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Could Operation Sealion really have succeeded?

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Western Front & Atlan' started by GunSlinger86, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    You don't use hurricanes and spitfires against shipping. They are strictly air superiority.

    Therefore RAF would not engage the barges, but provide daylight aircover for the RN, which would sink the barges en masse.

    It's not just a matter of getting the troops on the ground in the UK. That could be achieved. What matters is the ability to keep the troops supplied with petrol, ammunition and food. Without these, they are just a band of ragtag individuals waiting to get rounded up. They weren't going to invade Whitehall by wielding knives.

    The first wave of barges may only suffer 20% losses (some self-sinking in the surf, as the many river barges planned to be used were never intended for duty in the English Channel). But each subsequent attempt to supply the troops would suffer from having less shipping and less shipping, as a result of enemy action, hazards, weather, misfortune, and accident.

    The LW and KM are not the only organisations capable of laying mines... The RN and RAF and also capable of laying mines, and once the exact area of invasion was known...

    Basically, it would've been a massacre,
  2. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    From the Sandhurst wargame:

    "The German attack was launched at dawn on 22 September 1940 and consisted of 8,000 airborne troops and 80,000 infantry landed in amphibious operations. The attack went reasonably well for the first 24 hours, although the Germans lost about 25% of their (unseaworthy) barges which were being used to ferry the forces across the channel. During this 24 hour period the Royal Air Force lost 237 aircraft (about 23% of its fighting strength), the Luftwaffe losses amounted to 333, also about 23% of its aircraft.

    Over the next two days the Germans managed to advance a dozen or so miles inland and even captured the port of Folkestone but the docks had been thoroughly demolished by the British and so it was more or less unusable. However, once the British and Commonwealth forces were moved to fully engage in the battle the Germans' advance halted. At this stage the Germans had few tanks and only light artillery, furthermore an increasing shortage of ammunition was slowly forcing them back towards the sea.

    At dawn on 24 September the second German landing, which was to include tanks and heavy artillery as well as supplies and men, was intercepted by the Royal Navy's destroyers—65% of the barges were sunk. After this the final German surrender was inevitable."

    From Wikipedia's Operation Sealion; "Chances of Success" section:

    "The great majority of military historians believe Operation Sea Lion had little chance of success. Kenneth Macksey asserts it would have been possible only if the Royal Navy had refrained from large-scale intervention and the Germans had assaulted in July 1940 (although Macksey conceded they were unprepared at that time), while others such as Peter Fleming, Derek Robinson and Stephen Bungay believe the operation would have most likely resulted in a disaster for the Germans. Len Deighton and some other writers have called the German amphibious plans a "Dunkirk in reverse". Robinson argues that the massive superiority of the Royal Navy over the Kriegsmarine would have made Sea Lion a disaster.
    Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring, Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, believed the invasion could not succeed and doubted whether the German air force would be able to win control of the skies; nevertheless he hoped that an early victory in the Battle of Britain would force the UK government to negotiate, without any need for an invasion. Adolf Galland, commander of Luftwaffe fighters at the time, claimed invasion plans were not serious and that there was a palpable sense of relief in the Wehrmacht when it was finally called off. Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt also took this view and thought that Hitler never seriously intended to invade Britain and the whole thing was a bluff to put pressure on the British government to come to terms. He observed that Napoleon had failed to invade and the difficulties that confounded him did not appear to have been solved by the Sea Lion planners. In fact, in November 1939, the German Naval staff produced a study on the possibility of an invasion of Britain and concluded that it required two preconditions, air and naval superiority, neither of which Germany ever had. Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz believed air superiority was not enough and admitted, "We possessed neither control of the air or the sea; nor were we in any position to gain it." Grand Admiral Erich Raeder thought it would be impossible for Germany to successfully invade the UK; he instead called for Malta and the Suez Canal to be overrun so German forces could link up with Japanese forces in the Indian Ocean to bring about the collapse of the British Empire in the Far East, and prevent the Americans from being able to use British bases if the United States entered the war."

    From the "Logisitics" section:
    "Four years later the Allied D-Day landings showed just how much material had to be landed continuously to maintain an amphibious invasion. The problem for the Germans was worse, as the German Army was mostly horse-drawn. One of its prime headaches would have been transporting thousands of horses across the Channel. British intelligence calculated that the first wave of 11 divisions (including the airborne divisions) would require a daily average of 3,300 tons of supplies. In fact in Russia in 1941, when engaged in heavy fighting, a single German infantry division required up to 1,100 tons of supplies a day, though a more usual figure would be 212-425 tons per day. British intelligence further calculated that Folkestone, the largest harbour falling within the planned German landing zones, could handle 150 tons per day in the first week of the invasion (assuming all dockside equipment was successfully demolished and regular RAF bombing raids reduced capacity by 50%). Within seven days, maximum capacity was expected to rise to 600 tons per day, once German shore parties had made repairs to the quays and cleared the harbour of any blockships and other obstacles. This meant that, at best, the nine German infantry and two airborne divisions landed initially would receive less than 20% of the 3,300 tons of supplies they required each day through a port, and would have to rely heavily on whatever could be brought in directly over the beaches or air-dropped.
    The capture of Dover and its harbour facilities was expected to add another 800 tons per day, raising to 40% the amount of supplies brought in through ports. However, this rested on the rather unrealistic assumption of little or no interference from the Royal Navy and RAF with the German supply convoys which would have been made up of underpowered (or unpowered, i.e. towed) inland waterways vessels as they shuttled slowly between the Continent to the invasion beaches and any captured harbours."

    Seriously, the assumption that the RN would stay out of the Channel, when the threat facing the Commonwealth was existential, is, to put it mildly, preposterous. The sole purpose of the Home Fleet, is to secure the UK. No sailor of the RN would hesitate, or tarry from their duty. The RN is not known for shirking.
  3. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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  4. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    But it was a result of it at least in part, was it not?

    When can they get them though? And will it be enough? Note that the Germans decided to use barges historically because it's the only way they could get even a marginal force across the channel and that was questionable. Cruisers and destroyers can't carry a very large force in any case and don't have an easy time disembarking it. They are also more vulnerable while carrying and unloading. Then there's what maybe 1 heavy criuser availble, 3 small light cruisers, and less than a dozen DD's. Compare that to what the RN had (~70 cruisers and destroyers). Here are some worthwhile references in that regard, ship availabilities by month and region.
    For RN DDs: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=152290
    For RN cruisers: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=147623&p=1293378&hilit=cruisers#p1293378
    For KM cruisers: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=147373&p=1282331&hilit=availability#p1282331
    For Sealion escorts: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=119718

    But when do they become available? Certainly not before the middle of June with the armistace with France. Then setting them up with LW facilities is going to take a bit. You can operate out of them a bit sooner but availabilty will suffer and operational losses will increase. Then consider that the LW is going to be badly over tasked. For instance if you designate say N fighters as devoted to CAP over the invasion fleet you will be lucky if 1/3 are over the fleet at any one point in time. Now you also have to assign fighter to escort bombers and the transport aircraft. So if the RAF decides to concentrate they can engage fragments of the LW at a significant numerical advantage.

    The German motor pool in general needed significant work at the end of the campaign. Much of the Heer was also involved in making sure the armistace was lived up to. Then there's the problem that it takes a while to plan an operation like this. The Germans simply wouldn't have had enough information until after France surrenedered. At that point you are talking weeks if not months for the planning.

    What sort of airlift capability did the LW have at this point? Both Holland and Norway had seen the transport arm take severe losses. Given Chain Home, the RAF, AAA artillery, and British defences each sortie is likely to inflict even more losses. As fast as possible isn't going to be very fast IMO. It's also not going to get much in the way of vital support equipment over to Britain and the FJ are going to have problems standing up to a force with a reasonable amount of artillery and at least some armor.

    Except that's not quite accurate is it? For one thing a fairly large contingent of British were evacuate from France well south of Dunkirk. There's some info here: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=85&t=156666
    Note that there was a Canadian division and a total of ~22,000 Canadians as well as 16,000 Australians and New Zealanders not to mention over 300,000 British Army troops not all of whom left their equipment in France and who were being rapidly reequiped in July.
  5. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    I really wanted to stay out of yet another Sealion thread, but I might as well...

    First of all - the Royal Navy was never going to stay out of the Channel - well over a third of its serviceable destroyers in total, over half of what it had in home waters, was assigned to the three anti-invasion flotillas at Harwich, Plymouth and Portsmouth. Home Fleet's capital ships were next to useless in the Channel Narrows - shifting sandbars and mudflats at low tide etc, German and RN minefields - and as Macksey notes a plethora of German heavy artillery on the coast at Calais that closed off half the width of the narrows to thru-traffic.

