Sadly, more and more of the living witnesses to this point in history are leaving us. Once gone, what would be an effective way to memorialize all that they have gone through and all that has happened, good and bad? Memorials currently erected are mainly for those on the victor's side. How can we remember so that history does not repeat itself? Any ideas?
VERY well said. One thing I keep stressing to people is to get the vets they know, to put on tape or paper, their wartime memories. When they pass away, all that is lost forever, if it isnt preserved. I think a great idea for a memorial, is to have a written one and when possible, to have photos to go with the stories. What better way to teach someone something than to have something visual that they can see and read? Some vets are convinced into writing down their memories, and many have which were also to become successful publications. We need to get more people into our way of thinking and to somehow, get these vets to preserve their thoughts for future generations. Because of preserved history, and written through the eyes of the vet who was there instead of a historian that wasnt there, the vet himself can bring out the tragedy of war better than a correspondant can. That vet can be the one who will make people think twice before repeating history. I hope many on this forum will give their opinions on this. This idea SHOULD be passed on to as many forums as we can--spread the word, I will do so on other sites i belong to. The more we talk about this the better it will spread and maybe we can begin to preserve this info that is so very important. You have my vote....
Well... There's a sort of "multi-media" holocaust museum... Why not such a memorial commemorating the sacrifices of WW2 vets/the war in general. Sure, they want a memorial of some sort, but why erect statues or the sort of gigantic "tombstone" that they put up to commemorat 'Nam? A WW2 memorial complex could contain everything from surviving specimins of all manner of Allied & Axis weaponry, to videotaped accounts of vets, to exhibits on the rationing systems, propoganda efforts, etc. Something to get across to present & future generations the notion of what a massive undertaking it was, & the significance the event had in shaping the world thsat came after it!
World War Two Land, Orlando "Live performance of Paukenschlag and Adlertag every Tuesday and Thursday" "Shake Hitler's Hand or Blow His Head Off!" What do you think? Think we'd find a sponsor who would actually build it?
Right now, I think it would be more popular to have a "Shoot bin laden and blow out his brains" attraction. On the internet, there is a game called: "Wanna kill bin laden?" I cant play it though because the damn librarys computers will not let it load. Its supposed to have bin laden in a liquor store as the cashier, and I think your supposed to shoot him in the head.