Good. That's one thing I hate about "talking" with people electronically. It's too hard to gauge reaction. Talk to you soon Wm.T.
Hello William, I didnt take it the wrong way either--I just felt that it should be known at way vets can be difficult to contact. Mostly though it has to do with how people treat them and whether or not they have been shafted by some noncaring individual(s) as has sadly happened WAY too many times, and sadly happened to Erich Topp.
As to Erich Topp; I thought the story was even more painfull than 'just' a break in. I read an 'open e-mail' on the internet (don't ask me were) by his son, asking everybody to keep a look out for these items. Apparently he thieves had introduced themselves as historians/researchers who wanted to interview Mr. Topp. Which they did, but when he left to get something or whatever they stole the dagger and other items. The theft was not noticed until later. Talking about 'honor'...
Stevin, You are correct the theft of Erich Topp's items was as a result of a visit to his home by some so called researchers,who then took advantage of his hospitality and stole from him. Carl i'm sure you will be right these items will be hidden away in some rich and very selfish persons collection. Thankfully this sort of thing is quite rare.
It's hard, at least for me, to imagine someone doing that to a veteran. Any veteran, from any country. To take advantage of someone who invited them into their home. So very sad. Wm.T.
Hello Paul--William. I kinda have a "gut" feeling that that is what happened--paying some jerks do steal. These thieves most likely had no interest in the items and some rich jerk paid them off with a handsome reward. I had direct emails with Michael Topp about a year or so ago. I will always keep my eyes peeled for his fathers stuff--tho we know that stuff will never see the light of day again unless someone confesses--which I really doubt. Unfortunately vets get shafted all the time BECAUSE they are only too willing to trust and help. Case in point and more recent--stephan ambrose who shafted not only US vets but German vets. Another case in point--UK auther gordon williamson--shafted German Knights Cross Recipients. I have 2 books by williamson which I would normally throw away because of what this tickturd did, but for the fact that his books actually have a bit of usable info and good photos. Other than that--I will never buy a book from him nor from ambrose. [ 29 March 2002, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
Not wishing to continue the negativity but this also applies. I have interviewed too many ex-Luftwaffe vets that shared their original photos with would be authors finding later than sooner, that the pic were never returned. Well isn't that jolly nice ? ! so you can see from my previous posts William the "could" be problems you may face with German vets today....... a distrust. pursue anyway ! E