    The RN's capital ships wouldn't have had the sea room to manouver at speed to avoid fall-of-shot, wouldn't have been able to manouver inside RN minefields - RN coastal forces and its destroyers COULD...

    Because of this Adm. Forbes refused...supported by Dudley Pound - to exercise or train with the Army in indirect "observed" gunfire from the sea onto land. ANY ship can fire at what it can sea on land...but over the horizon or the first row of hills...or trees... they need shore observation from the Army on agreed protocals and conventions. This did not happen, the Navy's capital ships weren't going to be of much use in the Channel!

    Yes the RN could lay mines just as well as ther Germans could - AND DID, starting in September 1939, to close off the narrows from transiting Uboats as per WWI...often remote-switchable from the shore once a uboat or some other object passed over an "induction loop" wire laid on the seabed. The point is however that laid "friendly" mines had to be at such a depth as to allow the anti-invasion flotillas to operate INSIDE the minefields.

    As for what point was there to the Navy AFTER a German landing?...how were those thousands of GErmans supposed to be reinforced or resupplied? Yes the RAF could and would attack shipping in ports...because ports can be FOUND at night - see under "bargebusting"....but finding and attacking shipping at sea at night was next to impossible in 1940. Only actual RN vessels in the Channel Narrows could interfere with German supply convoys - the so-called "sea bridge" - at night.

    As for the FJ...their numbers were right back up to establishment by September 1940, there was no shortage of volunteers to fill blank files in 7th Flieger! The problem however was that they were...

    A/ inexperienced; it took a LOT of training and exercising to develop the squad cohesiveness that the FJ relied on;

    B/ Short on trained "despatchers" - each dropping Ju52 carried two FJ who were the "despatchers" for the rest and all kit - and many pairs had been injured or killed in Holland when aircraft went down.

    C/ Supposedly short on parachute silk (According to MacDonald) and they were desperately trying to comb out any available silk from France's very limited silk industry! The Germans were also trying hard to develop various artiifical alternatives, but they weren't in widespread use by September 1940.

    As for the numbers of Ju52s available....the rate of construction of the Junkers Ju52 was quite slow, only about 23-25 a month; even THIS rate would have taken a further hit as Junkers put a lot of its "manufacturing" effort into actually rebuilding/cannibalising crashed Ju52s from Holland...assisted by Fokker in Holland who also rebuilt them for the Luftwaffe. Most historians agree on around a maximum of 405-410 available for mid-September 1940...

    Sounds great but its still c. 20% less overall than the Luftwaffe started the war with. That's why the FJ's planned drops in Sealion were to be in THREE waves.

    As for the issue of Stalingrad hitting the available numbers of Ju52 later in the war....no, actually; it did impact the total to an extent....but by far the greater loss of Ju52s was on the route from Italy/Sicily to North Africa in late 1942 and early 1943!
  6. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    And given the RN supperioirty to the KM in light units why bother to risk them (all though to be fair the same could be said of Warspites incursion into a Norwegian fjord).

    I'm not so certain about that. Cargo ships anchored off the invasion beaches shouldn't be that hard to find. Hadn't the RN attack planes also practiced night missions? This might have been another chance for the "string bags" to show that they weren't truly obsolete.

    So mid July likely ~350 or less probably less and the earlier you go the worse it becomes. Then you start looking at potential losses for the mission according to http://www.aer.ita.br/~bmattos/mundo/ww2/ju52.htm for instance 2 waves of 493 Ju-52s at Crete suffered 271 planes lost or heavily damaged. You aren't going to get many troops across with a loss rate like that. And Holland saw 167 destroyed and a "like number" heavily damaged out of 475 used. Which makes me wonder if they would be up to even 300 by mid July.
  7. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    They practiced them - but not "by dark" they relied on dropping flares! Winston for example demanded the bargebusting missions flown by flare illumination...although on one recorded occasion, the burning shipping provided plenty of light!

    The real problem however is finding them to illuminate them...!

    As for attacking moored-up shipping off the coast by night - I would have assumed the exigencies of the campaign would have meant that German shipping wouldn't have spent a second longer moored up and disembarking to barges than necessary...before getting the hell back to France under the cover of night to load again! Every excess minute spent stationary off the coast of England is them not carrying men and materiel TO England ;)

    And of course - the process of actually transshipping offshore would be abandoned just as soon as ANY useable anchorage or habour or port could be taken ;)

    Yes, but in "mid-July" there WAS no "massed" FJ deployment role in the first version of Sealion - just a few small Eben Emael-style "combat engineer" operations against shore batteries either side of Brighton and Dover ;)

    Regarding the losses themselves - the Dutch figures include not only those lost on the actual operations themselves, but also the many damaged or destroyed by forced landings all over Holland. While the Crete figures include aircraft that went U/S once they got back to Greece for various reasons....as well as the fact that those operating near Suda Bay they were flying within range of the heaviest British AA concentrations in the Mediterranean right at that point in time! They also include the heavy and "ongoing" losses to ground artillery fron behind Hill 107 as they tried to land at and reinforce the FJ at Maleme.
  8. Rlean

    Rlean Repeat Offender

    Apr 27, 2014
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    Darwin, NT, Australia
    Searching relevant threads is all very wel, but then I don't get to see just exactly who the serious debaters are on this wonderful and sterling site!

    Time and distance from the 'same old arguments' usually lends itself to atrophy. Stirring the coals of the old fires can often awaken new channels in your thought processes, stimulating old nueral pathways, and assisting memory in general.

    I provide legitimate fodder ofr you all to sharpen your claws on. Enjoy it! Rue the day when the younger generation take no interest at all.

    I think it's up to us as individuals if we wish to flogg dead horses. Thats the entire reason this thread is here, right Slipdigit? So, don't be a wet blanket...sit back and enjoy the latest arguments.

    It's better than some arguments I've heard, like Holocaust denial, or the fools that insist The Bomb was dropped for some purpose other than to persuade a group of pig-headed politicians and generals that their cause was hopeless.
  9. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    The "Coastal Artillery" on Calais has a dismal record.
  10. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    I did not request that this discussion not continue; I would have closed it were that the case.

    My comment was a reminder that the conditions of the "what if" has to adhere to the conditions of the "what did" and that the bane of most What If-ers, logistics, rears its wet blanketed head rather quickly, where crossing 22 or more miles of water and sustaining armed men is concerned.
  11. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    As dismal as that at Dover during their four year duel...which NEITHER party would know at that point in time, and the British still had to take on board the fact that half the width of the Channel Narrows were under the German guns...

    Except I'm not talking about "coastal artillery", but the large amount of Heer heavy field artillery positioned on the coast during the summer of 1940. See Macksey for the complete list.
  12. urqh

    urqh Tea drinking surrender monkey

    Dec 23, 2002
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  13. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Ahh. I'm glad to see urqh's incisive and inclusive answer.
    urqh likes this.
  14. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I thought most of the bargebusting was done by RAF planes rather than RN planes. The Japanese used flares to good effect early in the war as well though.

    My impression was that it took days not hours to unlead cargo vessels into barges. I seem to recall the Germans planing on something like 10 days. In the Caiden Sakai book Samurai! I seem to recall Sakai (supposedly - Caiden apparently took some liberties with the book) making some comments about how fast the USN was unloading transports but it still took days.

    So now all that's necessary is to find the harbor. From what I've read Featherstone for instance would be capable of at most 600 tons per day and that not for some time after it was taken. I doubt that's 600 tons from one ship so now you have ships stacked up in the harbor.

    We know that but the proposal in the initial post seems to me to imply otherwise.

    And if the Germans are trying to use their cargo planes to resupply units in Britain at least initially it means landing in fields that are likely under observation by the British and in range of British artillery. That doesn't sound like a perscription for increasing availabilty to me.
  15. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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  16. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Yes - but my answer was referring to the RAF part of that section, not the comment on the Fleet Air Arm. There were a number of land-based Swordfish squadrons active during the summer of 1940...but for mining ops rather than bargebusting.

    Ten days for that part of the operation I.E. the period when transhipping to barges would be necessary. Not ten days per ship!

    I'll need to check what Fleming says about Folkestone...but the British weren't actually planning to do any more damage than would take 7 working days to fix. The plans for "demolishing" Folkestone as a port...weren't that great - dropping a railway viaduct to block an inner harbour, that sort of thing. Unfortunately their plans for Folkestone left the long "railway quay", formerly used for cross-channel rail ferries, unblocked - just the rail lines blocked at the railway junction behind the harbour - the quay itself could still be used.

    Why wouldn't it be 600 tons from one ship? The Germans also mustered several dozen freighters for Sealion IIRC...

