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Some very interesting numbers when it comes to the recipients of the German Cross in Silver or DKiGo

Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by C.Evans, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    This comes from the 1st vol of a 2 vol book set I just got last week. The first volume as told to me by the seller-is that its not very important. But oh ho--it sure as hell is important-or I couldn't post the following info here for those who have always wondered about: (See Below For Details)

    Total number of Army Recipients of the DKiG is: 15,959.
    Total number of Army Recipients of the DKiS is: 876.

    Total Nr. of Luftwaffe Recipients awarded the DKiG is: 7,540.
    Total Nr. of Luftwaffe Recipients awarded the DKiS is: 1,401.

    Total Nr. of Kriegsmarine Recipients of the DKiG is: 1,425.
    Total Nr. of Kriegsmarine Recipeints of the DKiS is: 108.

    Total Nr. of Waffen SS Recipients of the DKiG is: 985.
    Total Nr. of Waffen SS Recipients of the DKiS is: 65.

    Tot Nr. of Polizei/SD Recipients of the DKiG is: 52.
    Tot Nr. of Polizei/SD Recipients of the DKiS is: 12.

    Tot Nr. of Organization Todt Recipients of the DKIG is: 0.
    Tot Nr. of Organization Todt Recipients of the DKiS is: 6.

    Tot Nr. of Civilian Personnel Recipients of the DKiG is: ZERO.
    Tot Nr. of Civilian Personnel Recipeints of the DKiS is: 3.
    Grand Totals:

    DKiG is: 25,964.
    DKiS is: 2,471.

    Both awardees Grand Total is: 28,435.

    Part two of interesting stats on the recipients of the DKiG and DKiS.

    Oberbefehlshaber Recipients is: 77.
    Kommandierende Generals is: 48.
    Commanders and Chiefs-of-Staff of Army Groups, Armies and Korps is: 147.
    Infantry: 7,889.
    Pioneer: 921.
    Artillery and Army Flak: 2,017.
    Panzergrenadier: 1,151.
    AufklarungsAbteilungs including Radf and Motorcycle Battalions: 776.
    Panzer: 771.
    Assault Gun (STUGs) 292.
    Panzerjager: 527.
    Signals: 9.
    Non-Germans: 14.
    Grand Total: 14,639.

    Part three of interesting statistics on the Recipients of the DKiG and DKiS-by Ranks.

    General Offizier: 222.
    General Staff Officers: 269.
    Colonels: 479.
    Lieutenant Colonels: 363.
    Majors: 915.
    Captains: 1,987.
    Oberleutnants and Leutnants: 2,956.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Unteroffizier and Felds: 1,542.
    Enlistedmen: 8,847.

    Part four statistics of the Recipients of BOTH of the DKiG and DKiS:

    There were eleven men who were awarded both the German Cross in Gold as well as the German Cross in Silver. They are:

    Robert Bader.
    Jurgen Bennecke.
    Wolfgang Bucher.
    Hans Hecker.
    Odilio Globocnik.
    Franz Kaiser.
    Dr. Paul Hermann Meixner.
    Ernst Merk.
    ??? Moeller-Althaus.
    Felix Schwalbe.
    Paul-Willy Zieb.

    Part five-The Foreign Recipients of the DKiG and or the DKiS.

    Axel Erik Heinrichs-General of Infantry in the Finnish Army. Aug-17-1943.
    Taavetti Laatikainen-Generalleutnat-Finnish Army. Aug-05-1944.
    Karl-F. Lundquist-Generalleutnant-Finnish Air Force. Nov-09-1943.
    Karl-Lennard Oesch-Finnish Army. Aug-05-1944.
    ??? Valve-Generalleutnant-Finnish Navy. Sometime in 1944.
    S.E. Etore Bastico-Italian Field Marshall. Dec-05-1942.
    Mario Carloni-Colonel of the 6th Bersagleri (SP?) Regiment. Mar-28-1943.
    Rino-Corso Fougier-Generaloberst-Italian Army. Jan-18-1943.
    ??? Navarini-General-Italian 21st Army Corps. Dec-21-1942.
    Aturo Riccardi-GeneralAdmiral-Italian Navy. Jan-18-1943.
    Luigi Sansonetti-Admiral in Italian Navy? Jan-18-1942.
    Mato Dukovac-Oberleutnant in the 15th Croation Fighter Groups 52nd Fighter Squadron. Mar-29-1944.
    Cvitan Galic-Leutnant in the 15th Croation Fighter Groups 52nd Fighter Squadron. July-23-1943.
    Gheorghe Avramescu-General of Mountain Infantry-Rumanian Mountain Corps. Oct-25-1942.
    Nicolae Dubija-Captain and KDT of 5th Company Infantry Regiment 38. Feb-10-1944.
    Aoramescu Gheorge-General of Mountain Infantry-Rumanian Mountain Corps. Oct-29-1942.
    Ervil Gheorgiu-Generalmajor-in Rumanian Airforce Fighter Corps. Feb-11-1943.
    Leonhard Mociulschi-Generalmajor-KDT of Rumanian 4th Mountain Corps. Oct-25-1942.
    Isidor Kovarik-Sergeant in the 13th Slovakian Fighter Groups Fighter Squadron 52. Oct-17-1943.
    Jan Reznak-Sergeant in the 13th Slovakian Fighter Groups Fighter Squadron 52. Oct-17-1943.
    Esteban Infantes-Generalmajor and KDT of the 250th Infantry Division (Spanish Blue Division) April-09-1943.
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  2. will382

    will382 Member

    Apr 11, 2009
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    Wow, that is a lot of useful information. Thanks for posting it!

    I never knew that the DKiG was awarded that much, hardly any silver's were given out in comparison! Unlike EK's... where the higher awards are much fewer.

    Carl, what about the DKiG with diamonds stats? :p
  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Heh heh, hi Will und Danke. The info is from Band 1 (Vol 1) of Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945 by: Klaus D. Patzwall and Veit Scherzer. Both books are expensive too-but sure have a wealth of info in them ;-)) I paid together w/o postage included in total-120 Euros-howevermuchthatcomesouttoinUSDandorPounds? ;-)) I also got Band 1 of a three vol series about the P.l.M. Recipients. Since I can't read a lot of German, I sady, have to pass on the other two volumns at least for now :-( I'f love to have them because I think those other two vols include the actions and such for their getting the P.l.M. ;-))

    Did you know that both DKiS and DKiG also had swords and Oaks ;-)) Heh heh, thanks for the morning laugh.

    Also, eventually all this info will be over @ the WTG ;-))

    I too had always thought the number awarded was higher and saw numbers posted on sites ofver the years that estimated from between 27,000-to-33,000 DKiGs and "S"s were awarded. In fact, I thought the DKiS numbers awarded was actually about 1,200 or so lower.

    All total including the P/l.M book and with postage-220 Euro-and im afraid to ask how much that is?
  4. will382

    will382 Member

    Apr 11, 2009
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    You think I'm joking :D 20 were actually made but never awarded to anyone. If you ever get a chance to see one, they are stunners!

    The prices on your books seem ok, WW2 award books aren't cheap!
  5. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Will, they are not cheap thats for sure. I am toying around with the idea of getting these similar kinds of books for those awarded various Imperial Knights Crosses and House Orders and such. However, I don't know how many different KCs and H.Os there are.

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