Indeed incredible after Crete Hitler turned the Fallshirmjäger to Basic infantry. In a way I understand yet..
Goring was determined to maintain and expand his empire and continued forming FJ divisions long after there was any prospect of large-scale airborne operations. He also insisted on forming Luftwaffe Field Divisions rather than allowing "his" personnel to be used to fill the depleted ranks of the regular army.
January 31, 1943, Beketovka, near Stalingrad. Captured German generals before meeting with commander of the 64th Soviet Army general N. Shumilov. From right to left: Friedrich Paulus, General-Feldmarshal, commanding general of 6th Army, Arthur Schmidt, General-lieutenant, Chief of the 6th Army Staff; Wilhelm Adam, Colonel, Adjutant for Gen. Paulus February 4 1943. Paulus meets with other German generals, captured in Stalingrad. 1. Generalleutnant Alexander Edler von Daniels. 2. Generalleutnant Hans-Heinrich Sixt von Arnim. 3. Generaloberst Walter Heitz. 4. Oberst Wilhelm Adam. 5. Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus.
crete This was the point of view of the one man on the German side who counted, Adolf Hitler. “Crete proved that the days of the parachute troops are over,” he told Student at a July 17 reception in honor of bearers of the Ritterkreuz (Knight’s Cross). Paratroops had lost the element of surprise, Hitler said. Student, shaken by the loss of so many of the men he had trained personally, called Crete the “graveyard of the German airborne force.” Never again would the Wehrmacht launch a large-scale airborne operation. Hitler's Last Airdrop: Crete 1941
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They planned one more major operation, the assault on Malta (Operation Herkules) for which they massed troops, aircraft, and gliders; but that was not carried out. This was largely due to lack of confidence in the Italian navy, but the memory of Crete also came into it. Some of the Herkules troops were formed into the Ramcke Parachute Brigade and sent to fight in North Africa. This included II Battalion, 5th FJ Regiment, which suggests that a bit more than one division worth of paratroops were then in service, although the 2d FJ Division was not formed until 1943, to be followed by many more. An interesting airborne operation was conducted in 1943 during the battle for the Primasole Bridge in Sicily. Elements of 1st FJ Division were parachuted in to reinforce German troops already fighting on the ground and helped to recapture the bridge, although it was eventually re-recaptured by the British.
Have you read about the Ramke Brigade? They fought with Rommel in North Africa. What they did after El Alamein was remarkable.
Yes, indeed. I recall seeing alot of photos with Ramcke and Rommel so they must have had a good relationship both in human life and war.
Well, something sadder in ww2.... In one German town, 1,000 people killed themselves in 72 hours In one German town, 1,000 people killed themselves in 72 hours Rather than surrender to the Red Army, citizens of Demmin committed ‘selbstmord’