    EDIT - now checked Fleming; it was MI14's calculations that the Germans could land 150 tons every 24 hours at Folkestone for the first seven days...but AFTER this the rate would quadruple to 600 tons a day...

    To put this in context, however - MI14 ALSO calculated that a German infantry division only neded c.300 tons per day! So in effect even the damaged and repaired Folkestone could keep two infantry divisions in the field...a lot less than the British equivalent required!

    Well...would they be under observation? Looking at the FJ's plans for the vicinity of RAF Lympne, the FJ are going to be controlling the area for several miles around by the time the third "assault" wave lands inside the airfield perimeter. And that area itself is not known for being uniformly flat or anything convenient like that foribservation - part of the FJ's initial problems on first landing that day would have been the terrain they had to ctraverse to reach Lympne airfield - a network of narrow tree'd valleys.

    There's also the issue of what artillery where - the majority of divisional artillery in the area was down on Romney Marsh etc, supporting the defenders on the coast; beyond the couple of guns at Adlington, two miles to the west along the hill ridge line from RAF Lympne....the nearest available medium artillery unit was just north of Deal - twenty miles away!
  17. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Indeed but that's 10 days when there are targets holding position in the same area. How long any particular ship stays isn't all that relevant although it's likely to have been a day or so for all but the smallest and maybe considerably more.
    I didn't note the site that I found the info on but it suggested that initially the port could handle about 150 tons per day in spite of any damage done by the British and that it would ramp up to 300 pretty quickly and ultimatly to 600 (from memory a few days for it to reach 300 and not a whole lot longer to reach 600). That doesn't sound too much at odds with what you suggest.

    Well I was assuming there was room for more than one ship at a time to tie up and that it would be more efficient to work on multiple ships in that case. Too many poeple or too much equipment getting in the way if its working on one ship as opposed to more than one.

    It may also be worth noteing that one of the sites that I linked above suggest that the German transport capacity in July was limited to less than a division. They didn't say how they arrived at this figure or exactly what they meant by a "divsion" though.
  18. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Possibly the recent and badtempered Sealion thread on AHF, it was dealt with in some detail there.

    MI14 also reckoned figures for all the other possible ports, but Fleming only mentions Dover - which would ramp up to accomodating 800 tons a day within a week. That's 40% of what the Germans needed to support the Sealion force from two ports alone....landed by ships using their OWN derricks; if the demolitions were less than effective in any way, you could see the rates ramped up to those maximums faster - and the maximums themselves raised.

    I'm not sure that's much of an issue when the KM would have been commanding if not actually crewing the freighters; at the various landings in Norway they were able to disembark ships VERY rapidly, and crowd multiple ships pretty close to piers.

    Yes, this does of course provide an excellent target for attacking bombers - if they get through! - but it ALSO means less turn-round time tied up to piers etc. ;) Swings and roundabouts.

    I'm tempted to say we really should go with the "professionals' " 1940 estimations on this...if MI14 can estimate in August 1940 that two divisions could be supplied through Folkestone alone, they're assuming the Germans could carry that sort of tonnage with no problem!
  19. ptimms

    ptimms Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    This is page one, there are two more at http://www.naval-history.net/xDKWW2-4006-15RNHome1.htm

    The Royal Navy in all her glory, the Luftwaffe hadn't got enough planes to stop even a proportion. Remember the damage a few fast attack boats do to the "invasion excercise" of Slapton in 1944 and imagine one a small proportion of this force could do to invasion barges in the Channel.

