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Just secured this item.

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by C.Evans, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    It is item Nr 17, the jwa made P-38 holster. It is Waffennampted WaA23 and made in 1944.

    If anyone cares to go look at it--please do so and please leave comments if you wish. Tis my 1st uniform item in years. Well--except for awards and insignia. :D
  2. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Hey carl, very impresive, I like it alot. Wow, really nice find, cool man!!!
  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thank you OTF, I can hardly await till it arrives. It's my first P-38 holster in more than respectable condition. I still have an early war brown P-38 holster but--it's in bad condition. I probably could not get more than $25.00 for it.

    Also, I still have my made in 1963--German Police P-38 hardshell holster. Just shows nominal wear and is in very nice condition. This item is probably a $60.00 item. that is if I were to try selling it.
  4. Monty Cassino

    Monty Cassino Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Too bad I missed it, the 17th page has beeen removed now that you bought it.

    Dang! 10,000 posts for you Carl! :eek: :D How long have you been here?
  5. jpatterson

    jpatterson Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    now ya need a P-38 to go with that holster!

  6. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    J P, I think Carl has two of them don't you Carl ?

  7. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    If Carl has two P-38's I'm sure he would be willing to part with one of them rather easily. :D :D :D
  8. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thanks guys--I KNEW an item like this would go over well.

    For Monty Cassino: I have been looking for a nice original for so long and snatched this one though at this time was not affordable. This is a case of "I HAD to." :D

    Hi "J" I do have one. It is a 1944 made AC piece but--I don't have an original wartime P-38 magazine to go with it. Instead--I have two postwar produced 8 rd mags.

    Hi Erich--I wish I still had two. My BYF November 41 made P-38 was stolen back on January 6 2000. The police even knows who took it but--over three years later--I still have not had my pistol returned. :(

    Also, the current P-38 is my 4th one I have had. The 1st one was a BYF 42 model, which I got for about $325.00 and was one of those Stalingrad battlefield pickups that the Russians released for sale to the USA back in about 1991. Like a knothead--I sold this one.

    My next P-38 was another BYF 43, and I traded it for my Artillery Officers peaked visor I now and still have. The 3rd P-38 was the one stolen. I have had this current one for about 4 years.

    Hi OTF, sorry I cannot offer one for sale but, I know where I can still get nice ones for about $425.00.

    However, I do have two other P-38 holsters I could part with. The one that is brown is kinda ragged but--everything still there and it held my P-38 well untill I bought the 1963 made black Police P-38 holster.

    When things get better for me, I do plan on buying more P-38s. I like them much better than Lugers--with two Luger exceptions. 1) a nice 1917 DWM Artillery Luger and a ww2 Navy Luger.
  9. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    ok let me get this straight.......1 P-38 and two holsters in your ownership ?

    I've got a headache :cool: yes put on the shades and sun is too bright in my house
  10. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Slight correction. 1 P-38 and three holsters in my collection. [​IMG]

    I forgot to mention that the brown one is marked Landshut for the Police? or either the area he served in.
  11. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    So the holster, I'm kind of interested Carl. How would we go about making a purchase or whatever. That's really cool about the P-38, do you happen to have a picture of it. I think it'd be cool to see.
  12. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi OTF, there were pictures here in the militaria section but--they expired and are now nothing but boxes with red X in them.

    I don't have a way to post pictures unless Stevin wants to volunteer his services to do so.

    I'm not sure what you mean on purchasing one. Did you want me to look for one for you on a website or did you want one of mine? Also, I have a good friend who lives in Washington who can get holsters through friends cheaper than I could being he has more connections for that kinda stuff.

    Let me know and I "can do" for you.

  13. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Well I was thinkin of buying one from you, being that you have three but if your friend could get one for me cheaper, an original that is, then by all means I'd love to have one. Either would be good, yours or another. Let me know.
  14. Martin Bull

    Martin Bull Acting Wg. Cdr

    Jun 20, 2002
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    London, England.
    Hi Carl - I'm quite a P-38 fan, too. My own deact is a byf43, all numbers matching, complete original blueing and matching magazine. It was a 'vet bring-back' and the owner couldn't bear to keep it when handguns were finally banned and it had to be either scrapped or deactivated.

    BTW , Onthefield, if you're in Europe ( and I don't want to take a sale away from Carl... ) Deutsche ebay is a very good place to find such things as holsters and weapon accessories....
  15. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Nice Martin thatnks for the info. If Carl still wants to sell me his, I'll go for it but I'll just see what's cheaper. ;) I'm running on a student salary here which is pretty much diddly squat, but I figure if I start buying stuff now I'll have a good enough collection when I get older. :rolleyes:
  16. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi OTF--Martin.

