Felix Steiner who ranks as one of the most innovative commanders of the Waffen-SS. He skillfully commanded the SS-Deutschland Regiment through the invasions of Poland, France and the Low Countries. He was then chosen by Himmler to oversee the creation of, and then command the volunteer SS Division, SS-Division Wiking
Sorry USMC, only those who have the correct answer can post the next pic and Jagd has not stated who has the correct one yet. Note: that's von Kluge anyway
I think i'm right... correct me if i'm wrong Pzjgr but i'm just going to continue on... Who is this man? View attachment 9737
Please do not cut in front of the current 'Quiz Commander' until he has given the answer to the question, one quiz question at a time.
Hint: He served along side Rommel in the Afrika Korps View attachment 9786 Also a personal friend of the Field Marshal
ok , let's try this again... Hint#2 if you read the Rommel papers he assisted the Rommel Family in editing. He also has a small section in the book which describes his expierences with Rommel.