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German troops in Russia took a defensive stance

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Eastern Front & Balka' started by John Locke, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. FramerT

    FramerT Ace

    Dec 25, 2003
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    If "this" defensive line took place right before Stalingrad AND Hitler did'nt blow torch the locals,I believe it could be done. The German defeat at Stalingrad put a lot of confidence in the russian army.
    An extra 100 divisions would over tax the railroads that the "pissed-off" locals are already targeting. This would have to be dealt with,possibly laying another
    whole rail line.
    All bets are off if Hitler still declares war on the U.S.
  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    interesting thread, had a friend a Waffenmeister in the 1st Infantrie Div. that fought through Poland, France the ugly transfer to the Ost front and back toward Danzig and barely escaping the Soviet might to Denmark.

    He said it all several times to me. "We were heavily outnumbered even from 1941. yes we had fantastic discipline and tactics plus armor but we were far from our homeland and supply lines, we could be caught in a pincer movement anytime, the Soviets had learned early the lessons needed, chief production centres had not been bombed out and were doing ever increasingly well in mass production of armor and planes and that with the US/RAF bombing us night and day at home we hadn't a chance.

    RIP Helmuth
  3. Roddoss72

    Roddoss72 Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    To everyone above

    I have made a mistake, i quoted a figure of 5,000 for a Soviet Rifel Division this is incorrect the figure is 9,700 Officers & men the number previously quoted is for a Soviet Cavalry Division which is 4,850 Officers & Men

    What i have also established is the the Soviets had

    500+ Rifle Divisions
    100 Artillery Divisions with 4,500 per division
    125 Cavalry Divisions
    Unknown amount of Tank, Motorised & Mechanized Divisions as the numbers fluctuate between differing sources but as close to as many as 100 divisions
    120 Penal Divisions that were never given Orders of Battle and never officially recognised.

    All told the Soviets fielded something like 1,000 divisions during the war.

    All in all at the height of the war the Soviets could muster somewhere as many as 14 million troops this includes the several million women who served in the front lines
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