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The Soviet awards of times of the second world war

Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by ||***|Rus|***||, May 10, 2010.

  1. ||***|Rus|***||

    ||***|Rus|***|| Member

    May 9, 2010
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    I have collected a greater collection of awards and medals of the USSR of times of the Second world war. I hope, that it will be interesting to you.
    P.s Excuse for not so beautiful registration

    1)Medal " For defense of Leningrad "

    In December, 1942 the medal « For defense of Leningrad » for rewarding all active participants of protection of city on Neva has been founded. After of some discussions of projects the sketch of a medal of artist N.I.Moskaleva has been approved: on a background of Admiralty as a symbol of city, figures of the Red Army man, краснофлотца are represented, the worker and the working woman with rifles , personifying readiness of defenders of city for struggle.


    2)Medal " For defense of Odessa "

    For all participants of defense of Odessa the special medal has been established. After discussion of the projects of the award presented by several artists N.I.Moskaleva's figure has been approved: on a face sheet of a medal the Red Army man, going to attack with rifles наперевес. Figures of soldiers of two arms of the service battled the enemy shoulder to shoulder, symbolize an indissoluble unification of army and fleet in fights for city.


    3)Medal " For defense of Sevastopol "
    On December, 22nd, 1942, when Sevastopol was still occupation, the Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR has founded a medal « For defense of Sevastopol », created under the sketch of artist N.I.Moskaleva.


    4)Medal " For defense Stalingrad "
    Even at the height of fight on Volga, in December, 1942, the medal « For defense Stalingrad » has been founded. The sketch of a medal was developed by artist N.I.Moskalev.


    5)Medal " For defense of Kiev "
    On the eve of the twentieth anniversary from the date of treacherous attack of hitlerite Germany to Soviet Union on June, 21st, 1961 the Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR founds a medal « For defense of Kiev » (the author of figure - the artist of Century N.Atlantov).


    6)Medal " For defense of Caucasus "
    On a medal « For defense of Caucasus », founded on May, 1st, 1944 (the author of figure - N.I.Moskalev), the central element of the image is mountain Elbrus as a symbol of Caucasus. At bottom of mountain the Soviet tanks, and in the sky - planes are represented.

    7)Medal " For clearing of Belgrad "
    Participants of operation of clearing of Belgrad were awarded with a medal for clearing of this city. On all five projects of a medal the main element is the inscription « For clearing of Belgrad » and only on two of them the five-pointed asterisk in the center is added. The project of artist A.I.Kuznetsova has been approved: in the center of a face sheet of a medal in a frame of a laurel wreath an inscription « For clearing of Belgrad », above a five-pointed asterisk.

    8)Medal " For clearing of Warsaw "

    The medal « For clearing of Warsaw » has been founded by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from June, 9th, 1945, and on August, 31st the Secretary of Presidium approves Regulations about theorder of delivery of a medal. [​IMG]

    9)Medal " For clearing of Prague "
    On June, 9th, 1945 the Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR founds a medal « For clearing of Prague ». At work above sketches of the award artists have received the task to make a basis of a face sheet an inscription « For clearing of Prague ».


    10)Medal " For a capture of Budapest "
    In memory of a capture on February, 13th capitals of Hungary - Budapest the special medal has been founded. On a face sheet of the award an inscription « For a capture of Budapest », on turnaround-date « on February, 13th 1945 » - day of clearing of city from hitlerites.

    11)Medal " For capture Кеninsberg"

    In memory of storm and capture Keninsberg (after renamed into Kaliningrad) it has been founded award a medal. Among more ten design figures of the future medal sketches of artist N.I.Moskaleva fruitfully worked within war above creation of new distinctions are allocated. On one of projects on which the trial sample in metal later has been made, the Soviet soldier with a banner in one hand and the automatic device in another on a background going on storm of the tank.
    12)Medal " For a capture of the Vein "
    The special medal for participants of storm and clearing of the Vein has been founded on June, 9th, 1945. Their image of powerful new Soviet military technics became known more than 15 design figures of the different artists presented on competition, a basis of the majority.

    13)Medal " For a capture of Berlin "
    Medal « For a capture of Berlin ». a medal « For a capture of Berlin » (reverser)

    14)Medal " the Gold Star " Hero Soviet of the Union

    The maximum degree of difference - a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union - has been established on April, 16th, 1934. A little bit later, on August, 1st, 1939, the medal « the Gold Star » which was handed over received this high rank is founded.


    15)Medal " For courage "


    16)Medal " For services in battle "


    17)Ushakov's medal
    Above figures of sea medals the group Would work. M. Хомича. Cтаршинство belonged to the award carrying a name of F.F.Ushakov. Ushakov's medal was silver, to one of its elements became an anchor, the back of a medal of Ushakov was smooth. Cочетание colors of tapes to Ushakov's medal repeated a combination of an one-nominal award. Original addition to a tape of a medal of Ushakov became a silver tiny anchor chain.
    18)Ushakov's medal
    Nakhimov's medal was made of bronze. On the back of Nakhimov's medal the sailing linear ship similar to what in well-known Синопском battle of 1853 under direction of Paul Stepanovicha Nakhimov have crushed was represented and have destroyed a turkish squadron. The tape of a medal of Nakhimov reminds a coloring of a collar of a uniform sailor's shirt - three white strips on a blue background.

