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Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by JoshArterburn, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. JoshArterburn

    JoshArterburn Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    I have been having issues with my computer. But I couldn't wait any longer to post this so I'm using my phone.

    When I was younger I remember finding both my grandpa and uncles dog tags in a little plastic cabinet that held misc. bolts and screws in grandpas garage. It's still in the same place, so I went back to see*If they were still there. Sadly they were not, but to my surprise in one of the draws was a Driver Qualification Badge. This discovery gives a little more credablilty to the claim that he was a driver for one of the officers.

    Would a soilder who was a driver for an officer require a driver qualification badge? Also is there an explination for him having the badge, but it not being listed on his DD214? It doesn't have any bars attached to it. Is that correct, or were they always worn with bars attached?

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