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Q:How to translate something like 6./JG 26 ?

Discussion in 'Air War in Western Europe 1939 - 1945' started by silenthunter, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. silenthunter

    silenthunter Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    The USAF can be described as "Flight Group" "Flight Squard".
    What is the equivalent word to German air force?
    May I say? 6th FS/26th FG = 6./JG26

    In this problem I need to know 2 points, the equivalent word and the equivalent plane quantity.

  2. Spartanroller

    Spartanroller Ace

    Aug 30, 2010
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  3. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    the first letter is the flight, the second the Squadron .
    1/JG26 = 1st flight 26th Fighther squadron
    JG = Jäger Geschader (Fighter Squadron)
    KG = KampgGeschwader (= Bomber Squadron)
    NJG = NachtGeschwader
    Z = Zerstörer
    L = Lehr (school )
  4. Carronade

    Carronade Ace

    Feb 17, 2010
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    6 would be a Staffel or squadron. Originally it comprised 12 aircraft in three Schwarm, each of two Rotte, 2 planes each, leader and wingman. The Luftwaffe (largely Werner Molders) originated the 4 plane flight and appropriate tactics for it which are now standard for fighters in all the world's air forces. Later in the war fighter Staffelen were assigned 16 planes.

    (bomber staffelen were smaller, based on a 3-plane flight or Kette)

    There was an intermediate unit called a Gruppe or group. This comprised three or four Staffelen and was denoted by a Roman numeral. Three (sometimes more) Gruppen formed a Geschwader, often translated as wing.

    I/JG26 would be the first Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader (fighter wing) 26. It would comprise Staffelen 1, 2, 3, and possibly 4. II/JG26 would have squadrons 4-6 (three per Gruppe) or 5-8 (four per Gruppe).

    Squadrons could also be referred to individually, like 6/JG26, but they were usually also members of a Gruppe.

    Except....occasionally special squadrons were formed which were not part of a Gruppe. For example when the Germans first started experimenting with fighter-bombers, each Jagdgeschwader, which then had nine Staffelen in three Gruppen, formed a 10 Staffel, a specialized bombing unit.

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