Cool addition Skipper. I know of his name from books but don't think I ever saw a photo of him before.
Just have a look at his decorations, I'm trying to figure out what they all are. He is a famous field Marchall , oddly enough not as famous as Lerclec abroad, despite an impressive curiculum
I THINK I know what book I saw his pic in-I THINK it was in the older edition (and much much better) of: The American Heritage Book of WWII.
Celebrating the May 8th capitulation in Berlin decorating his sun who later fell in Indochina in 1951
The above pictures are widely known pictures and are not mine I'm afraid, but I'd love to show you the one I have if you ever show up here
I'm still planning on it my friend! In fact I bought a bottle of Jaegermesiter for us!! It may be a while, but I'll keep saving my pennies!!
Hi Scott, Skipper, If I can ever make to there-i'll be bringing a nice bottle of Cognac-and or Cinnamon Schnapps-whichever is liked best? Pvt Museum is right-Skippers has more substance than mine will ever have. Oh and, BTW, Skipper, Kruska, Herr, Erich and JC, i'm going to TRY to get to the Post Office this Saturday to send you the stuff I owe ya-but that all depends on if my Brother aint going out of town then. Transportation for now-is my only delay--Grrrrr.
and a souvenir handkerhief that was apparently handmade (embroided) by a sweetheart in 1945. It mentions some of the regions that were occupied by the French 1st armored Division. This beauty is part of my personnal collection. areas mentionned are Baden Baden , Constance, Freiburg and the Black Forest