Several jet-powered bombers have rear firing cannon and/or tail turrets, like B52s D through H, the Tu-22 Backfire, and the B47. If they were WWII bombers, then tail turrets would come in handy at times when you're being rear-ended by enemy interceptors, but in the jet era, look at all the highly manuverable, supersonic things that can come at ya' from behind! If you're a US pilot, then Mig 29s, Su-27s, 33s, 35s, and 37s. Not to mention a few Yaks and Tuplevs. If you're Russian, then F15, F16, F18, F22...need I go on? I'm just asking: do tail turrets and rear-firing cannon in the jet age actually fit in the "practical" category at all, or are they a failed idea?
I'm probably not the right guy to answer this but....Considering the age of fighter armed with cannon/machine guns is yeilding to long range An aft firing gun would only add weight, and unless it's Vulcan style, it would be pretty much useless against missiles.
I think the USAF knew about that as they removed the tailgun (20 mm M61A1 Vulcan) of their B-52H force in the 90ties... I must also say that during Vetnam a B-52 shot down a MiG-17!
The guns were added back in the days before the jet fighters you mention Blaster, and before there were any operational Air-to-air missiles worth mentioning. A tail gun would be most welcome against a MiG-15 or -17, or an F-86 for that matter. Jet bombers may have been faster than prop bombers, but were still slower than jet iterceptors, so some self-defence is not necessarily a bad idea.
Good old Il-28's were highly praised in Afganistan by Soviets (AFAIK they reactivated some already pensioned off Beagles) becouse rear guns. Try to take shot with stinger missile after they fly past and you'll be facing barrage from two 23 mm automatic cannons. Afganis learnd PDQ that poping your head up after ancient Beagles drop their bombs was not particulary healthy idea. That might work on fast movers or even Su-25 (for who one Stinger hit was normaly absorbed without particular problem) but not ancient Beagle.
You can get Russian aircraft gunpods today which can be carried pointing backwards, for the same reason - to strafe ground troops. Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum
Not that I know of. They do have ones with guns which can be steered though. Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum