Here are just a few photos of Reenactment. Here are just a few photos I took at events Ive been to. Here am I taking some photo's with one of my many 1930's cameras; And here are some of the results;
Wow, Cool, Marloes! Almost can't make out the difference with th real time-period foto's! You even got the combat camera men compositions down!
yep thats what I hate about most reenactors who take photos...they forget where they are! I always try to avoid being shot, even if the battle isnt real and the bullets are blanks. By crouching down, hiding, crawling trough the dirt, ye get the best results!
Hey - those are really impressive ! Almost in the Robert Capa style. That's the first time I've seen re-enactment photos done that way ; great idea ....
hey marloe, we have all commented on your photos on the wwiireenactment furom of how great they are. But i must say the last 3 photos especially the 2 guys shooting is an amazing picture. Tom
both on a cold sunday morning by god it was sooo cold. Just done a 34hhour living history battle. Hard work i must say