You are using a line from Mein Kampf as your 'evidence' that Germany wanted to attack the west in 1939. It's just patently absurd. So Hitler wanted to postpone the attack on Poland to attack France, as proved by Mein Kampf. Really, your 'arguments' are just absurd. Now, to 'The Forced War' - I started reading at "Lord Halifax's Double Game" - check this ... Hugh Wilson, U.S. ambassador to Germany, in 1938.... "an English-German understanding is Hitler's first principle of diplomacy in 1938, just as it was in 1934, or in 1924 when he wrote Mein Kampf" Here is a line from Hoggan you might like ... Hitler - "It is my unalterable decision to smash Czechosolvakia by military action in the near future"
Intention (of Hitler) in the spring was to defer the solution of the Polish question, ... in order to first carry out the, ..., inevitable conflict in the West. but the prerequisites for his original intentions had changed, because [an] attempt at a compromise was disrupted by England, and now this conflict with Poland was undesired, it was also necessary. So initially it was France first, Poland second - later it was Poland first, France second. Negotiations didn't matter, he planned an invasion of France before "attempt at a compromise was disrupted by England" - in the spring of 1939.
German war games and planning in the 1930s leaves no doubt that leaders in the armed forces expected war with Poland and France no matter who was in charge of the government. Read the information at the link below, and pay close attention to the following statement: Vego, Milan. German War Gaming. Naval War College Review (Vol. 65 / No.4) 2012.
I have read the German generals had nothing against attacking Poland but they feared there would be another long trench war against the west.
I read from earlier quotes and Chamberlain commented after Munich 1938 on Hitler:" The commonmest little dog I have ever met."
Without the Molotov pact Hitler would not have attacked Poland. He did not want a two-front war. Making the pact he made the USSR out of the war and he could put the Eastern front in the pact without any feelings of guilt. He only wanted the back protected and the Allied feared the Siegfried line. All was for Hitler. The close countries were not army wise important. He wanted their gold and many without which Nazis would have been destroyed. Read The Schacht if you think otherwise. You will be surprised how close the end of Nazis were.