    [SIZE=small]Adm Sir Charles Forbes KCB, DSO[/SIZE]​

    [SIZE=small]2nd Battle Squadron[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Adm Sir Charles Forbes KCB, DSO) - battleships BARHAM (Capt G C Cooke) at Liverpool repairing to comp 30 Jun, NELSON (Capt G J A Miles) arr Greenock 8 Jun for refitting, RODNEY (Flag, Capt F H G Dalrymple-Hamilton) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 9 Jun, VALIANT (Capt H B Rawlings OBE) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 6 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Battlecruiser Squadron[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Vice Adm W J Whitworth CB, DSO) - RENOWN (Flag, Capt C E B Simeon) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 9 Jun, REPULSE (Capt E J Spooner DSO, Capt W G Tennant CB, MVO from 18 Jun) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 5 Jun, HOOD (Capt I G Glennie) at Liverpool repairing to comp 11 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Aircraft carriers[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Vice Adm L V Wells CB, DSO) - ARK ROYAL (Flag, Capt C S Holland) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation, FURIOUS (Capt T H Troubridge) arr in the Clyde 26 May[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Attendant destroyer - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]WESTCOTT (Lt Cdr W F R Segrave) at Plymouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]1st Cruiser Squadron[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Vice Adm J H D Cunningham CB, MVO) - heavy cruisers BERWICK (Capt I M Palmer DSC, Capt G L Warren from 22 Jun) at Liverpool repairing to comp at the end of Jul, DEVONSHIRE (Flag, Capt J M Mansfield) arr Greenock 10 Jun, NORFOLK (Capt A J L Phillips) at Clyde repairing to comp 14 Jun, SUFFOLK (Capt J W Durnford) at Greenock repairing to comp 12 Feb 41, SUSSEX (Capt A R Hammick) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 5 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]2nd Cruiser Squadron[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Rear Adm A T B Curteis) - light cruisers AURORA (Capt L H K Hamilton DSO) at Portsmouth repairing to comp 28 Jun, PENELOPE (Capt G D Yates) at Greenock, temporary repairs to comp 2 Jul, towed to Tyne, final repairs comp 7 Jul 41[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Detached to Nore Command - CARDIFF (Capt P K Enright) arr Dover 8 Jun, GALATEA (Flag, Curteis, Capt B B Schofield) arr Sheerness 27 May[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]18th Cruiser Squadron [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Vice Adm G Layton CB, DSO, Vice Adm G F B Edward-Collins KCVO, CB from 15 Jun, on BIRMINGHAM; Rear Adm M L Clarke DSC, second in command on SOUTHAMPTON) - heavy cruiser YORK (Capt R H Portal DSC) arr Rosyth 28 May, light cruisers EDINBURGH (Capt C M Blackman DSO) at Tyne refitting to comp 28 Oct, GLASGOW (Capt H Hickling) at Liverpool refitting to comp 1 Jul, NEWCASTLE (Capt J Figgins) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 5 Jun, SOUTHAMPTON (Flag, Clarke, Capt F W H Jeans MVO, Capt B C B Brooke from 18 Jun) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Detached to the Humber - light cruisers BIRMINGHAM (Flag, Edward-Collins, Capt A C G Madden) arr Rosyth 10 Jun, MANCHESTER (Flag, Layton, Capt H A Packer) arr Rosyth 10 Jun, SHEFFIELD (Capt C A A Larcom) arr Rosyth 10 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Anti-aircraft cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - CAIRO (Capt P V McLaughlin) at Tyne repairing to comp 7 Aug[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rear Adm Destroyers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Rear Adm R H C Hallifax) - destroyer depot ship WOOLWICH (Flag, Capt E C Thornton DSC) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]3rd Destroyer Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt P Todd DSO) - DELIGHT (Cdr M Fogg-Elliot DSO) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation, DIANA (Lt Cdr E G LeGeyt) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 31 May, ECHO (Cdr S H K Spurgeon DSO RAN) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation, ECLIPSE (Lt Cdr I T Clark) at Clyde repairing to comp 7 Sep, ELECTRA (Lt Cdr S A Buss) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 9 Jun, ENCOUNTER (Lt Cdr E V St J Morgan) at Scapa Flow, damaged, repaired at Chatham comp 20 Jul, ESCAPADE (Cdr H R Graham DSO) dep Liverpool 10 Jun, ESCORT (Lt Cdr J Bostock) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 9 Jun, HOTSPUR (Cdr H F H Layman DSO) at Chatham repairing to comp 13 Jul, IMOGEN (Cdr C L Firth, MVO) at Chatham refitting to comp 12 Jun, INGLEFIELD (Todd) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 9 Jun, ISIS (Lt E A F Drought, Cdr C S B Swinley from 17 Jun) at Falmouth under repair, taken to Plymouth 13 Jun repairing to comp 12 Sep[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]4th Destroyer Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt P L Vian DSO) - COSSACK (Vian) at Southampton repairing to comp 15 Jun, MAORI (Cdr H T Armstrong) arr Lerwick 10 Jun, SIKH (Cdr J A Giffard) at Clyde repairing to comp 29 Jun, ZULU (Cdr J S Crawford) arr Scapa Flow 9 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]6th Destroyer Flotilla [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Capt C Caslon)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]11th Division - ASHANTI (Cdr W G Davis) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 6 Jun, MASHONA (Cdr W H Selby) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 6 Jun, MATABELE (Lt Cdr P J Knowling, Cdr R St V Sherbrooke DSO from 23 Jun) at Falmouth repairing to comp 18 Aug, SOMALI (Cdr L P Skipwith) at Liverpool repairing to comp 1 Sep, TARTAR (Caslon) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 6 Jun[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]12th Division - BEDOUIN (Cdr J A McCoy DSO) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 6 Jun, ESKIMO (Cdr St J A Micklethwait DSO) arr Barrow 4 Jun to repair, repairs to comp at beginning of Sep, PUNJABI (Cdr J T Lean DSO) at Plymouth repairing to comp 12 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]8th Destroyer Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt A F de Salis) - FAULKNOR (de Salis) at Grimsby refitting to comp 13 Jun[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]15th Division - FEARLESS (Cdr K L Harkness) at Middlesbrough, FORESTER (Lt Cdr E B Tancock DSC) dep Lerwick 10 Jun, FOXHOUND (Cdr G H Peters DSC) dep Lerwick 10 Jun, FURY (Cdr E W B Sim) dep Harwich 10 Jun[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]16th Division - FAME (Cdr P N Walter) dep Skaanland covering Narvik evacuation, FIREDRAKE (Lt Cdr S H Norris DSC) dep Vestfjord covering Narvik evacuation, FORESIGHT (Lt Cdr G T Lambert) arr Harwich 10 Jun, FORTUNE (Cdr E A Gibbs DSO) arr Harwich 7 Jun[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]FORESIGHT, FORTUNE, FURY temporarily under command of C-in-C, Nore.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Escort destroyers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](unattached) - ATHERSTONE (Cdr H W S Browning) arr Greenock 10 Jun, FERNIE (Lt Cdr R M P Jonas) dep Portland 9 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Sloops [/SIZE][SIZE=small](unattached) - BLACK SWAN (Capt A L Poland DSO, DSC) dep Rosyth 10 Jun, FLEETWOOD (Cdr A N Grey DSO) dep [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Tyne 10 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Vice Admiral Submarines[/SIZE][SIZE=small] Vice Adm Sir Max K Horton KCB, DSO, Flag ashore at Fort Blockhouse, Portsmouth, designated HMS DOLPHIN [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]2nd Submarine Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt G C P Menzies) - depot ship FORTH (Capt Menzies) at Rosyth, submarines TAKU (Lt Cdr V J H Van Der Byl DSC) dep Rosyth on patrol 27 May, TETRARCH (Lt Cdr R G Mills DSC) dep Rosyth on patrol 5 Jun, TRIAD (Lt Cdr E R J Oddie DSC) dep Rosyth on patrol 29 May, TRIBUNE (Lt E F Balston) arr Rosyth 28 May, TRIDENT (Lt Cdr G M Sladen) at Rosyth repairing to comp 18 Jun, TRITON (Lt Cdr E F Pizey DSO) arr Rosyth 4 Jun, TRIUMPH (Lt E Bruce) at Chatham repairing to comp 27 Sep, TRUANT (Lt Cdr H A V Haggard) arr Rosyth 1 Jun, Polish ORZEL (Lt Cdr J Grudzinski) dep Rosyth on patrol 23 May, no radio contact after departure, ordered to new patrol area on 2 June, but no acknowledgement, lost by mining late May/early June, being carried as overdue as of 10 June, WILK (Lt Cdr B Krawczyk, for next patrol Lt Cdr B Karnicki) arr Rosyth 10 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]3rd Submarine Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt P Ruck-Keene, Capt E H Longsdon Actg Commander) - depot ships MAIDSTONE (Capt Ruck-Keene), CYCLOPS (Capt Longsdon), both at Rosyth, yacht WHITE [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BEAR[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt R Gill [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) arr Rosyth 6 Jun, submarines H.34 (Lt A F Collett) dep Harwich 8 Jun, H.44 (Lt E D Norman) dep Harwich 9 Jun, H.49 (Lt M A Langley) dep Harwich 9 Jun, H.50 (Lt A R Cheyne) dep Harwich 9 Jun, SALMON (Lt Cdr E O B Bickford DSO) arr Rosyth 3 Jun, SEALION (Lt Cdr B Bryant DSC) arr Rosyth 3 Jun, SEAWOLF (Lt Cdr J W Studholme DSC) arr Rosyth 8 Jun, SHARK (Lt Cdr P N Buckley) dep Rosyth on patrol on 9 Jun, SNAPPER (Lt W D A King DSO) arr Rosyth 3 Jun, SUNFISH (Lt Cdr J E Slaughter DSO) arr Rosyth 2 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]6th Submarine Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt G A W Voelcker) - depot ship TITANIA (Capt J H Jotham Rtd) at Tyne refitting to comp 6 Jul, miscellaneous ship ELFIN (Voelcker) at Blyth, submarines H.28 (Lt E A Woodward) dep Blyth 9 Jun, H.31 (Lt M D Wanklyn) dep Blyth 9 Jun, NARWHAL (Lt Cdr R J Burch DSO) dep Immingham 9 Jun, PORPOISE (Cdr P Q Roberts) dep Immingham 9 Jun, SPEARFISH (Lt Cdr J H Forbes DSO) dep Blyth on patrol 3 Jun, STURGEON (Lt G D A Gregory DSO) dep Blyth on patrol 9 Jun, SWORDFISH (Lt P J Cowell) dep Blyth on patrol 5 Jun, URSULA (Lt Cdr W K A N Cavaye) at Tyne refitting to comp 20 Jul[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]9th Submarine Flotilla [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Cdr J G Roper OBE), Shore Establishment AMBROSE (Roper) at Dundee, submarines CLYDE (Lt Cdr D C Ingram) dep Rosyth on patrol 4 Jun, L.23 (Lt C G Walker) arr Dundee 7 Jun, L.26 (Lt P L Field) arr Sheerness on 1 Jun, SEVERN (Lt Cdr B W Taylor) arr Dundee 7 Jun, THAMES (Cdr D V Sprague) at Plymouth refitting to comp 15 Jun, Dutch O.13 (Lt Cdr E H Vorster RNN) at Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Miscellaneous ships - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]netlayer GUARDIAN (Capt E G N Rushbrooke DSC) at Belfast repairing to comp 5 Jul, repair ship VINDICTIVE (Capt A R Halfhide CBE) arr Greenock 10 Jun, survey ships CHALLENGER (Cdr W C Jenks OBE) arr Reykavik 5 Jun, GULNARE (Lt J M Sharpey-Schafer) dep Loch Alsh 17 May, FRANKLIN (Cdr C W Sabine OBE) arr Scapa Flow 27 Apr, SCOTT (Lt Cdr K St B Collins) dep Loch Alsh 7 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Royal Norwegian Navy[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Destroyers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]DRAUG (Lt T Holthe RNorN) at Portsmouth, SLEIPNER (Cdr E G A Ullring RNorN) at Tyne repairing to comp 17 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Submarines - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]B.1 dep Tromso 7 Jun, B.3 scuttled at Tromso on 10 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Royal Dutch Navy[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Destroyer - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ISAAC SWEERS incomplete at Portsmouth.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Sloops - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]FLORES, GRUNO, both at Sheerness[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Dutch trawler[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (allocated as tender to Dutch ships at Falmouth) - auxiliary minesweeper VIKINGBANK[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minelayers – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]DOUWE AUKES at Falmouth, JAN VAN BRAKEL at Tyne, JAN VAN DER GELDER arr Liverpool 10 Jun, MEDUSA at Falmouth, NAUTILUS arr Middlesbrough 6 Jun, VAN MEERLANT at Falmouth, WILLEM VAN DER ZAAN at Portsmouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Submarines - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]O.21 (Lt Cdr J F Van Dulm RNN), O.22 (Lt Cdr J W Ort RNN), O.23 (Lt Cdr G B M Van Erkel RNN), O.24, all at Portsmouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Torpedo boats - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]G.13, G.15, Z. 6, all dep Falmouth 7 Jun, Z.5, Z.7, Z.8, all at Portsmouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Vice Adm R H T Raikes, Rear Adm E J Spooner DSO from 16 Jul[/SIZE]​
