Takao Takao, Very helpful answer, thank you. I was off course, and you have steered me back in the right direction. I appreciate everyone's answers. In case of interest to anyone, I had been looking at French pre-WW2 graving docks, and here is what I have found so far. Should be fairly complete for French navy operated graving docks, but probably very incomplete for commercial: Port Dock, Type, Dimensions, Military/Commercial Brest Laninon Dock 8, Graving Dock, 250x36 m, Military Dock Laninon Dock 9, Graving Dock 250x36 m, Military Dock Pontaniou No. 2, Graving Dock 178x27 m, Military Dock Pontaniou No. 3, Graving Dock 178x33 m, Military Dock Bassin Redoub Commerce No. 1, 225 m, Commercial Dock Cherbourg Forme du Homet, Graving Dock 249x36 m, Military Dock St. Nazaire Louis Joubert Lock, Graving Dock, 350 m, Commercial Dock Bassin 1, 241 m Bassin 2, 200 m Toulon Missiessy Basin No. 1, Graving Dock, 202x30 m, Military Dock Missiessy Basin No .2, Graving Dock, 202x30 m, Military Dock Missiessy Basin No. 3, Graving Dock, 179x30 m, Military Dock Vauban Grands Bassins 1-2, Graving Dock, 250 - 408 x40m, Military Dock Vauban Grands Bassins 3-4, Graving Dock, 250 - 408 x40 m, Military Dock Le Havre No. 7 Dock, Graving Dock, 319x38 m, Commercial Dock Bizerte Dock No. 2, Graving Dock, 254x40 m, Military Dock Graving Dock, 203X30m, Military Dock Graving Dock, 203x30m, Military Dock Graving Dock, 92x15m, Military Dock Oran Graving Dock, ?, Commercial Graving Dock, ?, Commercial Alger Graving Dock, 138x26m, Commercial Graving Dock, 80x22m, Commercial Dakar Graving Dock, 198m, ? Floating Drydock, ? Casablanca Floating Drydock, 150x25m, ? Floating Drydock, 150x25m, ? Floating Drydock, 80x22m, ? Floating Drydock, 80x22m, ? Fort de France Graving Dock, 190x25m, ? Here is what I have found for facilities that can build large capital ships: Port, Dock, Dimensions Brest Salou No. 4, Building Dock, 200x40 m St. Nazaire Forme Caquot, Building Dock, 325x46 m Penhoet No. 1 Slipway, Slipway, 315x36 m
There were a thread or two over on the Axis history forum that went into details about the slips available to some of the powers prior to and during the war. Not directly related to the above but you might find them of interest.
Link to the old 2009 AHF thread, Mescal's response on French dry docks: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?p=1396682#p1396682
As @GJPBoston noted, the drydocks at Brest were 250m long, which is probably why the Richelieu class battleships were 248m. Bismarck and Tirpitz were 251m, one meter too long to be docked at Brest unless they squeezed them in on an angle as in the photo @Takao provided. This is what made the Normandie dock at St. Nazaire so important.