Born at Sandown, Isle of Wight, on 2nd October 1912, he was educated at Marlborough and Sandhurst. Commissioned into The East Surrey Regiment on...
The invasion of France on June 6, 1944 was a triumph of intelligence, coordination, secrecy, and planning. The bold attack was also a tremendous...
John McCloy was president of the World Bank (1947-49) before replacing Lucius Clay, as High Commissioner for Germany. Soon after taking office...
Introduction The case of William Joyce must be one of the most famous treason trials in British legal history. Due to the legal issues...
The Current Pope.. Benedict XVI, a German born in Bavaria named Josef (or Joseph) Alois Ratzinger; He entered the seminary in 1939, but his...
At the time of the landings, there were 60 German divisions in the West waiting for the Allies to strike. It sounds like an impressively large...
The two armies that faced each other across the beaches in the early hours of 6 June 1944 were vastly different in almost every way. One was very...
General Dwight Eisenhower was chosen as Supreme Commander for Overlord because of his success with other landings in other theatres. He had...
After more than 60 years of silence, World War II's most enduring and horrible secret is being nudged into the light of day. One by one the...
Defense against amphibious attack at sea remained a Kriegsmarine responsibility and the navy had both deep-water mines and coastal mines for this...
Since the War has come to the homeland, active service for women's organizations attached to the fighting forces has taken on an even more...
[IMG] "Young man, you did a fine thing to give up your film career to fight for your country. Mark you, had you not done so − it would have been...
The Stewart family had deep military roots: both grandfathers had fought in the Civil War, and his father had served during both the...
Stalin’s Winter Offensive Never having visited the Front himself, Stalin decides on a wholesale offensive from Finland to the Black Sea. By...
In 1939 Russia extended its border at the expense of several neighbouring countries but Finland refuses to be coerced. Poland was not the only...
In October 1939, accepting the fact that the conquest of Poland, however impressive, would not prompt Great Britain and France to withdraw from...
There are times when one finds oneself eye witnessing history, yet not fully realizing the implication of what one saw at the time. Such an...
War came in earnest for the Allies in May 1940, when Hitler invaded France, striking hardest where least expected. General Maurice Gamelin, the...
18th April 1941 , Africa Corps, Rommel, El Agheila. x_NKeZ9J2KM