    [SIZE=small]Shore establishment[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - PYRAMUS at Kirkwall[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Armed merchant cruisers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ANDANIA (Capt D K Bain Rtd) dep Clyde 7 Jun, ASTURIAS (Capt J R S Haines) at Liverpool repairing fire damage to comp 30 Jun, CALIFORNIA (Capt C J Pope RAN) dep Clyde on patrol 5 Jun, CHESHIRE (Capt M R Bernard Rtd) arr Clyde 9 Jun, CIRCASSIA (Capt H G L Oliphant DSO, MVO Rtd) arr Reykavik 9 Jun, DERBYSHIRE (Capt E A B Stanley DSO, MVO Rtd) dep Clyde 10 Jun, FORFAR (Capt H H Lake Rtd) dep Clyde 6 Jun, LAURENTIC (Capt E P Vivian Rtd) arr Liverpool for refitting 10 Jun, LETITIA (Capt W R Richardson Rtd) dep Clyde 2 Jun, SALOPIAN (Capt Joyn M Alleyne Bt DSO, DSC Rtd) dep Clyde 24 May, SCOTSTOUN (Capt S K Smyth Rtd) arr Clyde 8 Jun, TRANSYLVANIA (Capt F N Miles Rtd) at Belfast refitting to comp 15 Jun, WOLFE (Capt C G C Summer Rtd) arr Greenock 8 Jun, WORCESTERSHIRE (Capt F A H Russel Rtd) at Belfast refitting to comp 24 Jun[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Undergoing long refits - CHITRAL (Capt G Hamilton Rtd) at Liverpool to comp at end of Jul, CICILIA (Capt V B Cardwell Rtd, Actg) at [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Belfast[/SIZE][SIZE=small] to comp early Jul[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Armed boarding vessels – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Government research vessel DISCOVERY II (Cdr P O Davies RNR) dep Scapa Flow on patrol 31 May, trawlers AQUAMARINE (Lt N P McLeod RNR) at Aberdeen, KINGSTON BERYL (Lt Cdr K G Tucker OBE [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Sheerness, KINGSTON JACINTH (Cdr S A Brooks OBE Rtd) at Kirkwall, KINGSTON [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ONYX (Lt J B Wright RNR) at Sheerness, KINGSTON PERIDOT (Lt R S Winder RNR) at Kirkwall, KINGSTON SAPPHIRE (Lt L A Sayers RNR) at Aberdeen, KINGSTON TOPAZ (Cdr W L Smith RNR) at Aberdeen, KINGSTON TURQUOISE (Lt L A White [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Iceland, NORTHERN CHIEF (Lt H Kirkwood) at Kirkwall, NORTHERN DUKE (Lt G C D Meldrum [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) at Kirkwall, NORTHERN FOAM (Lt G W Houchen OBE RNR) at Aberdeen, NORTHERN GIFT (Lt T E Davies OBE RNR, Lt R J Stokes RNR from 15 Jun) at Thorshavn, NORTHERN ISLES (Lt J F Twite RNR) at Hartlepool, NORTHERN PRINCESS (Lt Cdr J N Hulse RNR) at Hartlepool refitting, NORTHERN REWARD (Lt Cdr D Tod Rtd, Lt Cdr E A Divers RNR from 19 Jun) at Sheerness, NORTHERN SKY (Lt J E Bromley RNR) at Kirkwall, NORTHERN SUN (Lt L C Hill RNR, Lt J Andrew RNR from 19 Jun) at Hartlepool refitting[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]24th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-Submarine trawlers ARCTIC EXPLORER (Sk C L Buchan RNR) at Aberdeen, HUGH WALPOLE (Sk D Upson RNR) at Kirkwall, PENTLAND FIRTH (SO, Sk H C Aisthorpe [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Kirkwall, SCALBY WYKE (Ch Sk S Bass [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) at Aberdeen, TEKOURA (Sk H Rich RNR) at Kirkwall repairing [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawler [/SIZE][SIZE=small](ungrouped) - LUNE (Sk C Flett RNR) at Aberdeen repairing [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Contraband Control Service [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Guardship) - accommodation ship ST SUNNIVA (Lt Cdr A F C Gray RNR)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Contraband control service - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]five drifters at Kirkwall[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tug - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ST MELLONS (Ty Lt R Hill RNR) at Kirkwall[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Vice Adm H T Binney KCB, DSO[/SIZE]​
    [SIZE=small]Shore establishment[/SIZE][SIZE=small], Lyness - PROSPERINE[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Gunnery training ship - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]IRON DUKE (Flag, Rear Adm, Scapa Flow, Rear Adm A L St G Lyster CVO, DSO, Cdr J W Boutwood) at [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Scapa Flow[/SIZE][SIZE=small] as base and accommodation ship for Anti-Submarine and minesweeping trawlers.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Destroyer depot ship - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]GREENWICH (Cdr J H Pipe Rtd) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]1st Minesweeping Flotilla -[/SIZE][SIZE=small] minesweepers BRAMBLE (Capt M H Evelegh, SO) arr Invergordon 3 Jun, BRITOMART (Lt Cdr J M S Cox DSC) at Leith refitting to comp 10 Jun, HAZARD (Lt Cdr W T W Curtis) arr Scapa Flow 5 Jun, HEBE (Lt Cdr J B G Tyle DSC) at Portsmouth, SEAGULL (Cdr D H Harries RAN) at Scapa Flow, SHARPSHOOTER (Lt A E Doran) at Sheerness repairing to 13 Jun, then to Leith repairing from 19 Jun to 17 Aug, repairs finally comp at Rosyth on 14 Sep (Lt Cdr D Lampen from 15 Oct), SPEEDY (Lt Cdr J C Richards) arr Invergordon 3 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]14th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers BRONTES (Ch Sk J R Coultas [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]), DAVEY (Ch Sk J Mackintosh [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR), ISTRIA (Sk L Ford RNR), all at Scapa Flow, LOCH TULLA (SO, Sk Lt H L Lang DSC RD RNR) at Aberdeen, REGAL (Sk J S Harper RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]18th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers ELSE RYKENS (SO, Sk W B Cowie RNR), NEIL MACKAY (Sk W C King RNR), PAUL RYKENS (Ch Sk G C Lawrence RNR), PETER HENDRIKS (Sk G Bryan RNR), all at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]71st Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine drifters BRANCH (Ty Sk P J Bridge [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]), CRAIGROY (Sk B Pile [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR), CRANNOCK (Sk J Runcie RNR), FAWN (Ch Sk D More RNR), FISHER LAD (Sk A E Larner RNR), INVERCAIRN (Ch Sk G Stewart RNR), LOYAL FRIEND (Sk C G Spillings RNR), SUNNYSIDE GIRL (Sk A G Jenner RNR), THE PROVOST (Sk A S Matson RNR), WEST HAVEN (Sk J C Edwards RNR), all at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]att to Group - anti-submarine yacht WIDGEON OF FEARN (no CO listed) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 44 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers ADMIRAL SIR JOHN LAWFORD (Sk G W Smith RNR) at Kirkwall, CAPE NYEMETSKI (Ty Sk C Chandler RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 45 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers DANIEL CLOWDEN (Sk D Smith RNR) at Kirkwall, SICYON (Sk W Masson RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](ungrouped) - CONWAY CASTLE (Ty Sk J R Flaxman RNR), EBOR WYKE (Ty Sk D Baxter RNR), NORTHCOATES (S/Lt F M Piggott RNR), all at Scapa Flow, RUNSWICK BAY (Sk J Snape [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]), SATA (Ty Sk J C Smith [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) both at sea returning from Norway, VARANGA (Ty Sk C Dennay RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifters[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (ungrouped) - CONCORDIA (Ty Sk H Brydges RNR) at Peterhead, GREEN PASTURES (no CO listed) at Scapa Flow, PROSPECT AHEAD (Ty Sk E Clark RNR) at Kirkwall, SCOURGE (Sk A Smith RNR) at Scapa Flow, TRITONIA (Ty Sk R Souter RNR) at Scapa Flow, VIOLET FLOWERS (no CO listed) at Kirkwall[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft [/SIZE][SIZE=small]- two yachts at Scapa Flow, 19 drifters at Scapa Flow, two at Invergordon, two at Buckie, one at Rosyth, one at Portland, 17 MFVs at Scapa Flow, one at Fraserburgh, one at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Barrage balloon trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ten at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Boom defence tenders - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BOUNTIFUL (Lt I Griffiths Rtd), DEVON CITY (Cdr C S D B Wright RD RNR Rtd), both at Houton Bay[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Boom defence vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]one at Scapa Flow, one at Houton Bay, four at Aberdeen, 23 at Lyness, three returning from Norway[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tug - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BRIGAND (Lt Cdr H H Leatherdale) at Kirkwall[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Fleet Target Service - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]tugs BANDIT (Lt R H Johnson) dep Greenock 6 Jun, BUCCANEER (Lt S E Veal) at Falmouth, ST MARTIN (Lt W Smith) arr Scapa Flow 28 May[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Vice Adm C G Ramsey KCB[/SIZE]​
    [SIZE=small]Base ship, Rosyth[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - COCHRANE (Capt C H G Benson DSO)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Light cruiser - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BELFAST (Capt A Johnstone) at Rosyth, temporary repairs to comp 27 Jun, then to Devonport where repairs were comp Nov 42[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Convoy C[/SIZE][SIZE=small] (Capt R Kerr, on COCHRANE) - destroyers VALOROUS (Lt Cdr E Mack) dep Sheerness 8 Jun for Rosyth, VEGA (Cdr C I Horton) arr Portsmouth 10 Jun, VIMIERA (Lt Cdr R B N Hicks) arr Scapa Flow 9 Jun, VIVIEN (Lt Cdr W D G Weir) arr Scapa Flow 9 Jun, WALLACE (Cdr B I Robertshaw) arr Rosyth 8 Jun, WESTMINSTER (Lt Cdr A A C Ouvry) at Portsmouth repairing to comp 7 Jul, WINCHESTER (Lt Cdr S E Crewe Read) at Liverpool repairing to comp 15 Jun, WOLFHOUND (Lt Cdr J W McCoy DSC) dep Chatham 8 Jun for Rosyth, WOOLSTON (Cdr W J Phipps OBE) dep Tyne 9 Jun, sloops EGRET (Cdr D P Evans) arr Rosyth 6 Jun, HASTINGS (Lt Cdr A B Alison), dep Rosyth 10 Jun, LONDONDERRY (Cdr Sir Thomas L Beevor Bt) arr Rosyth 6 Jun, LOWESTOFT (Cdr A M Knapp) dep Rosyth 8 Jun, PELICAN (Cdr L A K Boswell DSO) at Chatham repairing to comp 3 Dec, STORK (Cdr A C Behague) dep Vestfjord covering the Narvik evacuation, WESTON (Lt Cdr S C Tuke) dep Rosyth 8 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Destroyer - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]DUNCAN (Lt Cdr C Gwinner Rtd, Capt A D B James Actg from 12 Jul) at Grangemouth repairing to comp 22 Jul[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]3rd Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]escort ships/minesweepers GLEANER (Lt Cdr H P Price DSO) arr Clyde 9 Jun, JASON (Lt Cdr D H Fryer) at Lamlash, SCOTT (Lt Cdr K St B Collins) was in this unit Jan to May, then after refitting at Belfast, reverted to role of survey ship.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Controlled minelayers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]base ship MANCHESTER CITY (Cdr P G C Turner Rtd) in the Tyne, minelayers ATREUS (Cdr J D Campbell OBE, DSC) dep Oban 30 May, LINNET (Lt R Homewood) dep Oban 30 May RINGDOVE (Lt G R Pilgrim OBE) arr [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Tyne[/SIZE][SIZE=small] 6 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Boom defence vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]six at Rosyth, one under repair, one at Leith under repair[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Barrage balloon drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]two at Rosyth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tug - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]chartered tug HENDON at Lyness[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command (West), Stornoway [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - MENTOR (Capt J C Wanchope Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ALEXANDER SCOTT (Ty Sk C Dale RNR) at Tyne, BEAUMARIS CASTLE (Ty Sk A MacLeod RNR) fitting out at Bristol, DUNRAVEN CASTLE (Ty Sk G Garrill RNR) fitting out at Milford Haven, GROSMONT CASTLE (no CO listed) at Govan, HARLECH CASTLE (Ty Sk H Beard RNR) fitting out at Milford Haven, HARRY MELLING ([/SIZE][SIZE=small]Ty[/SIZE][SIZE=small] Sk B Godfrey RNR) at Tyne, POWIS CASTLE (Ty Sk D Campbell RNR) fitting out at Port Talbot, WALWYNS CASTLE (Sk J LcLeman RNR) fitting out at Sharpness[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Aultbea (Loch Ewe)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Boom defence tender[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - drifter DUNDARG (no CO listed) at Aultbea[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol Craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three trawlers at Aultbea[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Loch[/SIZE][SIZE=small] Alsh[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Netlaying drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three drifters at Oban[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]two patrol craft at Scapa Flow, two fitting out at Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Balloon barrage drifters[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - five at Loch Alsh, three at Buckie fitting out, two at Peterhead fitting out, two at Fraserburgh fitting out [/SIZE]