    19)Breastplate "Guards"

    On May, 21st, 1943 for military men of parts and the connections, awarded ranks Guards, have been founded a breastplate "Guards". It was entrusted to artist S.I.Dmitriev to make figure of the future sign. The laconic and simultaneously expressive project representing a five-pointed star in a frame of a laurel wreath, above it a red banner with an inscription "Guards" has been as a result accepted. On the basis of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from June, 11th, 1943 this sign was located and on banners of armies and the cases which have received a rank Guards. The difference was that on a banner of Guards army the sign was represented in a wreath from oak branches, and on a banner of the Guards case - without a wreath.


    20)Award of Domestic war
    On May, 20th, 1942, the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR « About establishment of an award of Domestic war I and II degree » and together with it the statute of a new award has been signed. For the first time in history Soviet award systems have been listed concrete feats for which the award to representatives of all basic arms of the service stood out.


    21)Suvorov's award
    In June, 1942 the decision on establishment of the awards named in honour of great Russian commanders - Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevskogo was accepted. With these awards generals and officers of Red Army for difference in battles with fascists, for a skilful management of operations could be awarded.


    [COLOR=Red][B]22)Kutuzov's award[/B][/COLOR]
    I degrees its assistant or the chief of a staff could receive for the good organization of the compelled withdrawal of large connections with drawing counterstrokes to the opponent, a conclusion of the armies to new boundaries with small losses Kutuzov's award (the project of artist N.I.Moskaleva) ordering front, army; for the skilful organization of operation of large connections on struggle against superior forces of the opponent and preservation of the armies in constant readiness for resolute approach.

    [LEFT] [IMG]http://gym6.narod.ru/1/63/images/ords/015.jpg[/IMG]

    [CENTER][LEFT][COLOR=Red][B]23)Alexander's award Neva[/B][/COLOR]
    Competition on figure of an award of Alexander Neva was won by architect I.S.Telyatnikov. The artist used the staff from shortly before that film which has left on screens "Alexander Nevsky" where in a leaging role Soviet actor Nikolay Tcherkasov was removed. Its structure in this role has been reproduced in figure of the future award. The medallion with Alexander Nevskogo's portrait image is in the center of a five-pointed red star from which silver beams depart; on edges - ancient Russian military attributes - crossed sword, an onions and a quiver with arrows.


    [LEFT][COLOR=Red][/COLOR][CENTER][LEFT][COLOR=Red][B]24)Award of Glory[/B][/COLOR]
    In October, 1943 N.I.Moskaleva's project has been approved by Supreme commander in chief. The color of a tape of the future award of Glory offered by the artist - оранжево-black, repeating colors of the most honourable fighting award of pre-revolutionary Russia - sacred George's awards is simultaneously approved.

    [LEFT] [IMG]http://gym6.narod.ru/1/63/images/ords/023a.jpg[/IMG]
    [LEFT][COLOR=Red][B]25)Award "Victory"[/B][/COLOR]
    The decree from November, 8th, 1943 had been founded an award, its statute and the description of a sign are approved. In the statute it has been told: "Award" the Victory » as the maximum military award, awards persons of the maximum command structure of Red Army for successful carrying out of such fighting operations, in scale of several or one front as a result of which conditions in favour of Red Army » radically varies.


    [LEFT][COLOR=Red][B]26)Ushakov's award[/B][/COLOR]
    Awards of a name of great naval commanders could be award officers of Navy fleet « for outstanding merits in the organization, a management and maintenance of fighting operations and for the successes reached as a result of these operations in fights for the Native land ».

    [CENTER][LEFT] [IMG]http://gym6.narod.ru/1/63/images/ords/027_2.jpg[/IMG]

    [LEFT][COLOR=Red][B]27)Nakhimov's award[/B][/COLOR]
    On the sketch of an award of Nakhimov a star five anchors, turned by rods to a medallion with a portrait of admiral from figure of Century made F.Timma. Nakhimov's award is subdivided on two degrees. I the degree of an award of Nakhimov should become gold, the second - silver. Beams of a star on award I of a degree were made of rubies. For a tape of an award of Nakhimov the combination of colors of an award of George - orange with black has been taken.


