Hi guys! At last I have the first draft finished! HOORAY! The last few sections are a bit thin and my conclusion just hasnt happened just a list of key points really, due to going over the word limit (45,000 words in all), writing every day for three weeks and my father taking a very bad turn for the worst. All those of you who wanna read it and slag it off/praise it/wipe their arse on it/fall asleep on it, can you PM me an email address to send it too, but it is an academic piece so bear that in mind! I hope their aint too many mistakes... Thanks a lot guys, any comments will be useful, hope to use it as the basis for a book someday! RED
Well done, RedBaron! Excellent feat. I hope to follow your fine example in about 4 years time. I am sure you have Theirs Is The Glory in your Sources/bibliography...euh...filmography...
Well done Red! I'll be doing my dissertation for my MA next year, so I know just how much work you've put in. Look forward to reading yours in the shops eventually. Regards, Gordon
Thanks guys, its been an effort! Never need to buy a book on paras again! Treated myself to 'Rising 44' and 'Stalins Falcons' today! having a couple of weeks off before starting the re-writes!
Well done Red Baron; I did my Masters about 10 years ago, so know how you feel. I hope to start my PhD in the near future; have you any plans to do so? Looking forward to reading your book one day.
It was supposed to be my PhD, but lack of funds led to it being a Masters... But I dont think oi could have written the 80,000 plus for the phd... but maybe in a few years... Hmmmmm, Waffen-SS comabet effectiveness perhaps???
Hotmail! I love it everyday more! You can send it here, Baron: friedrichh984794@aol.com Thanks in advance!