...usually it's a combination/web of problems in modern air crashes with human error greatly involved ...I saw a B-17 fly ''slowly'' and fairly low right over us...very majestic, very loud ..this plane did not have fly-by-wire controls--it is ''man-handled'' yes?--so how much of an effect does that have with bringing it in with an engine not working properly?? lot's of drag here and there?
The props are feathered to reduce drag to minimal...I'm sure the pilots are trained for this sort of problem...Theres been a number of warbirds having had gear failure (I'm not sure why though) if the 17 came down hard one or more could have failed and that would explain the ground movements...training will only help you so far in that instance.
Yes, the NTSB reports that #4 engine had been feathered, as those blades were in the feathered position. The landing gear has been reported as extended. However, they took out some 30+ runway lights, which may have punctured a tire. They hit the first 1000 feet out from the runway, and touched down 500 feet from the runway. But, the preliminary NTSB report does not mention the tires or any damage to them. Fuel contamination has essentially been ruled out, as testing of fuel from the truck, and from #3 engine tanks found no anomalies. Also no other aircraft fuelled from the truck experienced any trouble.