    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]two drifters at Oban[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command (West), [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Clyde [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Vice Adm B C Watson CB, DSO Rtd[/SIZE]​

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ORLANDO[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifter - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]CORAL BANK (Sk J Thain RNR) at Ardrossan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BURNHAVEN, motor fishing vessel HOPEFUL (no COs listed), both at Greenock[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Danish motor fishing vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]five at Greenock[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Examination Service - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]six small trawlers at Greenock[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]seven patrol boats at Greenock[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Tender to boom defence vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BLUEBELL (renamed PROLIFIC in 1940)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Boom defence vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]seven at Greenock[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - FORTITUDE (Cdr H F Waight Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]29th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers LINCOLNSHIRE (Lt Cdr W K Buckley RNVR), LORD AUSTIN (Ty Lt G Butchers RNVR), LORD ESSENDEN (SO, Pbty Ty S/Lt M R Thwaites RNVR), LORD MIDDLETON (Sk E Mutton RNR), LORD NUFFIELD (Sk D E S Mair RNR) All at Ardrossan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]31st Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawler NORWICH CITY (Ch Sk P Newman RNR) arr Greenock 6 Jun, NOTTS COUNTY (Lt Cdr J K Pollock Rtd) arr Greenock 6 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]82nd Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine yachts AARLA (Capt C M Ford RD RNR), ALICE (Capt C J Illingworth RD RNR), COILA (Capt R A Wilson DSO Rtd), GLEN STRATHALLAN (Cdr E W Kirkby Rtd), all at Ardrossan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Anti-submarine patrol trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers trawler CAPE TRAFALGAR (Ty Sk F Dale RNR), DALE CASTLE (Ty Lt F F Hunt RNVR), MAGNOLIA (Lt W H Calverley), NORLAND (Ty Sk G H Booth RNR), STELLA POLARIS (Sk Lt S J Ward DSC, RD RNR), all en route to Ardrossan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]11th Minesweeping Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - paddle minesweepers GOATFELL (Lt R H Austin RNVR) arr Dover 6 Jun, HELVELLYN (Ty Lt P D Baker RNVR) arr [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Dover[/SIZE][SIZE=small] 6 Jun, JEANIE DEANS (SO, Cdr L C Windsor Actg) arr Dover 6 Jun, MERCURY (Ty Lt Cdr H W C Hyde RNR) arr Portsmouth 5 Jun, SCAWFELL (Ty Lt J McLinden RNR) arr Dover 6 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ELOQUENT (Ty Sk H A Parker RNR) at Barrow, GOLDEN EFFORT (Sk F C Stephen RNR) at Ardrossan, GOWAN CRAIG (Ty S/Lt R N W Smith [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Ardrossan, RIME (Sk A Smith [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) at Barrow, TROUP AHEAD (Sk A B C Bruce RNR) at Ardrossan, UBERUS (Sk M M Anderson RNR) at Ardrossan, UTILISE (Ty S/Lt J N Martin Pbty RNVR) at Ardrossan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - NIMROD (Cdr R J R Dendy)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]84th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine yachts CARINA (Cdr T St V F Tyler Rtd) at Irvine fitting out, LADY SHAHRAZAD (Cdr A G Venables Rtd) at Port Glasgow fitting out, TUSCARORA (Capt E C Stubbs Rtd) at Campbeltown[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]two yachts at Campbeltown[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tug - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]chartered tug ENGLISHMAN[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command, [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Cromarty [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 43 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers GEORGE COUSINS (Ch Sk E J Marshall RNR) at Inverness refitting, MARSOMA (Ch Sk A W Ellis RNR) at Invergordon[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]INDUSTRY (Sk A W Slater RNR), ROSS ARD (Ty Sk H G Small RNR), both at Invergordon[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Auxiliary patrol vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]patrol trawlers ARNOLD BENNETT (Ty Sk R W Millener [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]), [/SIZE][SIZE=small]CAPE BARRACOUTA (Ty Sk T Threlfall RNR), EBOR ABBEY (Ty Sk C F Parsons RNR), FORFEIT (Sk P J Quinlan RNR), RIVER ESK (Sk P Reid RNR), all at Invergordon[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]patrol trawler DAYSPRING (Sk W Whyte RNR) at Inverness refitting, trawlers GOLDEN LILY (Ty Sk J Cordiner [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Invergordon, SILVER [/SIZE][SIZE=small]LINE (Ty Lt R M Macfie RNVR) at Buckie refitting [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command, Aberdeen [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - BACCHANTE (Capt C C Walcott [/SIZE][SIZE=small]CBE Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]10th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine whalers BUTTERMERE (Ty Lt J H L May OBE RNVR) at Hull, ELLESMERE (Ty Lt J T Donaldson RNR) dep Tromso 7 Jun, THIRLMERE (SO, S/Lt J C Varley) dep Tromso 7 Jun, ULLSWATER (S/Lt O R Moore) returning from Harstad, WASTWATER (Ty Lt W W White RNR) returning from Norway, WINDERMERE (Sk J T H F Fairbairn RNR) at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]11th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers AYRSHIRE (Ty S/Lt J Renwick Pbty RNVR), CAPE COMORIN (SO, Ty S/Lt G V Doubleday Pbty RNVR), both at Iceland[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]12th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers NORTHERN DAWN (Lt G P S Lowe RNVR), NORTHERN GEM (Pbty Ty S/Lt L C Head RNVR), both returning from Norway, NORTHERN PRIDE (Ty Lt A A Campbell RNR) at Harwich, NORTHERN SPRAY (SO, Lt Cdr D J B Jewitt), NORTHERN WAVE (Ty Lt L C Head RNVR), both returning from Norway[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]14th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers ALOUETTE (Lt the Lord Churston RNVR), IMPERIALIST (Ty Lt P E Kitto Pbty RNR), both at the Faroes, LOCH OSKAIG (Ty Lt L J Simpson RNR, Lt J E Woolfenden RNR from 14 Jun), SCOTTISH (SO, Lt Cdr J Jackson RNR), both dep Scapa Flow 8 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]15th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers ST KENAN (Sk A Goodings RNR), ST LOMAN (Ty S/Lt R C Warwick Pbty RNR), both at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]16th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers ANGLE (Sk A S H Robb RNR) at Scapa Flow, ARAB (Lt R B Stannard VC RNR) at Harwich[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]17th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers CAPE PORTLAND (Ty Lt O T Harrison Pbty RNR) at Scapa Flow, CAPE WARWICK (Lt R F Turnbull Rtd RNR) at Lerwick, COVENTRY CITY (SO, Lt Cdr T B R Woodrooffe Rtd) at Aberdeen refitting, LE TIGER (Ty Lt A L Turner RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]18th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers KING SOL (SO, Lt T T Euman) returning from Norway, LOCH MONTEITH (Lt J E Woolfenden RNR, Ty Lt L J Simpson RNR from 14 Jun) dep Harstad 7 Jun, ST CATHAN (Ty Lt F Twomey Pbty RNR) returning from Norway, ST ELSTAN (Lt J P Stewart RNR) dep Harstad 7 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]19th Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers ELM (Ty Lt E W C Dempster RNVR) at Scapa Flow, HAZEL (Ty Lt W E Coggin Pbty RNVR) dep Scapa Flow 7 Jun, JUNIPER (SO, Lt Cdr G S Grenfell Emgcy) lost 8 Jun off Norway, WHITEHORN (Lt W G H Bolton RNR) returning from Harstad, WISTARIA (Sk A J H Robb [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) dep [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Scapa Flow 7 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]21st Anti-Submarine Striking Force - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers DANEMAN (SO, Lt Cdr R W Davies) at Hull, LADY ELSA (Ty Lt S G Phillips RNVR) at Scapa Flow, MAN O' WAR (Ty Lt R H Marington RNVR) returning from Norway, WELLARD (Lt A D White RNR) at Hull[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]12th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers BLACKFLY (Ty Lt C Morrison-Payne RNVR) at Hull, CAPE ARGONA (Lt Cdr A H Davis RNVR) at Blackwall, STELLA CAPELLA (SO, Lt Cdr R V E Case DSC RNR) at Harwich[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]19th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers GREENFLY (Ty Lt H J Beverley [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at Tilbury repairing, LORD LLOYD (Lt F H Thornton [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) at Iceland, LORD PLENDER (Ch Sk J M T Brebner RNR) at Harwich, STELLA PEGASI (SO, Lt Cdr F R Pope [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Iceland[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]23rd Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers BERKSHIRE (Sk H Ford RNR) returning from Norway, INDIAN STAR (SO, Ty S/Lt J A Russell-Cargill Pbty RNVR) at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]30th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers LEICESTER CITY (Ty Lt A R Cornish RNR) at Scapa Flow, LINCOLN CITY (Ty Lt F A Seward Pbty RNR) returning from Norway, PRESTON NORTH END (SO, Lt K A Vasey RNR) returning from Norway, STOKE CITY (Lt Cdr N C H Scallan RNR) at Scapa Flow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 37 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers GUNNER (Sk A Cowie RNR), OHM (no CO listed), THOMAS ALtOFT (Sk T H W Lowery DSC RNR), all at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 38 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers CERESIO (Ty Sk J Inglis RNR), LORD ASHFIELD (Sk Lt C W Renrose DSC Rtd) RNR, ROBERT STROUD (Sk W W Cockrill RNR), all at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifter - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BOY JOHN (Ty Sk G H Kersey RNR) at