thank you for that information.

    Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVINg if I cant say it to you before then.

    Take care-_Carl.
  5. fischer

    fischer Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Hi Carl...Many Thanks!

    I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

    Any new IAB's???

    Best Regards, fischer
  6. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Fischer, thank you. And no new IABs yet but, I found a place thanks to Melissa, and I might get one from them. Ill send you a link to their site if I can by Monday and have you take a look. I think their prices are good but seema bit low to me for a place in England.

    Take care and have many cheers come next Thursday ;-))

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