Australia has "a couple of coal mines"... Believe it or not Australia is closing down it s coal fired power stations...China loves our coal...twice as pure as theirs... We're into solar farms and wind farms...We are sending some of the power to South East Asia...
American friend of mine is a geologist working for the mines in WA. I think he's with the iron mines.
"Researchers in Brazil have uncovered a remarkable discovery that spans across millennia—dinosaur footprints found alongside ancient rock art dating back over 9,000 years. This significant find took place in Serrote do Letreiro, located in the Sousa Basin, and the research has been published in the journal Scientific Reports. The study, led by Leonardo P. Troiano, Heloísa B. dos Santos, Tito Aureliano, and Aline M. Ghilardi, suggests that prehistoric hunter-gatherers in Brazil created mysterious rock art designs—known as petroglyphs—next to dinosaur footprints. These findings offer valuable insights into the intersection of paleontology and archaeology, particularly at the Serrote site. The paper notes that while researchers first identified the petroglyphs in 1975, they only recently discovered these carvings close to massive dinosaur footprints. This discovery was facilitated by the innovative use of drones. The tracks, they said, belong to dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Period, which ended around 66 million years ago. Researchers believe ancient humans deliberately placed these carvings next to the dinosaur prints, noting that some petroglyphs are only 2 to 4 inches away and may depict the footprints themselves. This suggests that people of that era were deeply curious about the footprints and interacted with them. "The individuals who crafted the petroglyphs were acutely aware of the footprints, likely selecting the location precisely because of them," Leonardo Troiano, the study’s lead author and an archaeologist from Brazil's National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage, told Live Science "It would have been impossible to overlook their presence." Stunning discovery of 9000-year-old rock art shows humans may have interacted with dinosaur footprints - Good
Saw recently that two guys searching for Sasquach died of exposure. Or did they ? Waiting for the conspiracy theorists to chime in.
Start as we mean to continue. "The UK's biggest ever dinosaur trackway site has been discovered in a quarry in Oxfordshire. About 200 huge footprints, which were made 166 million years ago, criss-cross the limestone floor. They reveal the comings and goings of two different types of dinosaurs that are thought to be a long-necked sauropod called Cetiosaurus and the smaller meat-eating Megalosaurus. The longest trackways are 150m in length, but they could extend much further as only part of the quarry has been excavated. "This is one of the most impressive track sites I've ever seen, in terms of scale, in terms of the size of the tracks," said Prof Kirsty Edgar, a micropalaeontologist from the University of Birmingham. "You can step back in time and get an idea of what it would have been like, these massive creatures just roaming around, going about their own business." UK's biggest ever dinosaur footprint trackways unearthed - BBC News
Tiny Tim ? You just lost 90% of the forum ! Speaking of Coal, someone was weren't they! The Midwest of America is sitting on top of nothing but.
A 1.8 mile long core, that's some bloody doing. "What is probably the world's oldest ice, dating back 1.2m years ago, has been dug out from deep within Antarctica. Working at temperatures of -35C, a team of scientists extracted a 2.8km-long cyclinder, or core, of ice - longer than eight Eiffel Towers end-to-end. Suspended inside the ice are ancient air bubbles which scientists hope will help solve an enduring mystery about our planet's climate history. The European scientists worked over four Antarctic summers, racing against seven nations to be first to reach the rock under the frozen continent. Their work could help unravel one of the major mysteries in our planet's climate history - what happened 900,000-1.2 million years ago when glacial cycles were disrupted and some researchers say our ancestors came close to extinction. "It's an amazing achievement," says Prof Carlo Barbante at Ca' Foscari University of Venice who co-ordinated the research. "You have in your hands a piece of ice that is a million years old. Sometimes you see ash layers coming from volcanic eruptions. You see the tiny bubbles inside, some bubbles of air that our ancestors breathed a million years ago," he says. The team was led by the Italian Institute of Polar Sciences and included 10 European nations." Million year-old bubbles could solve ice age mystery - BBC News
Presumably the core was in sections? "Better to ask and risk looking the fool than not ask and prove it."
"Archaeologists have discovered a collection of lost treasures in the crypts of the Cathedral Basilica of St Stanislaus and St Ladislaus of Vilnius, located in the capital of Vilnius in Lithuania. The Vilnius Cathedral, the primary Catholic cathedral in Lithuania, has served as the site for inauguration ceremonies of Lithuanian monarchs since the early 15th century AD. The discovery was unveiled during a press conference at the Museum of Religious Heritage, where archaeologists revealed a hidden chamber within the cathedral crypts. The chamber contained the grave insignia of prominent rulers of Lithuania and Poland, including Alexander Jagiellon, as well as Elizabeth of Habsburg, the first wife of Sigismund Augustus, and his second wife, Barbara Radziwiłł. Among the treasure are several funerary crowns, including the lost funerary crown of Alexander Jagiellon who ruled as the Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1492 and King of Poland from 1501. Also recovered is a medallion, a chain, the ring and coffin plaque of Elizabeth of Habsburg, as well as the funerary crown, sceptre, royal orb, three rings, and two coffin plaques of Barbara Radziwiłłówna." Lost treasures of European rulers found in cathedral crypt
Archaeology, the Ambrosia of the Gods- - Melting ice reveals millennia-old forest buried in the Rocky mountains Metal Detectorists Discover 1,200-Year-Old Graves That May Have Belonged to High-Status Viking Women Rare gold coins with portrait of usurper Emperor found in Luxembourg Enormous skull of 200-million-year-old giant dinosaur discovered in China Keyhole surgery on old books leads to discovery of medieval fragments Excavations at Queen Hatshepsut's mortuary temple reveal elaborate burials, decorated blocks and ancient tools 10th-century woman buried with weapons in Hungary is 1st of her kind, but researchers are hesitant to call her a warrior Manot Cave yielded evidence for ritualistic gathering 35,000 years ago, the earliest on the Asian continent Tombs Discovered in England Belonged to Byzantine Warriors, Study Claims
The site seems to be a day behind these days. New evidence suggests megaflood refilled the Mediterranean Sea five million years ago Hidden underground tunnel system built by Incas found beneath Cusco Rediscovered Temple of Poseidon in Greece Larger Than Initially Assumed Spectacular Discoveries Unearthed at Greece’s Ancient Site of Philippi Dried plants 19th-century Australian colonial institution indicate secret, illicit snacking among residents Women were at the center of iron age Britain. New find reminds us how misogyny has shaped our view of the past Archaeologists discover rare liquid gypsum burial of 'high-status individual' from Roman Britain Archaeologists Discover Rare Boundary Stone From the Tetrarchy Period of the Roman Empire Contains Two Unknown Place Names Australia’s 1,400-year-old Mysterious Earth Rings: Evidence of Millennia of Human Effort, Not Natural Formation Pre-Viking fragment from “one of Scandinavia’s most magnificent helmets” discovered in Lejre Ming Dynasty tombs unearthed in China’s Shanxi province
Thanks Mr. GRW. Love your bits that make me think, and ponder. Science is advanced by thinking outside the box, challenging the status quo. Cheers man.