All I know about this Ampulomet is that it's a somekinda mortar, which fires "Molotov bombs" (Molotov cocktails), caliber 125mm and range up to 250 meters. Anybody has better info? ... pula01.jpg
It looks a bit like the British Northover Projector / Spigot Motar. Developed by the British as stop-gap anti-invasion weapons to arm the Home Guard, both were fairly simple weapons firing molotov cocktails (Northover Projector) or purpose-made shells (Spigot Mortar) for good info & pictures.
Googling got me a list of Forums where it is discussed, but no hard info. Except for this link: military_rus1.htm Which has these pictures & this text (translated) Handicraft ампуломет, made in блокадном Leningrad. It is found in area оз. Lordly in November, 1994 Regular 120-mm ампуломет, найденый on " Neva Пятачке ", in 1 km from item Apraksin. The given kind of the weapon is accepted on arms РККА in the end of 30th years. It was established on the machine tool, shot by means of a blank cartrige from ракетницы in thick-walled 1-sm glass spheres with самовоспламяняющейся огнесмесью on the basis of the white phosphorus, a similar liquid in bottles "КС". Which does not tell you much...