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Leibstandarte Drum

Discussion in 'Living History' started by Claymore, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Claymore

    Claymore recruit

    Oct 30, 2008
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    I am creating a Regimental Drum for my rec room, and I would like to put on it the battle Honours of the unit. It is based loosely on the "British" style of rope drum. I am painting banners with names of battles and operations that they took part in. Here is where I am stumped. The list is huge. I am hoping members could help me discern which should be added and as well removed. If I have missed any, or you have ANY comments, please feel free to help me out.

    This is what I have so far:

    Sudetes, Poland, Holland, Dunkirk, France, Greece, Barbarossa, Dneiper, Donetz, Kharkov, Kursk, Bielgorod, Ital, Jytomyr, Vinnitsa, Tcherkassy,Tarnopol, Caen, Mortain, Luneville, Stavelot, Bastogne, Holy Vith, Normandy, Luttich,Balkans, Rhineland, Czechoslovakia.

    Anymore or any less I am open to suggestions. Fell free to school me...lol...politely please, I am not out to insult or offend anyone.

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