Fellow Rogues! I just got around to making myself an album here. I wanted to ask you for some help identifying some photos of lapel pins my father brought back from Germany. They belonged to a distant cousin of ours. Thanks for looking! This first photo: I have heard of the Stahlhelm. But the Jungstahlhelm? Is this a nationalist youth group prior to the Hitler Youth? This second pin may just be something a tourist would by in this town, but I'm not sure. Maybe it is commemorating a rally? I have no idea what this pin represents. Reich Deutche Bahn or someting? This last photo is of a man's tie stickpin. The message on it translates to Loyalty is the mark of honor, something very similar to what is enscribed on the S.S. daggers. Not sure if this is SS Jewlery, but it does have an "H" on it. I would assume this is for Hitler. It's resembling of a spear makes me think of Hitlers obsession with the spear of destiny.