Here is a good video relating to the kidnapping of General Heinrich Kreipe, commander of German-occupied Crete, during 1944 in a daring SOE raid. The SOE and Partisan participants were reunited with the general during the 1970s, and each talked abou the events. Kreipe said he has "no hard feelings" about the event, and even comments that the kidnappers treated him well. [video=youtube;vN1qrghgCqI][/video] For those unfamiliar with the raid, here is a short account from wikipedia:
Nice one GP. ..Also liked the Gran Sasso raid where they plucked Mussolini.
I came accross this story for the fist time when I was on a holiday in crete and found the book "ill met by Moonlight, the abduction of General Kreipe" in English , in at iny local supermarket . It was about the only book in English they had, I should say the only book among a bunch of magazines and tanning cremes. So I bought it and read it on the beach near Rethymio. The next day I rent a car a drove in the General footsteps, It was quite a trip actually . Besides some familiar names, there wasn't much I could find , not even the General's HQ, but it was quite fun to do the circuit.
My brother in law attended Fermors funeral in Dumbleton not far from where I now live. The man was a character straight from James Bond type books. We bred many of them at one time.