Hello. Sorry to disturb. My name is Marian Madalin, a male engineer from Bucharest, Romania. I want to build a P51 Mustang Replica for display, I have some sponsors here who help me with free materials and services. I want to use the drawings of mr. Marcel Jurca to do the parts and assembly, but the drawings are in PDF, and I want an assumed, responsible, serious volunteer CAD engineer to help me redraw the drawings from the PDF and put them into DXF files, so it can be easily cut on CNC from plywood, aluminium, steel etc... I have some progress on the frames and formers (pictures in private). The Mustang will be displayed for a new aviation museum project I am currently developing. The CAD engineer will be mentioned on the sponsor's list on the project website.
People, I do not really understand you. And also my mind refuses to do so. If you cannot help yourself, in person, why do you instead point to useless and time consuming alternatives ??? What a crazy world we live in !
I'm not an expert on CAD, but I do know creative in the restoration game, one building a fly-by-wire Trifokker. the entire And I don't claim to representative of entire population of the board.
I highly recommend these guys. Purchase WWII & Legacy Aircraft Drawings and Manuals | AirCorps Library They have an extensive library and you couldn't find more friendly people. Schematics, drawings and information on hundreds of aircraft. And please realize Cultural differences can cause confusion. Let alone Wars.