Well as Oli said all entrees must be in by wednesday 10:30. and we'll hopefully have the results by wednesday evening
Good entries so far (my favourite is the one Roel posted... ) - can't wait to see the remaining two...
To all participants, (CSP in particular), since CSP's entry is not posted and in the hopes of seeing Sovietsniper's illustration I can wait until 11:30. After that the Gemarian minister will be refusing entries (blame him not me :lol: ). The winning entry will maybe get built and used (the spec is a "real-world" one, in that the Republic of Gemarian Free States is the country I'm running in our latest wargames campaign, and we're starting in 1945). I have an AA tank designed and half-built in 72 scale, but may go for the winner. In any event I'll give the specs for the one I've done, to show how I was thinking of solving the problem.
Okay, it appears we have no more entries, CSP and Panzermeister, I'm afraid to say, have not won :lol: We have two that have eliminated themselves, one that I'm only assuming is valid and one totally valid entry. The spec called for 20 mph in contact and 30 mph moving to contact or a good overlap in range and cheap enough to buy sufficient quantities. The Donnerwetter (love that name) and the Flyswatter are both under speed, and appear to have no cost advantage over the other two. But, I liked the upgrade capability of both of these, and if they had been picked my army would immediatley ask for the heavier armament. Flyswatter - I'm dubious about a 30-35 ton vehicle with only four roadwheels per side, although the turret is nicely forward, and the plexiglass dome will provide a nice view. But it offers little protection in a street fight. Presumably it's Cromwell/ Comet-based and should therefore be cheap as it's based on a production vehicle with suspension and turret differences. Donnerwetter - looks to be eminently workable, again a current-production vehicle to keep costs down. Probably cheaper than the Flyswatter. ZSU-37-2 (for want of a better name) - again workable, but no performance figures, this is the one I'm assuming can keep up since it's T-34 based and would have a similar speed. Cost is kept down by using a standard production chassis. I would have liked to see an illustration as it's not stated whether the guns are mounted in an enclosed or open-top turret ( a la ZSU-57-2). I would have liked the 45mm aaircraft gun(and suggested 3 months ago to an opposing player/ country that is T-34-based to design/ adopt a ZSU-45-2). T-16 FTAA (Fully Tracked Anti-Air) - what can I say? Plenty fast enough, light and therefore cheap, and 3 x 37mm guns will give the sort of firepower the RGFS is looking for. Although it has a lower total weight of fire than some of the other options I believe that the sheer cheapness (since a first-order indicator of cost is weight) will allow it to be purchased in sufficient quantities to have dedicated AA as well as pure infantry support vehicles. The ball goes back to Danyel gents, sorry. And I do have an unbuilt Matchbox Chaffee kit siiting around somewhere, so there may be a photo posted in a few weeks. PS my solution, after re-reading Tony W's autocannon book and a visit to Leeds Armoury is a Cromwell-based rotary 37mm. Hotchkiss built such guns for naval use in many countries (although hand-operated) and Tony's book states that the Westland proposal for the F7/30 fighter had a rotary MG in one variant, so the ammo feed and powered drive was known in Britain at least in 1930 or so. The ammo feed was of the Accles type and dates back further. So build a Hotchkiss with extended barrels for better muzzle-velocity (maybe with a new round), add the feed and drive and voila, WWII Vulcan ancestor.
Would it be possible to wait just a little longer? I for one would rather not have people left out this time. Time zones seem to be the greatest enemy of this game. May be a good idea for the winner of each game to select a partner judge that is on an opposet timezone, so they can work together to make sure all the submissions are caught. P.S. By the way: Roel and Ricky, another one for the hall of fame I think. I thought for sure I was going to loose once I noticed that I put the 37mm guns on my tank a little too high to be depressed enough for close infantry support.
Hmmm, ok I'm on-line for another hour or so, and then it'll be Friday before I'm back. Could leave it until then if there's no objection from the other players. Danyel, I'd assumed that you could get at least zero degrees because the magazine, AFAIK, is at the side of the gun, which gives the requisite direct-fire from a stand-off distance.
Guys I have school and an inconvienant timezone , I posted this message at lunch , I'll come home after school in 3 hours and I'll have it posted in three and a half hours, Please for the love of God waittt !!! , mine is super awesome , wahahaaaaaaa :cry:
Me neither, especially since I know I lost! Yeah, I was thinking about having more road wheels but that was after I posted the pics, to late to change anything. Anyways, congrats Danyel, if you continue to be the winner (which I doubt will change). 3x37mm cannons would undoubtedly cause some major carnage among the Loqatorian airforce.
Heres the pic , I think the vehicle itself is good , but that crap around was due to a poor job whitening out the surrounding picture , except for the 37mm cannons , the vehicle pretty much has the same performance and specs as the Sd.Kfz.234 , so , I could have had it in earlier except I have school now so I didn't have as much time to work on this one. Oh yeah heres the drawing if anyones still interested. Dammit , I'll post it in announcements and suggestions. [Picture now here!]
Are they 37 or 20mm CSP? It looks like a flakvierling turret which was 20mm (AFAIK), or have you replaced the 20s with 37s for the purposes of this game? Either way I'm afraid I'll have to change the winner. Sorry Danyel, but a wheeled AFV will probably work out even cheaper than the Chaffee. So cheap that crew losses will be evened out by being able to field larger numbers. So, late entry though it was, I have little hesitation in awarding the contract to Canadiansuperpatriot. I'm glad you talked me into waiting. To confirm, the winner is: Canadiansuperpatriot