Posting this in Living History, as seems appropriate to the folk who search and picture the stuff. Anyone interested in ww2 wreckage? Probably seen by most...but tons out there... Scroll down to select pictures of wreckage HMS Charybdis U767 Wreckage English channel click on images today. uk peak district Mostly jungle found wrecks..aircraft with individual stories. Self explanatory...HMS Hood
Correction one of the links is to HMS linbourne not HMS CH.. Was just looking for any pics if they existed of one particular UBOAT, and found this lot in quick succession... There must be hundreds of these sites. Some of the more interesting ones are of Scapa Flow but related to ww1 German high fleet scuttling rather than ww2. Some good pics out there. Most seem to be responsible divers or expedition people, bet there are plenty of looters out there too, but nice to see some are interested for other reasons