    OTF--do you want a ww2 issue holster or post war? I have one of each i'm willing to get rid of. If I can find my Brown leather holster(softshell) I would be willing to part with it. I would see it for the price I paid. This one is written in on the inside flap--Landshut--for either the area this man was from or for the type of unit he was in--but I don't know which.

    What irritates me is--that I used to have an early P-38 that had engraved on it's handle--Landshut--and this holster would have been perfect for it. But, like an idiot--I sold off that P-38 as part of a trade for a BYF 41 "Black Widow Luger" which I no longer have. :(

    I have it in a box somewhere and will have to start looking for it. On the other hand--I know where my 1963 made Police Holster is because my P-38 is currently living in it.

    Either way, let me know what you wish and if interested in either of these two holsters--i'll sell them for the price I paid. The solfshell holster(brown one) is not in great looking condition--definately a used one but not dirty or in bad condition. All stitching is intact and flap and extra mag pocket is in good/decent condition. The police 1963 made blak holster is a hardshell. Ity shows minor wear with bits of black (small areas only and kinda difficult to see) worn off. Its been awhile since I last looked at the holster so I can't remember if there are any scratches in the leather but, I can bring it here tomorrow and can type you out a description. I'll do the same if I cna fing the softshell holster.

    Originals are a bit hard to find--but I can find them. What do you prefer? a hardshell or softshell? I find more hardshell holsters that I do softshell.

    I can also ask my friend on the west coast to see what the prices are going for ones there. He just picked up--below market value--a hardshell P-38 holster for $100.00. For a good one--either softshell of hardshell, your probably going to be looking in the neighborhood of at least $135.00 on up.

    If you get a Brown leather P-38 holster--which are harder to get because thet are the earlier war years holsters, you might pay even more than I did for this one.


    Martin No problem on what you post. Untill recently, I had never given it a thought of selling any of my holsters. But, I had been thinking, why do I need three when all I have is one P-38? [​IMG]

    Martin--being yours is a deact, would you be willing to sell your original Magazine? Original P-38 Mags here go for about $45.00 to maybe $65.00. (As a collector--I hated asking you on it as I KNOW how much we collectors have distaste at about breaking up sets) But, if you do decide to part with the Mag--I can send you one as replacement--not period issue. I have two Mags for mine--one is 60s vintage :( and the other is about 2 yrs old. :(

  17. Martin Bull

    Martin Bull Acting Wg. Cdr

    Jun 20, 2002
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    London, England.
    Being a true 'anorak', Carl - all my deacts are WWII original - right down to to mags, slings, cleaning kits and even correct deact ammo in correct WWII cartons !

    But if I get another one ( which does happen - I have two mags for my Luger, both WWII of course ! ) I'll definitely let you know.... ;)
  18. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    DOUBLE THUMBS UP Martin that would be greatly appreciated. [​IMG]
  19. Onthefield

    Onthefield Member

    Sep 6, 2003
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    Alright Carl, I think I'm interested in the earlier version of the holster you have, the softshell one, original WWII era. Around how much do you figure that would be? Also that description of the holster or even a picture would be great. One other "minor" fact is that I'm in Spain and you're not, lol. Some things to think about. :D
  20. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi OTF, I wish I had a way to send you a picture of it. All I can do is to try to describe it.

    I looked a bit for it last night but could not look for long because I was in a hurry to get ready to be out with my Nephews and my Sister(it was her birthday but, I had not remembered it)

    Anyway, the holster is not--I repeat is not in anywhere near as good condition as my others are. It is well-worn but is complete and no major damages. It does show the wear and apparently it was stored with something sitting on top of it because part of the holster flap was bent back in an unnatural position and therefore there are stress marks in the leather where that happened.

    AS far as I can remember, there is no loose stitching anywhere on the holster and that the holster is definately complete. The spare magazine pocket is also very intact but, also suffers from having something sitting on it. I am trying to remedy that by keeping a spare P-38 Magazine in the pocket to keep the leather stretched a bit.

    The leather IS supple and in good condition. Also, whoever originally wore this holster definately did see usage. I almost forgot--the leather tab (to secure the closed flap) is still in pretty good condition and the holseter does close. There is no corrosion to any metal ringlets or to the snap.

    I paid $30.00 for this holster, and if I can find it I will sell it to you for $30.00 and I will pay for the shipping.

    Let me take more time tonight and will see if I can definately locate this holster. It should not be very hard to find, as it was in storage only a short time. It was stored in a box of spare clothes so no dust or anything could have stuck to it.

    Let me know if this is to your liking and also I can try to get scans done of this holster(when I do locate it) at Kinkos and I can snailmail them to you if you wish.

    Let me know how to proceed, and many thanks. [​IMG]

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