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Just discovered Militaria Auction Site.

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by C.Evans, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Check this site out and type in the search box "German Militaria" they have some nice items in there. Seems to be fairly represented with items from many different countries.

    The site is:

    www.worldwartwo.com (((Bid at own risk!)))

    [ 10. July 2003, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    Carl does this look similiar to E-bay.com to you ? The site really loads slow for me but maybe due to the photos..... ?

  3. No.9

    No.9 Ace

    Nov 29, 2002
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    I had a look Carl and typed in ‘Commando’ out of interest. A number of shoulder flashes come up which I take are supposed to be genuine? The ‘No.9’ flash is incorrect and stitched (as the back shows) with a modern over-locker.

    The ’46 Royal Marine Commando’ is utter bollocks. It's 'No.46', also, there was never/is never any 'Royal Marine Commando'! It’s ‘Royal Marines Commando’.

    I gave up looking at most, but it appears only the No.3 and No.5 flashes may be genuine.

    Hope other sellers are straight?

  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Erich--it's kinda like ebay but is set up differently. It seems instead of all catagories being listed--you have to type in a catagory for it to "search" in.

    Hi 9--I searched mainly the German stuff and saw that most did look good and that any that were repos were actually listed as such.

    I also looked at some Rumanian and Polish items which looked honest--tho i'm no expert when it comes to dealing with non-German stuff.

    As I just stumbled on the site yesterday--I know nothing about them but--they do seem to have an honest way about them as ebay does not. :(
  5. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    Reminiscent of E-ban I think......although there seems to be a bit more freedom of movement in that it would be easier to strike down on the posers with the fake goods. Good eye # 9 ! they haven't gotten so large that quality means nothing to them.....

    have found recently that the best German goodies seem to be on ebay.de, some nice rare paper and book items

    Carl can you still access that or has ebay the world over given you the shaft ?

  6. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Also this new site allows you to see a swaz that is part of another item--which SHOULD be seen.

    Erich--yep--I can access both ebay sites with no problem--I just haven't bothered to look in awhile.

    Also--since I have new credit card numbers--I can sign on using different cards and a different email address. I just haven't bothered to do so--yet--because i don't want to get back into ebaying again for awhile. [​IMG]
  7. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    Personally I don't think I am going back to the US site. The German one is the way to go and granted you have posers from all over the world but I don't think you will get ripped so much checking the German seite....

    two cents
  8. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I agree. I don't think i'll ever use or check the Ami ebay ever again either.

    Oh i've actuallu been shafted by more Germans than Amis--believe it or not. Not so far as them all taking my payment then never sending the itme--but--in my winning the bid and I never get contacted to make payment arrangements--or--I contact them but never get the needed info. I wounder if its the greedy factor coming to play? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  9. Sam Goody

    Sam Goody Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    Hi Gentelman,

    I personally would be very, very careful with this auction site. I knew of a "DEALER" if you would like to call him that, that moved over from E-bay, he would change his name over and over and he would stiff person after person. I am sure that there are good dealers on there as well, but as for me I would stay away. Besides, most of these sellers are ex E-bayer's, enough said, right?
  10. Bill Smith

    Bill Smith Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Hello Sam -

    I have to say that I have a tendancy to agree with you. Many of the "auction sights" whether they be ebay, or some other, seem to be of the "seller's market" variety. In other words, the buyer is the one assuming all of the risks, while many, but obviously not all, of the sellers have the "come and find me then" attitude when confronted by the purchasing party as to the authenticity of the piece that they are wishing to sell.

    This is why, and you know this too, that although I am personally not a dealer, in fact, I abhore the term, when and if I move an item from my own personal collection, that item is deemed by me, for life to be original. And when it is that I do sell or trade an item that I purchased from a reputable dealer who assigns a "certificate of authenticity" to the item, that certificate goes with the item as well, there by adding just a bit more assurance to the purchasing party that the item is legitamitely from the World War II period.

    No, ebay, I know there are good items to be found there, but I got burnt but only once, and once was once enough. I work to hard for my spending money, and as we all know, this might be deemed a "hobby", but the term "business" might be more appropriate.

    Be good to each other.

  11. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Not to sound like a ranch robot but--your words about this site are good enough for me. [​IMG]
  12. Sam Goody

    Sam Goody Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    I know of a gentelman, lets just call him "Jim", he sold me two badges from this auction site and when I recieved them they were totaly different than what I bid on. He changes his "real" name and his email address so much that I can't find him, and when you finally do he gives you a speal like," it's past 30 days" or some garbage like that. All I am saying is one real bad apple for me and I will stay away, bad ju-ju in my opinion.
  13. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Sam and sorry for the bad luck with that scoundrel. He really reminds me of someone who fits your description it's initials are D.K. and this person got me on a deal worth less than $20.00 but got a good friend of mine for $400.00++ never sent the item and always claimed my friend never sent it them cash--which was sent and spent by this @#&%(*

    I basically got the same reply that you got--so it seems that we both might have been shafter by the same scoundrel.

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