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Schu Mines

Discussion in 'Living History' started by William, Apr 1, 2003.

  1. William

    William Member

    Mar 7, 2002
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    Hey all, I posted this on another thread, but I'm trying to cover all bases here.

    In an upcoming living history event, I'd like to have some Schu mines reproduced.

    Does anyone have ANY info on them-schematics, sizes, dimensions, ANYTHING?

  2. CrazyD

    CrazyD Ace

    Jul 11, 2002
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    Found some info really quick...

    Schu Mine
       The Schu Mine was a small wood box that measured wooded six-inch by six-inch that conatained a detonator and a solid charge. Another name or spelling of this mine is "Shoe Mine" or "Shoe Box " mine. The "Shoe Box" was a favorite among the Germans. One of the places the Americans first encountered the Schu mine was during the failed attempt to cross the Rappido River on 21 January 1944.

    from http://members.aol.com/ItalyWW2/Weapons.htm#Mines
    Same page also has a photo of an American soldier disarming a Schu mine.
  3. William

    William Member

    Mar 7, 2002
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    Thanks CrazyD. I appreciate it.

    Great site too. I'll have to go back and read it more thoroughly.

  4. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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  5. panzergrenadiere

    panzergrenadiere Member

    Jul 9, 2001
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    William, what event do you plan on doing this at? Are you or any guys from your unit going to the rensselaer event this month?
  6. William

    William Member

    Mar 7, 2002
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    Stefan-thanks for that site. There are some really great things there. I appreciate it. You say you've made some homemade Schu mines, eh? What did you base your "plans" on, if I may ask? If you still have your notes, would you be willing to share them?

    Pzrgren-I'm hoping to use these at the September event I've talked about-IF it happens. At the moment it's iffy, especially because the landowner, well, won't return emails, phone calls, or letters. I'll keep you posted on it.
    As for Ren, I'm toying with the idea of coming up for a day. I have to be frugal with my time with a baby coming. Email me about it if you would. I have something to ask you about it.

    Thanks to all who've chimed in here. Great info!
  7. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Erm, yes, plans, actually my plans were scribbled on little peices of tracing paper and jotting pads that I use. I based it on the stuff I picked up from that site. I started by making the 1928 explosive charge, I used a block of scrap wood, first wrapped it in masking tape (to make it slightly softer and cover any splinters) and then wrapped it in waxed brown paper (as the original TNT ones were, the dimensions were from that site I let you know about). I then made a paper marker for where the detonator should be inserted, I think I still have that on my PC so if you want I can e-mail that to you, behind which a hole was drilled so that the detonator can actually be put in. I then made a simple detonator (I am not a great carpenter so it was just an approximation until I can find a better one) and a basic plywood box for the whole thing to go in, stained it dark brown (or paint it black if you prefer). The whole thing is then buried and you wait for your enemy to turn up, oh, hang on, this is re-enactment right? ;) I am dubious of the quoted dimensions (6inch by 6 inch) as the explosive charge was only just 3 inches long and I doubt the plywood was an inch and a half thick. I am experimenting with different ways of doing the charge, I am thinking about using paste to attatch normal brown paper which should look more like the real thing, we shall see.
  8. William

    William Member

    Mar 7, 2002
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    Great. Thanks Stefan. Yes, this is SUPPOSED to be used at a reenactment. What I'd like to do is make them so that if stepped upon it'll work like an original, of course without the explosion and the gory aftermath.

    Actually, around here during the 4th of July there are little fireworks that look like tiny flower bulbs (at least that is what they remind me of). You throw them on the ground and they pop. I'd like to incorporate those in so there would be not only the sight of one and the feel of the lid snapping shut, but also a "pop" to accompany.
  9. Martin Bull

    Martin Bull Acting Wg. Cdr

    Jun 20, 2002
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    London, England.
    Work like an original !! :eek: Now that's what I call re-enactment.....Oh, I just read the rest of the posting... :rolleyes: ;)
  10. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    I dont think people would be too pleased if we made mines that worked over here, we get in trouble for chucking thunderflashes around sometimes, stupid. Mine didnt work, it looked the part though and that is what we are aiming for. I want to make a couple more this summer actually.
  11. William

    William Member

    Mar 7, 2002
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    Stefan-Well, I'm hoping to just make a couple, for effect at the event. I'm just thinking the "pop" would be a nice touch. Of course afterwards they'd get dug up and put away for another day.

    Sorry MartinBull-I guess I should have watched how I typed. Didn't mean to startle you. [​IMG]
  12. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    You wouldent believe some of the problems we have with safety here, mainly due to peoples stupidity. At our battle site I saw one guy run straight into the barbed wire, said he didn't see it (personally I found it hard to miss, then again apparently so did he) and complained it was unsafe. That and all the hasstle over fire arms, now the police in some areas are saying re-enactment is technically illegal (which it isnt) and are causing no end of problems for us. Stupid really.

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