Not sure, but it could be the lid of a self healing fuel tank from an RAF aircraft. I have one from a German ME109 (I will post it later for you) . This needs confirmation but the ports clearly mention it's from an aircraft (probably a fighter or a two engined bomber) There are three entries : one for the fuel entrance. One for the port tank and one for this the starboard tank. This allows an automatic balance of the weight. If all the fuel went in one tank instead of an equal quantity, the plane would lose balance upon taking off and landing.
well Nick I checked and found in 1944 a crashed up NJG 1 Bf 110G-4, the crew made it through without a problem, not exactly what I was looking for though, am sure this 7th staffel machine has already been found and cleaned up but you never know. that was on the 17 of June 1944 5 km south of Tilburg. 7./NJG 1 machine at 03.10 hrs. The BF was wounded, and all three members bailed out successfully of the burning Bf 110G-4 G9+FR, werke nummer # 440268 E ~
I am looking in to that soon! Thank you Erich, I am also busy with some other crashsites, one is only a small 10 meters from my house, in the same street, few doors back. Very sad story, many people got killed. Info is comming soon... maybe tonight.
This is the picture I mentionned earlier. You can see there is an obvious ressemblence with your RAF find. This is the cover of a Me109 G6 self healing tank . There are even pipes still on it. The copper actually turns. It was found underwater.
The condition is exceptionnal considering it was buried in a swamp . even the wire that was connected to the gauge is still intact. The copper bolts still turn as if they were fitted yesterday and the rubber pipes are all three attached to the device. There is even one connexion device on one of the pipes.
Another rare item. This is a plug connected with the bombsystem used to throw them from the airplane, don't know exactly how to explain in English, I'm sorry. The Fl. number still visible. The Hersteller code hdq stands for; Funk & Fatter o.H. München , Karlsplatz 16.
It could be part of the electral wiring going to to the bomb hatch , but not neceseraly. Here are several similar plugs that come from German fighters. Check out the siemens one!
Here is the impressive and very sad story happened on Wednesday September the 4th, 1940 in the Nieuwstraat in Gilze. Just a few meters from my own house. ================================================= The II./KG26 had given his first objective that day, they will start the attack on Liverpool with 200 other airplanes. The planes where inspected, loaded with ammunition, bombs and fuel. And about 08.00 pm the crew is moving to their “Gefechtsstand” for the flight-planning, at that time 40 planes are standing ready for the coming mission... to attack Liverpool. About 22.00 pm the crew is ready to board the airplanes that stand ready. And soon later the first planes take to the runway to fly away. One after the other... and after 7 planes got safely in the sky the He 111 of the 6th Staffel stands ready to do so as well. Sitting after the wheel is Lt. Siegfried Baltes, born in Gleichamberg, Germany. Slowly the planes moves to the head of the runway, for a moment Lt. Baltes looks at his crew before he's taking the plane into the sky. At first 25 meters high, than faster... 50 meters, 100 meters... and away he goes. And then the fatal moment strikes, when Lt. Baltes pulls in his landing gear his He 111 suddenly trembles! And losing altitude. Towards the village of Gilze ... With open eyes he sees the houses of the Nieuwstraat coming closer and closer. At that moment the people of Gilze are mostly making ready to go to bed or are already sleeping. Not knowing of what is happening above them. Just like the family Wezel, living across from the hotel De Kronen of family Vermeulen. Its now 12.00 at night. In the kitchen son and mother Vermeulen are cleaning the room and talk with some late guests. Its a warm night and the 16 year old Gerrit Vermeulen has fallen in sleep upstairs. Not for longer than 30 minutes cause then hell breaks loose... An awesome sound, with a huge bang. Bricks, wood, metal, pieces of airplane everything is flying around! Into the windows, tearing huge holes in the wall. The only thing Gerrit could think of at the moment is getting away from that terrifying noise! He jumps outside his window on a small roof and runs towards the street. Close to him explosions sounds and a huge fire has started. Than he sees human bodies laying on the street, and then he realizes he was not alone at home. But still he keeps running till he reaches the family Beijsterveldt further down the street, who he tells there are all dead at his home. Thinking that the bodies he had seen where from his family and dead. At the crash site the situation is incredible, panic and terrifying. The plane of Lt. Baltes flown into the house of Willem van Wezel across the hotel De Kronen, taking everything with it, bricks, wood, walls on to the street. Also the people who were laying in bed where thrown outside with the rouble and burning fuel that is know moving to the Hotel De Kronen. Its a miracle that all the people that were present in the hotel De Kronen just got away with severe burn wounds. The crashsite now has become a true hell! Sounds of exploding ammuntion, the intens fire, the alarm bell that rings, and the still overcoming German airplanes! And than the 3 bombs of the He 111 exploded making al the windows and roof tiles break in the environment. Many neighbours run outside and look at the damage and burning hell, and than on a sadly way also a member of the Vermeulen family dies, the ante of Cor Vermeulen. She as all the others run outside and saw the damage, the last thing she said was "Och bij onze Jan" and than she got an heart attack, that killed her. After that help had arrived and the battle against the fire begins, and taking care of the wounded and dead. After about 30 minutes the message reaches the family Beijsterveldt that the family Vermeulen is save and still alive, only with severe burning wounds... At first there is unbelief in the eyes of the young son Gerrit Vermeulen, but than he sees the Doctor Hoeks with his dad, mother and kees, Anna and Cor. Injured but still alive. Also his sister Luus survived. His dad was heavily injured, with severe burn wounds. But that is not the only miracle, it seems there is also a survivor of the family Wezel, its Jan van Wezel, he fell with his bed and all outside his house into the street. Making him the only member of his family that was present who survived. After many hours the battle against the fire is won, and a new day breaks. Leaving the lives of the people of Gilze: Wilhelmus J. van Wezel 55 jaar Wilhelmina P. van Wezel -van Kruisbergen 51 jaar Antonia M. van Wezel 21 jaar Petrus A. van Wezel 19 jaar Martinus 0. van Wezel 15 jaar Jacobus M. van den Broek 25 jaar And the four German aircrew members, burned in their plane... Their names are. Siegfried Baltes, Lt., Pilot, Geb: 14-12-1919 Gleichamberg. Gottfried Pottgüter, Lt., Observer, Geb: 27-8-1916 Duding hausen. Karl-Heinz Graunke, Gefr., Radio., Geb. 18-4-1917 Berlijn Erich Pfretzschner. Boordmont., Feldw., Geb. 27-10-1914 Plau /Yogtl. "Opdat ze rust en vrede mogen vinden, en nooit vergeten zullen worden."
six dead including five members of a same family! In a way these people are all casualties of the Battle of England. Rip
Nice one! I'm surprised this was found in a Luftwaffe depot. It could have added after the Liberation too.
Yes, is possible, strange thing is near this magazine I found many Brittish .303 shells... none American .30-06.
Interessting 13 mm German airplane rounds, found in the woods near Rijen. Found many more as I can show on pictures, the live ammo was reported but I also found many empty cartridges, some of them I have cleaned. You can see the result. Interessting headstamps.
Huge bomcrater near the Railroad between Dorst and Rijen. Think about 10 meters in length. You can see my metaldetector standing against the tree.