i was just reading the thread and oh well i have never met someone like that and i hope i never do. ( it was funny in a realy offesive way) :angry: :evil: I would prefer to be in a B-17
A former member whose considerable knowledge on certain subjects (Especially the Sherman and its variants) was unfortunately over-shadowed by his mercurial temper. Banned once, he was the only person so far to have had a banning lifted, and was subsequently re-banned a short while later. I'd post a link showing why he was re-banned but considering the language he used... Edit, the link is there on the first page, but as a warning he uses much worse words than "Damn" so you might want to give it a miss.
from a my third person perspective it is quite funny :lol: and i can relate it kinda to people. which in away has nothing to do with the topic of B-17 vs B-24
I think you would have to be pretty sick to joke about that. Those are your fellow countrymen being slaughtered in planes that can fly as high as yours, and they can joke about that?
Joking about death happens in every group that consists of people that faces the same life threatening situations. It eases the tension when they face the life threatening situations. I have own personal experiences about joking about death with my friends who have to face the same risks of being killed and accidentally freak other people that aren't familiarized with the subject. Joking about death, when you face it, in my observation seems to make people less afraid of it. Better to laugh at it rather than go fetal and whimper as the possibility of death will be discussed. Hard things to say, but I bet the people 60 years ago knew that they were just "joking".