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Lancaster Bomber 514 Squadron

Discussion in 'Honor, Service and Valor' started by E. Campbell, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Skipper: I am reposting a few questions that are asking for an answer in the Loss Record for LL692 A2-C

    - I'm hoping you are able to answer these "nice to know" items for: http://lostaircraft.com/database.php?mode=viewentry&e=12753

    1. "Date of LL692 A2-C joining No.514 Sqdn is obscure."
    Skipper: Can you confirm or deny that LL692 A2-C arrived at 514 Squadron on or about their "best guess" date of 25 July 1944?
    - Only four days or so before your crash?

    2. "No accounting for the period 25 March 1944 - 28 July 1944"
    Skipper: Do you have any idea of what LL692 was doing throughout May, June and July of 1944?
    Repairs? Refitting? As a Training / Conversion School Airplane? etc...

    3. "No record of total hours."
    Skipper: Do you have some recollection of how many hours airtime LL692 A2-C had with 514 Squadron?
    How many hours it likely had with No.115 Sqdn from its arrival there to them on 28 Dec 1943 until its arrival to you at Waterbeach?

    Any questions you are able to answer can be put into this loss record.

    Again: Much appreciated Alex, especially for all the joy you have provided us, one and all with and in this exceptionally rewarding thread.
    Yours: Fred Wilson, Vernon BC Canada.
  2. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'll do my best .

    1) No confirmation , but very probably due to a recent re-assignment (new call code for 514Sq)
    2) Logically re-assignment = painting, repairs, but no firm confirmation.
    3) Hours will be available on the log book. Hopefully Alex will be able to tell . Figures must be very low (a few dozen hours only) .

    sorry I'm not being a great help on this one.
  3. E. Campbell

    E. Campbell Member

    Mar 9, 2006
    Likes Received:
    JU88 Captured July 13, 1944

    The Luftwaffe seemed to have significant success at finding and shooting down allied bombers flying at night. Dad had mentioned that there were rumours that German Nightfighters were able to detect the radar system, Monica, used on RAF/RCAF bombers and track the bomber using this intercepted signal.

    A navigational error made by a JU88 pilot revealed the full capability of the Luftwaffe night fighters:

    "Prospects were extremely discouraging (Gunston, ibid). Then before dawn on July 13th 1944, a single aircraft orbited RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk; got a green and landed. The crew bus ambled out to collect what was expected to be the pilot and observer from a Mosquito. Instead it collected three men in Luftwaffe gear. Having set the reciprocal course by mistake, they had brought one of the latest Ju 88G nightfighters."
    Note the date, two weeks before A2-C was shot down. Apparently the use of Monica was curtailed sometime after July 28, 1944
    The importance to the allies of this event is detailed here:


    This is the "Top Secret" report.


    Found this comment, apparently from Arthur Harris:

    (1) Arthur Harris, Bomber Command (1947)
    On 13th July, 1944, the enemy night fighter force suffered a serious reverse. We had begun to suspect that the enemy had greatly improved his methods of interception and the existence of new equipment was vaguely rumoured. It was, of course, extremely difficult to get information about the work of the German night fighters for the simple reason that they operated over Germany and neither aircraft nor prisoners of war were at all likely to fall into our hands. By an almost incredible stroke of luck the pilot of a Junkers 88 mistook England for Germany in July 13th and landed with his aircraft quite undamaged on an airfield in England. It was a Junkers 88 of the latest type and it contained two wholly new instruments for detecting aircraft in the dark. The first of these instruments,which had the code name of S.N.2, worked on a wavelength such that it could be jammed or confused by a type of Window already in use against the enemy's early warning system.
    We had in hand a small but sufficient stock of this type of " Window" and decided to use this at once, without waiting for a trial. We used it against the enemy night fighters for the first time on the night of July 23rd-24th in an attack on Kiel and it was at once proved useful. The use of the second new instrument, which had the code name Flensburg, was discovered when a night fighter pilot took up the Junkers 88 and used it in an exercise against our bombers. It was found that by this equipment the enemy could readily home on to the transmissions from a radar set with which most of our bombers had been equipped to give the crews warning of the approach of an enemy fighter. We had this warning equipment modified at once, and sent the Junkers 88 up again to see if it could intercept a considerable number of bombers which had been fitted with the modified warning equipment. It was found that the modification did no good, and the equipment was therefore discarded at once.
  4. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    I know have access to the (edited and updated) 514 Sqdn Orbs (Monthly Summary documents, Monthly Events documents and ORB Appendices) thanks to Simon Hepworth of http://www.514squadron.co.uk/
    (Reluctant to post them here. Bit tough to read...)

