Hi, I'm from the dev. team of Midway To Victory which is going to be a Half-Life 2 mod based on the Pacific Theatre of the 2nd World War. We are looking for some help. Either historians which I'm sure alot of you here know alot about the war. We are also looking for Modellers and Programmers and there are more spots. So we are looking for a little bit of help. Not sure if there would be very much on here but if anyone is interested please drop by our website and check it out. The site has been going up and down so if it doesn't work right away then try again and it will work. Thanks http://www.midwaytovictory.com/
I can code XML, and I have experience in Modding. I was an, albeit unofficial, member of the XWWII Realism mod for Battlefield 1942.
Stop by the forums and post in the Join The Staff if you're interested. FYI I'm not the Director of the group but I know we're in need of some people, so drop by and I'm sure Pheonix "director" will get in contact with you.
Copy that, i'll pay a visit later today. Another member you may want to contact from this particular forum is "Tom!." He is, without a doubt, the foremost authority on all things Japanese.
Tom! & Danyel are our best experts on Japanese & American equipment, respectively. For Aircraft, try Skua or Simonr1978.