Yeah, some one on this forum (waaay back) claimed he'd been in service in Vietnam in a Chieftain that turned out to be a mild steel prototype....
Strategy is the conduct of a war (or campaign), tactics is the conduct of a battle.
Only too pleased to help. :grin:
Like Ricky said, smooth 3D curvatures are easier to achieve from a casting. And although cast armour may be of a lower quality that is more than...
Apparently ALL Ospreys so far built have the hardpoints with provision for wiring already in the wing (2 per side) and plans are to carry a...
There's a Hollywood "thing" about getting Brits (or non-Americans) to play bad guys, especially in action films. Die Hard (Brit playing a...
Re: cast vs built up Manufacturing a casting is easier overall. You need skilled labour to make the master and then you can produce mould...
11.6 metres - 38 ft. According to what I found on Google.
Should a belly landing be necessary then the props would bend or break off - look at photos of WWII fighters that landed with no undercarriage.
Yes there is cross-coupling between power plants. That was one of the big problems in getting it to work - having a drive shaft that ran the full...
From the link in my previous post. and Meteor didn't see air-air combat (the link also says that the Meatbox pilots were keen to try out...
The turret retaining ring is designed to take a steady known load in particular directions - heavy shock loading (such as an internal explosion or...
Advanced in what manner? The germans already had jet aircraft, and no resources to reverse-engineer and produce anything they did capture....
Actually there is a need to counter-balance. Bearing useful life (L50) depends upon loading - if the front of the turret ring is more heavily...
Tut tut Roxy... Time AND money AND etc... addition, not multiplication. In addition to which the penultimate statement is demonstrably wrong....
Tanks that were meant to wade ashore for D-Day had their turret rings sealed with a caulking "gunk" to prevent ingress of water. IIRC Warrior for...
salaciously seduced Simon
Supposedly because of typical MoD parsimony - the sat-link communication system was on a frequency that could be interfered with by the radars...
They way I heard it from RN contacts was that we weren't tremendously bothered by Exocet, because it was weapon we'd had for some time and knew...