    The award - one of forms of encouragement, the certificate of a recognition of special merits.
    The basic awards are:
    Assignment of a rank of the Hero of Russia, the Hero of work, honorary titles, rewarding by awards, medals, certificates of honour, diplomas, premiums, badges, entering in the Book of honour or on the Honour roll, the announcement of gratitude, etc.
    The greatest test for Armed forces, all Soviet people was Great Domestic War 1941 - 1945 which has ended with a full victory over fascism. It had world-wide-historical value, has rendered huge influence on all post-war development of mankind.
    The Soviet armed forces have relieved mankind of threat фашисткого enthralment, have rescueed a world civilization, have assisted many people of the Europe in clearing of fascist slavery.
    The Soviet Armed forces have executed the international duty and concerning captured militaristic Japan of people of Asia, first of all China, Korea, Vietnam.
    For feats on fronts Volikoj of Domestic war 11603 soldiers have been awarded ranks of the Hero of Soviet Union, 104 from them have received this rank twice, and K.Zhukov, I.N.Kozhedub and A.I.Pokryshkin - three times.
    Awards and medals was награждено more than 7 million person.
    10900 fighting awards are handed over to connections, parts and the ships of the Soviet Armed forces.
    With unprecedented courage the Soviet guerrillas, civil guardsmen and underground workers battled to the enemy.
    Economic base of victorious Great Domestic war was a socialist national economy, skilful mobilization and the organization of all forces and means of the state for a victory over the enemy. In the USSR was созданно the harmonious military facilities, the unity of front and rear is reached. The Soviet people have shown mass labour героиз, have made a feat, equal to which the history yet did not know.
    Soviet Union within war made the weapon and military technics in 2 times more and better quality, than fascist Germany.
    Our industry has let out (since July, 1st 1941 on September, 1st 1945) 134,1 thousand planes, 102,8 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery installations, 825,2 thousand instruments and mortars.
    Morally - political unity, the Soviet patriotism, friendship of people of the multinational Soviet state, fair and noble purposes of war, boundless love to the Native land, burning hatred to the enemy gave rise in the ranks of the Soviet Army Navy fleet to mass heroism.
    Great Domestic war was hardest of all wars of world history. War has carried away more than 20 million lives of the Soviet people that made 40 % of all human losses in the second world war. More the Soviet Armed forces have lost than 3 million soldiers at clearing people of the Europe and Asia.
    Fascists have ruined thousand cities, settlements, villages and villages of Soviet Union.
    The total sum of damage to a national economy and separate citizens from direct destruction and plunder has made 679 billion rbl.

    Among the founded awards were:

    [*]the Award of domestic war
    [*]Suvorov's Award
    [*]Kutuzov's Award
    [*]Alexander Nevskogo's Award
    [*]Award Bogdan Khmelnitskiy
    [*]the Award of Glory
    [*]the Award "Victory"
    [*]Ushakov's Award
    [*]Nakhimov's Award
    [*]the Award of the Red Banner
    [*]Lenin's Award
    [*]the Award of the Red Star

    Among the founded medals were:

    [*]For defense of Leningrad
    [*]For defense of Odessa
    [*]For defense of Sevastopol
    [*]For defense Stalingrad
    [*]For defense of Moscow
    [*]For defense of Kiev
    [*]For defense of Caucasus
    [*]For defense Soviet Arctic
    [*]to the Guerrilla of Domestic War
    [*]For clearing of Belgrad
    [*]For clearing of Warsaw
    [*]For clearing of Prague
    [*]For a capture of Budapest
    [*]For capture Keninsberg
    [*]For a capture of the Vein
    [*]For a capture of Berlin
    [*]For a victory over Germany in Great Domestic war 1941 - 1945 гг
    [*]For valorous work in Great Domestic war 1941 - 1945 гг
    [*]For a victory over Japan
    [*]the Gold Star
    [*]For courage
    [*]For services in battle
    [*]Ushakov's Medal
    [*]Nakhimov's Medal
    [*]the Breastplate "Guards"
    Tomcat likes this.
  2. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    Rus, are these medals photos of ones you own yourself?
  3. ||***|Rus|***||

    ||***|Rus|***|| Member

    May 9, 2010
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    No, certainly, at me in family were at war all. Both the grandmother was the nurse and the grandfather has reached Berlin. I have many awards from this collection, but not all
    C.Evans likes this.
  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Nice site and thanks for it.
  5. will382

    will382 Member

    Apr 11, 2009
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    Nice guide - would be good to see some photos of the awards you have.
  6. AndyPants

    AndyPants Ace

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Hey will382 good to see you back posting again, always good to have an informative member about!
  7. will382

    will382 Member

    Apr 11, 2009
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    Cheers Andy - I'm liking the new "T" next to your name! Did you ever get any of my PMs or emails? I never got a reply, so wasn't sure if they were getting through?
  8. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Will, "T" is for Troublemakers :lol::lol: Just kidding ;-))
  9. sergejs

    sergejs recruit

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Are anybody interesting to increase his collection of the Soviet awards of WWII period or get Arhival research of the Soviet orders or medals from his collection.
    To my mind it is very curious to know for example that Order of the Red Star you have was awarded for shooting down of German bomber or Medal for Bravery was awarded for puting out of action German tank, isn't it?
  10. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I wouldnt mind starting a collection of the "Best of" badges and such but I aint paying the high prices being asked for them.
  11. sergejs

    sergejs recruit

    Sep 21, 2010
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    I am ready to discuss with you in private correspondence prices for some military or labor "Best of" badges that could be accepted by you.

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