I don't know about then, but while living in France in 2000-2001, the government didn't recognize the marrriage of the church. You had to have a...
Everyone in France is political! even the politically neutral!:D
Let's not forget the inteligence gathered by the French Resistance. With out the detailed info of the fortifications, troop placement, etc. D-Day...
The world has chosen to ignor what happened in Russia (USSR) after the war. Stalin was as bad as Hitler when dealing with people who didn't agree...
There is an overimportance put on the Spitfire, it was a great airplane, but the Huricane was the backbone of the British fighter force and truley...
I think it's more appropriate to say: "Ci vous attaquez directement, vous etais finir!" "Forest Ardennes Qu'es que ce ca? Ce ne pas possible...
Read the book "Solders of the Night; The Story of the French Resistance" - David Schoenbrun, He talks about French army officers caching weapons...
We must also remeber that despite their having the Army to conquer the world, the French were very slow to react to the movement of the German...
And to think if you had a box of those ornaments today, you could sell them on ebay for lots of $$$.
And if you don't like it, the "religious" had the right to worship in concentration camps!
I have never been able to get used to this. Every time I see footage I am shocked at the level of barbarity people have sunk to. I wonder what...
That is very interesting. I know there are different 20 mm shells, different .30 cal ammo and the like that can't be interchange. It would be...
Thanks for the reply, was the ammunition from the different copies interchangeable?
During the war thousands of Bibles and New Testiments were handed out by the Gideons. These are the same as you may find in hotel rooms. Is there...
Nicknames/screennames earned or given in endearment are always the coolest!:cool:
I am familiar with many small arms of WWII, but with the 81mm I am not. I have been told it was a great weapon, Just how good was it, in the right...
As an evangelical christian, I would never impose my beliefs on another, although I can argue my point intelectually with anyone who is truly...
Although there were many attacks on Germans by certain resistants, the Germans themselves tried to live "at peace" in Paris publicly. The secret...
I find secret societies more offensive than a Neo goofball wearing a Swastika. I have known people in the KKK that are truly frightening....
This is something I noted in reading about Russian aircraft designers, make boss joey stalin mad and you design from behind bars. I guess that...