I incidentally found about these projects: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-class_battleship_proposals What do you think? Did you ever heard about...
mutt71! Thank you for joining war44 forums. Here you can introduce yourself to the other board members. Thanks, Jim
Etappenschweine = Rear swine. Frontline troops’ name for rear service troops. Combat soldiers generally despised the rear service troops, a...
So, which was the decisive battle or when was the real turning point? Numerous operations and battles have been referred to as the “Turning...
England was an island under siege. Her expeditionary force that had been sent to the Continent in late 1939 to whip Adolf Hitler had just been...
A flight of Luftwaffe transport planes carrying Lieutenant General Hans Graf von Sponeck and elements of his German 22nd Air Landing Division was...
In the predawn hours of June 13, 1944, a jet-propelled German missile, designated the V–1, left a launching pad in the Pas de Calais area of...
Sergeant Norman Jackson completed his tour of 30 missions, but on the night of 26 April 1944 he volunteered to make one more sortie. The target...
Known as The Cat, Mathilde Carré was a divorced French army nurse who was recruited into the INTERALLIÉ resistance organization in 1940. She was...
The capture of a Soviet T-34 medium tank on the Eastern Front led directly to the development of the German Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, which...
This review was by Hamilton Fyfe who during the war years was renown for the reviews he wrote regarding War Books. As I have been looking...
Glad you could find us Melissa Young! Here you can introduce yourself to the other board members. Thanks, Jim
The bald cartoon character peeking over and gripping a wall, who, widely appearing as wartime graffiti, had his origins with British cartoonist...
World War II was the first conflict in which a substantial number of deaths were inflicted by aircraft. In some cases the numbers were enormous....
The first command vehicle in British service was the Morris 762kg/ 15cwt. This came into service in 1937 but was far too small to be of any real...
Karl Doenitz (1891-1980) Nationality: German [img] Senior position: Commander-In-Chief German Navy. Final rank: Admiral. Doenitz...
A road and rail junction with enemy troop concentration area, S. E. of Nijmegen and beyond the Reichswald Forest, Cleves was captured by...
Water-Donkey was the Germans name for their new decoy craft. This dummy U-Boat was hauled by a real submarine by means of a lengthy tow-rope. (1)...
"I speak in the name of the entire German people when I assure the world that we all share the honest wish to eliminate the enmity that brings far...
Born in London on 17 June 1902, Forest Frederick Edward Yeo-Thomas was the son of British parents of Welsh ancestry, and grew up in Dieppe and...