Hi I am trying to collect together any information about the women who joined the MTC. They seem to have been largely forgotton and there...
D-Day: Interview with Two U.S. 2nd Ranger Battalion Members Who Describe the Attack at Pointe-du-Hoc U.S. Army General Omar Bradley described...
"To create heroic legends, successful and heroic objectives are necessary, and what better one can there be, than to sacrifice oneself so that...
With the exception of Pearl Harbour on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, the majority of the Pacific World War II battlefields are remote, and...
Share Some WW2 Facts here: - The first German serviceman killed in the war was killed by the Japanese (China, 1937) - The highest ranking...
Lets come up with some poorly thought out plans in WW2. Well we have to start somewhere and try to figure out which was the worst planned war...
In a special hospital in Moscow for men severely wounded in the head and face laid V. Dolgin, a 26-year-old Ukrainian, who was maltreated and left...
I have heard Market Garden described my uncle a paratrooper himself, as one of the biggest "military screw ups ever, and Montgomery missed the...
Doies anyone know why the Germans on thier retreat from Paris did not raise the city, I have always found it curious that they left it intact?
[IMG] Newly Arrived Indian Troops in Singapore Singapore was Britain's largest military base in South East Asia. The Japanese had recently...
The Kaoru Airborne Raiding Detachment, November 1944 The Kaoru Airborne Raiding Detachment was formed as an element of the Guerrilla Unit...
Omaha Beach If there is one place where the Landings nearly failed, it is, of course, Omaha Beach. Although the place chosen for the...
Found this to be a very good read, but what made think it is a litte biased!! On 1st September 1944 Eisenhower took over formal command of all...
For the campaign against the Soviet Union, the Germans allotted three army groups, totalling approximately 3.3 million men, along with 1 million...
Oberarzt Dr Rolf Karl Ernst Jager Rolf Jager was born in Klein Kunterstein in the Graudenz on 1 November 1912. He joined the military on 15...
Case of Tomas Haller Cooper Thomas Haller Cooper was born in Chiswick, London, on 29 August 1919. His Father, Ashley Cooper, was a...
MaJ Gen Maczek had brought his Polish 1st Armoured Division up onto the heights above Coudehard when he swung his advance eastwards around Trun on...
American infantry escort Oberst von Aulock into captivity. His dogged defence of St Malo against Maj Gen Middleton's VIII Corps earned him the...
Status Operation Uranus was the Russian Counter-Attack at Stalingrad from 19th - 30th November 1942. As Friedrich von Paulus's 6th Army were...
[img] Operation "Neptune/Overlord" were the code names for the 6 June 1 944 D-Day Landings on the Normandy coast of German-occupied France....