Usually the weather people draw a cone to indicate the angles the hurricane path may take. I've never seen this before: with Ophelia, they didn't bother drawing a cone, they drew a circle. Great, so we know she could head N, S, E, and/or W. There's even the possibility that she will shoot northward and hit New England while still in hurricane strength. Fortunately for us, she will probably not come back down our way.
I always thought Scharnhorst was much prettier than Bismarck. Is there an inverse relationship between a ship's looks and its combat quality? I think the rebuilt Cavours were gorgeous, but they sure couldn't match many BB enemies in WWII.
Germania ruled the seas? Hogwash! The Kriegsmarine never really threatened the naval supremacy of the Royal Navy, despite British losses to U-boats. WW2 at sea turned out just like Admiral Erich Raeder said it would: the German Navy managed mostly to show that they knew how to die gallantly, especially the surface fleet.
at least they ruled the seas (or trying to rule) during WW1. in those days, germany had the second biggest navy (great britain was just a bit stronger)
It was just to provoke and not serious But nevertheless, the Kriegsmarine was great, because they rescued nearly 2 million german civilians, great job.
problem was that the kriegsmarine wasn't ready for war. they war still building up their fleet acording to the Z-plan wich would be finished around 1947. but hey, Hitler never paid much attention to his admirals
The Z Plan would not have made the KM ready for war. As WWI had shown, the German surface fleet became irrelevant the moment Britain became the enemy.
i don't agree with that. after the battle of Jutland (witch turned out in a moral victory for brittain) the sailers of the german fleet and the admirals were afread to set sail again in order of not losing any otheer ship anymore. thats the raison why the hochenseeflote didn't went to sea anymore. however (as proven in the battle of jutland where the germans sank more ships that the britisch did and doing some very awsome turns like "everybody turn at the same moment over 180 degrees", they manneged to escape 2 or 3 times from a crossed T.) a strong and willing fleet can knock down a slightly bigger and expierenced fleet
Yes, the Battle of Jutland is a fine illustration that the German fleet, even if it outperforms that British fleet, can't accomplish a darned thing. All it managed to do was to divert a large pool of manpower that would have served better in the army or other areas.
nevertheless, it also kept britisch amnpower away from other theatres of war. for the Tirpitz, they neede the home fleet in high allert all times just in case she should sail out. bombers had to been used to keep Scharnhorst and Gneisenau into the port of Brest. imagine wat a fleet thats time times bigger would do.
It'd be a much bigger target for the bombers for a start, not to mention tieing up larger quantities of German manpower that would probably be put to better use elsewhere.
sure but the britisch have to use all their ships to make sure none of those can escape. the battle of the nordkape could be won (only if the KM had a lot of ships at the alta fjord afcourse ) the shelling on russian troops on the baltic states in '44 would be more effective (killing more russians so they have to stop their offensive sooner) or even shelling murmansk to the ground so that convoys towards russia would be useless because ther's no port to dock at and, with a lot of ships, the KM could break out an prehaps destroy force H so that gibraltar could be taken.