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Also in Carius' book.....exoneration???

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by wilconqr, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. wilconqr

    wilconqr Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    Pass Christian, Mississippi
    The more books that I read about the German point of view, the greater understanding I have of the way the German soldier fought in WWII - his ideals, convictions, beliefs and so on...consequently many of my own opinions have taken a 180 degree turn in favor of the German; however, there is one thing in particular that I have read in the "Forward" of Otto Carius' book "Tigers in the Mud" that absolutly appals me- gravesites in Bremen, Hamburg and Bonn dedicated to the "unknown deserter" - you've got to be kidding! Anyone??? [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi W, I would not look at it as appalling. After-all, the Germans are now modeled in the slick willi mold--look at their current Govt.

    Anyway, I like you, after reading so many books from the Germans POV, I have began to understand a bit the kind of war they went through. I don't think Carius was making a sick statement but, I think he only wanted to make sure all of those who served--got a chance to be remembered.

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