Barrow[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]NORTHERN LIGHT, PROVIDER (no COs listed), both at Lossiemouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Aircraft observation drifters – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]six drifters [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Auxiliary patrol vessels – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ADVENTURINE, WILLIAM BRADY (no COs listed), both at Aberdeen[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Armed boarding vessel - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ST MAGNUS (Cdr R J E Willoughby Rtd) at Aberdeen[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ARISIO (no CO listed) fitting out at Hull, BRABANT (Ty Sk J A Armitage RNR) at Rosyth, OAK (Lt C Edgecombe RNR) at Peterhead, STONEFLY (Sk W Wood RNR) at Stornoway[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Motor launch – [/SIZE][SIZE=small]ML.107 at Portsmouth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Auxiliary patrol vessels[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - minesweeping trawlers GREGORY (no CO listed), LORD BEACONSFIELD (Ty Sk W Mogg RNR), both at Peterhead[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command, Rosyth [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - UNICORN II (Capt H A Le F Hurt CMG Actg, Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 34 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers CRANEFLY (Sk H B Soames RNR) repairing, DANE (Sk J Ralph RNR), EQUERRY (Sk W R Watson RNR) repairing, GADFLY (Lt C L Broadhurst RNR), STURTON (Sk W Buchan RNR), P WILLOW (no CO listed), all at Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](ungrouped) - BAY (Sk G R Burwood RNR) at Selby, BLACKTHORN (Ty Skippper W R H Stewart [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) at [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifter - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]GLOW (Sk C Chamberlain RNR) at Jarrow fitting out [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]2nd Mine Recovery Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - echo sounding yacht EL TOVAR (Ty S/Lt A K Blake RNVR) at North Shields, drifters ACHIEVABLE (Ty Sk G G Harrison RNR) at Dundee, FRONS OLIVAE (Ty Sk F Rippin RNR) at Portsmouth, SAILOR KING (Ty Sk V F Holness DSC [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR[/SIZE][SIZE=small]) arr Dundee 3 Jun, SCOTCH THISTLE (Ty Sk W Sheales [/SIZE][SIZE=small]RNR) at Downs, YOUNG CLIFF (Ty Sk H N Rogerson RNR) arr Dundee 3 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Auxiliary patrol vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]CHALCEDONY (Ty Sk W Truefitt RNR), TERVANI (Ty Sk G Douglas RNR), both at Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three at Dundee[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tug - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]SAUCY (Ty Lt J Cordery RNR)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Port Edgar[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - LOCHINVAR (Capt W T Phipps Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 60 [/SIZE][SIZE=small](Training Flotilla) - minesweeping trawlers BLACKWATER (Ty Sk W H Buley RNR) at Swansea, BOYNE (Ty Lt J Aikman RNVR) at Port Edgar, COLNE (Lt G A Roberts) at Leith refitting, DEE (Lt I Griffiths) at Port Edgar, FOYLE (Ty Sk C H T Birch RNR) at Port Edgar, GARRY (SO, Lt Cdr A C A C Duckworth, Lt Cdr A G Ingram DSC Rtd from 11 Jun) at Port Edgar, KENNET (Sk H Keatings RNR) arr Fishguard 6 Jun, LIFFEY (Lt F S Croughan Rtd) at Leith refitting [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - CLAVERHOUSE (Capt E O Broadley Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]13th Anti-Submarine Group - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]anti-submarine trawlers STAFNES (SO, Sk Lt S J Ward RD RNR), REIGHTON WYKE (Lt T Conolly RNR), both at Granton, THORNWICK BAY (Sk J May RNR) dep Rosyth 6 Jun, VASCANA (Sk Y Day RNR), VISENDA (Ch Sk H E Dodd RNR), both at Granton[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]38th Anti-Submarine Group[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - anti-submarine trawlers BRIMNESS (Sk A Keable RNR) at Granton, LADY BERYL (Ch Sk G W Holliday RNR) at Granton, STELLA CANOPUS (SO, Sk W C King RNR) dep Rosyth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]7th Minesweeping Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - paddle minesweepers PLINLIMMON (Lt Cdr C W Arkwright Rtd) arr Leith 8 Jun, QUEEN OF KENT (Ty Lt J Dixon RNR) at Chatham, QUEEN OF THANET (Ty Cdr S P Herivel Rtd) at Granton, SKIDDAW (Ty Lt J A Harris RNR) at Granton, WESTWARD HO (SO, Cdr A L Sanders Rtd) arr [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Leith[/SIZE][SIZE=small] 8 Jun[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]CARISBROOKE (Ty Sk A Reid RNR) at Humber, COMMODATOR (Sk W Limb DSC RNR), CURTANA (Sk G F Blockwell RNR), HOVERFLY (Ty Sk G Harwood RNR), LORINDA (Ty Sk J N Hall RNR) SARGON (Ty Sk C J Watson RNR), WALLENA (Ty Sk A Taylor RNR), remainder at Granton[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Lookout drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three at Leith, two fitting out, two fitting out at Hull[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]seven at Granton[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]"Parachute patrol craft" [/SIZE][SIZE=small](type not known) [/SIZE][SIZE=small]- [/SIZE][SIZE=small]eight at Granton[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rosyth Command, Newcastle [/SIZE][SIZE=small]Sub Command[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - two at Blyth[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - CALLIOPE (Rear Adm W G C Maxwell CMG Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 54 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers DAVID OGILVIE (Sk K B Taylor RNR) at Tyne, FLANDERS (Ty Sk C Evans RNR) at Harwich, KUNISHI (Sk K S Hawkridge RNR) at Leith, NODZU (Ch Sk R B W Hume RNR) at Tyne[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](ungrouped) - RENZO (Ty Sk J O Emmons RNR) at South Shields, RESOLVO (Ty Sk A Affleck RNR) at Jarrow, both fitting out[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Harbour defence patrol craft - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three at Tyne[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Barrage balloon drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]three at Tyne[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Rescue tugs[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - WATERMEYER (Ty S/Lt R Irvine RNR) at Sullom Voe, Dutch THAMES at Tyne, both chartered[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]North Shields[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - CALLIOPE (Rear Adm W G C Maxwell CMG Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]8th Minesweeping Flotilla[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - paddle minesweepers GLEN AVON (Ty Lt A Stubbs RNR) at North Shields, GLEN GOWER (SO, Cdr M A O Biddulph Actg) at North Shields, GLEN USK (Ty Lt Cdr N F Wills RNR) at North Shields, LAGUNA BELLE (Ty Lt Cdr A O Foden Actg RNVR) at North Shields, SNAEFELL (Ty Lt F A Smyth RNR) at North Shields, SOUTHSEA (Ty Lt B A Cows RNR) fitting out at Southampton, THAMES QUEEN (Ty Lt L G Horshan RNR) fitting out at Chatham[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers [/SIZE][SIZE=small](ungrouped) - CLIFTON (Ty Sk T W Gorringe RNR), HENRIETTE (Ty Sk W S Dodsdale RNR), NEW COMET (Ty Sk A H Barratt RNR), WITHAM (Ty Sk A J Cobb RNR) All at North Shields[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]JUNE ROSE (Ty Sk W P Holmes RNR), SUMMER ROSE (Ty Sk W Howes RNR), both at North Shields[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Auxiliary patrol vessels - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]DONNA NOOK (Ty Sk J Carter RNR), ETHEL TAYLOR (Ty Sk W E Lane RNR), KOPANES (Sk D E Coleman RNR), MORGAN JONES (Ty Sk P S Ellarby RNR), SOUTHCOATES (Ty Sk E L Creaser RNR), WYOMING (Ty Sk P Coull RNR), all at North Shields[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Lookout drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]six at North Shields, four at Scapa Flow, two at Chatham[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Base ship[/SIZE][SIZE=small] - PARAGON (Cdr F N Eardley-Wilmott Rtd)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 1 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers HAWTHORN (Ty Lt F C Newell RNR), LILAC (Lt B M T Hill), SYCAMORE (Lt A H F Norman Rtd), WILLOW (Ty Lt G L Fetherstonehaugh RNVR), all returning from Narvik[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 22 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers MOUNT KEEN (Sk C Whitworth RNR), OKU (Sk D Ralph RNR), STELLA ORION (Sk A West RNR), all atHartlepool[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 23 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers BEN DEARG (Sk G W Clarkson RNR), PICTON CASTLE (Sk W Rigby RNR), POINTZ CASTLE (Sk W Cardno RNR), all at Hartlepool[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 24 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers BIRCH (Ty Sk A Watson RNR), CHESTNUT (Sk H N Rogers RNR), ROWAN (Sk L D Romyn RNR) repairing, WALNUT (Sk T Smith RNR), all at Hartlepool[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 26 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers FIR (Sk J W Whitelaw RNR), MANGROVE (Ty Sk A E Johnson RNR), OLIVE (Ty Sk G C C Mileham RNR), all at Hartlepool[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping Group 41 - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers MILFORD HAVEN EARL (Ty Sk A H Britton RNR), PHINEAS BEARD (Sk W W McRuvie RNR), TEROMA (Lt W E Gelling RNR), WILLIAM CALE (Ty Sk G E Gornall RNR), all at Hartlepool[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping trawlers - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]minesweeping trawlers CEDAR (Sk W J Scott RNR), CYPRESS (Sk G Simpson RNR), both at Leith, HOLLY (Ty Sk R Baxter RNR) at Lowestoft, SYRINGA (Lt F S Croughan Rtd) at Leith[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=small]Minesweeping drifters - [/SIZE][SIZE=small]BOY ALEC (Sk J Morrison RNR), LIZZIE BIRREL (Ty Sk S E Tate RNR), both at Hartlepool [/SIZE]
  20. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    PTimms, there's not really that much point in posting up a great big long list of the above without taking on board...

