My grandfather was in the 431st AAW for four years. I am attempting to track down which Battery he served in. His name was Lloyd Tothero. I am somewhat confident that he was in Battery C, but I don't have any solid evidence. I sent for some of the 431st records in the Eisenhower Library in Kansas, but I was unsuccessful in finding anything relating to him. Like all of you, the best information so far has been the battalion history. I'm willing to look up any names in the monthly battle reports that I have. Just send me a PM or post to this website. Brian
The records at the EPL are usually not complete. Have you checked with NARA II at College Park, MD to see if they have additional documents?
Here is the link to the complete booklet on Dropbox: Dave
Hi I realize that this is a old thread. My Dad was the 431st. If anyone could email me PDF, I will share with my sisters and Grandkids, and be very grateful. Windsurf1002 @ Hotmail Dot com
Gary, your best option at this time is to try getting a copy of the Unit History through the library-lend program. Take the info about the book (shown in the link) to your local library and they should be able to have a copy sent to them for you to check out. The 431st AAA AW bn (M) Memories of three years overseas. (Book, 1945) [] I've done this a number of times and unless someone's copy is so fragile they don't want to ship it, it's worked very well. Since the book was published on the taxpayer's nickel, you can scan it. The Dropbox link didn't work for me either. Dave hasn't been around here in sometime. Steve
Thanks for the reply. I have looked into the library intra loan. I found a copy in Illinois , one, my own library feels they will not loan it, due to age, have not requested it yet, as it will take some time , even if they WILL lend it. I am away from home for 6weeks, so will request on return. I also see one copy in Richmond, VA, which I will be near on my travels that I may try.
I know this is an old post, but is the booklet available online or to email? My great uncle was in the 431st AAA AW Battalion, Battery B. John Michael DeBasi, 11 July 1918 to 04 May 1990, Pittsburgh, PA. Here is a link to his discharge papers. Ancestry - Sign In
Hello, I know this is a very old post but I was wondering if anyone may have a pdf of the Battalion History they may be able to share? My Grandfather was an officer (either 2nd LT or Captain) in the 431st and I am trying to learn more about his service and any locations and dates. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Steve
Steve, try the inter-library loan route. It's worth a shot. I managed to find part one on my computer. Send me your email in my profile page and I'll send it to you. Lou
Mr. Russo, I see that this thread is from years ago; however, I am desperately trying to read the book entitled the 431st aaa aw bn Memories of three years overseas. I am conducting research on that Battalion for a very dear friend whose Grandfather served in that Battalion. I have been able to find a bit of information but not much. I know that he arrived in the MTO in February 1944 then in November the Battalion went to Corsica to ship to the ETO and arrived in Marseilles, France on November 8th. I have a bit more on their events through the Rhineland campaign and Central Europe but I don't know if I am accurate. Is there anyone that would help me obtain more detail on the efforts of the battalion from February 1944-end of 1945? Thank you in advance, Joe
Here is what I have. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost the rest. Send me your email and I'll send what I have.
Melody, I started cleaning out my grandfathers attic today. I found a battalion photo with Battery B. If you send me an email I can send you a copy of it within a few days. I think it is Batt B. I will look to see if I recognize him and let you know. Brian
Hello All. New member here. I, like many before, have come to this thread looking for the PDF of this book. My grandfather was in the 431 and my dad never likes to talk about his memories of his service. I found a photo of his tombstone which led me to learn his battalion. If anyone still has the PDF and can share, it would be much appreciated.
Hi All, I have a copy of the PDF. If you would like it, send me a PM with your email and I will get it to you. I am interested in any other records that you all may have as well. Thanks.