What's the best book out there that highlights the career of Waffen SS Obergruppenfuhrer Herbert Otto Gille? Any good books out there about his career?
Most likely Mark Yergers two volume series on the Senior Waffen SS Commanders. They are published by Schiffer books--and I dont know if you can still get volume 1 or not--andd both volumes are $60.00 each--but I think well worth it.
I would advise this : go to www.feldgrau.net when the forums come up, go to the link below that shows Waffen SS. Mark is the moderator of this forum. Write him a private message and maybe he will send you an autographed copy.... ! E
Thank You. Is there been a book written about the IV SS Panzer Corps? I have heard that Fedorowicz is publishing or has published one on the III SS Panzer Corps. Has anyone heard anything?
Do you mean Drama between Budapest and Vienna ? Not published yet and quite over due in my opinion ! III.SS Germanische Korps....covers 11th SS Pz.Gren. Nordland and the 23rd SS Nederland. "Tragodie of the Faitful" published last year through JJF and by Wilhlm Tieke. Around $ 40.00 US, it also has a bit more info on the 23rd SS anbd some nice pics of that units stug's. The German title had better scanned pics, and it is something that I have written John F about in the past...... E
Erich, I did that a while back. Got a short but friendly note that he didn't sell his own books and one should check with the on-line stores Are the JJF volumes you are talking about (III/IV SS Corps, the Tieke book) translations from German? I prefer the buy the books in their original language as much as possible. Recently got Tieke's 'Wittmann and the Tigers of the Leibstandarte'....in english...
Stevin : Ha ! you are correct, he loves to give one liners and nothing in lengthy form. He used to self publish his Das Reich volumes I and II. But you are probably right about his leaders volumes. Through Schiffer, but you never know till you ask.