    1/ that the Royal Navy knew what it could spare from those many and various commands and clustered what destroyers it COULD for anti-invasion duties; even then, they had to allow destroyers from those three temporary commands out on other patrols and duties, particularly convoy escort in the Western Approaches, with the proviso that they didn't go further than three days' fast steaming from Home waters.

    2/ It couldn't simply strip Home Fleet etc. of all destroyers - this would leave the capital ships of Home Fleet open to various levels of threat if it HAD to sally against a KM that appeared suddenly from the Baltic - which is what it feared all through the Sealion period;

    3/ that many of the destroyers listed there at various commands WERE the "anti-invasion" destroyers detached temporarily to Plymouth, Portsmouth and Harwich;

    But what is most interesting is your FIRST comment -

    ...and what you've left out there; the RN has to FIND the German invasion shipping!

    This is not a facetious comment; the RN's anti-invasion destroyers were supposed to mount a series of nightly or bi-nightly patrols off various locations on the coast of Occupied Europe - but if you look in the records of ships' movements on naval-history.net....for a number reasons, particularly weather, moon state and tides...they only managed these patrols THREE TIMES during the whole month of September 1940!

    The Admiralty refused to give any guarantee they could ever find a German invasion fleet in time...and this actually turned out to be the case! On only one single occasion did they actually enounter any invasion shipping transiting to their port of departure; ALL the other gathered barges and shps made it to their ports in France and the Low Countries without the NAVY finding them.....it was the RAF that spotted them gathering!

    This is something that very very few proponents of British sea power in 1940 have actually noticed; I only discovered it by accident when trying to match the bi-nightly patrol regimes with the movements and operations of the KM's minelayers before Sealion....and wondered why they kept missing the KM's minelayers when they were coming and going from the very ports that the RN's Destroyers were supposed to be patrolling off at night! THEN I happened across the material in naval-history.net that indicated that the patrols were FAR fewer and far between than planned...

    The anti-invasion destroyer flotillas would hit the German invasion shipping on each flank once it had been "found" - most likely by it blundering across the picket line of armed yachts etc. of the Auxiliary Patrol. It would have to gather its numbers from the aforementioned destroyers on temporary duties elsewhere BEFORE entering the Channel Narrows in strength...which is why if you look at the so-called "Sandhurst Game" results, they didn't start impacting (sic!) the German shipping until the second day of Sealion.

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