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Site Virus Warning Procedure

Discussion in 'WWII Forums News' started by Otto, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    Don't panic. I'm making this thread because I've received a couple emails around this topic so I thought I'd address what to do if your anti-virus software gives any sort of warning when you visit this site.

    First thing first. I see no indication of any malware or virus concerns with the forums. I've done repeated scans using Virustotal.com and mother Google's Safe Browsing Site Status, both of which give a clean bill of health. I do these sort of scans quite often.

    From time to time, hackers may insert malicious content into web advert services which get distributed anywhere those ads are displayed. In this scenario, the site itself would be clean, but a visitor might still get sent malware due to it being loaded along with the site. I've not seen any evidence of this either, and these concerns are generally resolved very quickly by the advertisers.

    Unfortunately the couple messages I received from users did not come with any information I can follow up on or take action on.So, if you do get some sort of warning when you browse this site, please do the following:

    1) Take a copy of the alert logs for the message you receive. Ideally, we can get a text export of the alerted info which will contain all the info I might need. A screencap of any warning is just as helpful in a pinch.

    2) Make note of your Anti-Virus software, including the brand and version name (Norton 360, Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium, etc)‎.

    3) The operating system (Windows 7, macOS 10.12 Sierra, Windows 10, etc) and web browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, FireFox) in use.

    This info would provide a useful direction when chasing down reports of such activity. To reach me you can always Private Message me via the forum, or better still email me at the address in my signature.

    Again, we are be all credible measures clean, but given the warnings I'll feel better when I can verify for myself that any odd reports are false positives or some misconfiguration issue.
    Skipper likes this.
  2. OpanaPointer

    OpanaPointer I Point at Opana Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Here you go, the alert from the smilie thread.

    Using Win10.

    Attached Files:

    Otto likes this.
  3. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    I got one also, ran a virus scan, but didn't find anything.
  4. TD-Tommy776

    TD-Tommy776 Man of Constant Sorrow

    Jun 3, 2011
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    The Land of 10,000 Loons
    I have no viruses that I am aware of...
  5. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    The alert was generated by this post here:
    The alert was for "URL:Mal" which means an outside malware URL triggered it, not WW2F. A few of the images that Fred Wilson inserted into his post were from the domain hxxp://ozreport.com/... and that domain must have done something naughty in the past. (Note that "http" has been replaced with "hxxp" to avoid the creation of a link to the site)

    I've removed the problem links in Fred Wilson's post and attached the images locally, so there are no more connections to the site in question.

    Thanks again for letting me know, always appreciate a heads-up.
    TD-Tommy776 and lwd like this.
  6. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    Man you're good. Now that you mention it, that's exactly where I encountered the malware warning.

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