    E.A and Alex Campbell. Do you have a copy of the Orbs?
    Simon Hepworth is asking for assistance with proof reading as his transcription is from hand written records enlarged from microfilm.


    cont. next post....
  5. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Delving into the LL692 Air Hours question repeated below - brings up yet another question. :circlejerk: :rofl:
    Was it common for aircraft to change their Identifier? :FUallplz: (I have not heard of this before.)

    There are Records in the ORB's of LL692 JI-A Found on:
    Page Date
    125 - June 5 1944 P/O CJ Thompson RAAF
    127 - June 7 1944 P/O CJ Thompson RAAF
    129 - June 10 1944 W/O CE Williams reporting
    131 - June 11 1944 W/O CE Williams reporting

    "Date of LL692 A2-C joining No.514 Sqdn is obscure." So says http://lostaircraft.com/database.php?mode=viewentry&e=12753

    Skipper: Can you confirm or deny that LL692 A2-C arrived at 514 Squadron on or about their "best guess" date of 25 July 1944?
    - Only four days or so before your crash?

    Or was LL692 JI-A given a new Identifier of LL692 A2-C?
  6. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Excerpt from the Operational Record Book (ORBs) for 28th July 1944.
    Weather: Cloudy, few showers.

    Non-Operational Flying: Fighter affiliation and cross-countries were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING STUTTGART.

    20 aircraft were detailed, 18 took off, 14 attacked the primary target, 1 abortive sortie - jettisoned. 3 aircraft missing.
    Weather was 10/10ths thin layer of cloud over the target. TM was scattered.
    Several clusters of green and red TIs seen and Master Bomber was not always specific as to which cluster should be bombed.
    Consequently bombing was scattered. Little evidence of bombing, although reflection of fires seen through cloud.

    F/S DC Gordon, RAAF in PB142, JI-A reported: Bomb load 7x 1000 MC, 2x500 GP. Primary target: STUTTGART.
    Weather 8/10ths cloud. Bombed at 0157 hours from 19,000 feet green TIs as instructed. Much fighter activity. Should be a good attack.

    F/S GC France in PB143, JI-B reported: Bomb load 7x 1000 MC, 2x500 GP. Primary target: STUTTGART.
    Weather 9/10 thin layer of cloud. Bombed at 0200hrs from 20,000 feet glow of green TIs. Uneventful trip.

    F/S Oliver: Abortive sortie. Starboard outer fluctuating, temperature and pressure oil leak on port inner.

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Stuttgart Area[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 496[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 18[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 39[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 3[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: The final in the series of attacks on this target. A bad night for Bomber Command, saw the loss of 39 aircraft. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Night fighters infiltrated the return stream of bombers which led to the high losses. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The combined damage over the 3 raids was extensive, with the central areas of the city badly affected.[/SIZE]


    LL692 A2-C. The first aircraft to be shot down that night, LL692 was brought down at 0001 hours by the JU88 G1 4R+AK flown by Lt. Johannes Strassner of 2./NJG2.
    The location was 4 km. East of Châteaudun. F/L Campbell and most of his crew fortunately survived and their tale is told in a short film produced by his son.

    F/L EA Campbell RCAF (Pilot) evaded
    F/O RR Griffin KIA
    F/S EF Garland RCAF (Navigator) evaded
    F/O JE Chapman RCAF (Bomb Aimer) evaded
    Sgt AR Lyons (WOP/Air) evaded
    F/S ER Jones (MU Gunner) evaded
    F/S SA Harvey (Rear Gunner) evaded
    Sgt WA Donaldson (Flight Engineer) evaded

    F/O RR Griffin is not listed in the ORB as part of the crew of LL692 but was part of the crew on this flight, on a second dickey trip.
    He is listed in Bomber Command Losses by WR Chorley (Ian Allen Publications).
  7. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
  8. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
  9. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The G1 was the version used by Herr Strassner at Chateaudun. They shifted to the G6 only a few weeks later. The C6 was an ancestor compared to these two latest versions.
  10. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
  11. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Apologies if this was posted previously. If so, I don't recall it.
    Need to re-read the whole shebang yet again...

    From http://hilaroad.com/translated.htm
    The crew of Campbell


    Earl Jones inset and front (left to right): Sam Harvey and Earl Garland
    back row: Jock Donaldson, Alex Campbell, Ben Chapman and Jack Lyons
  12. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    From the 514 Squadron Operational Record Book (ORBs)

    ORBs Missions of LL692 JI-A + LL692 A2-C

    05-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Ouistrehem A417904 P/O CJ Thomson
    07-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Massy Palaiseau A417904 P/O CJ Thomson
    10-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Dreux W/O CE Williams
    11-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Nantes W/O CE Williams
    12-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Gelsenkirchen NZ4223667 F/S PF Carter
    14-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 JI-A Ops Le Havre W/O CE Williams
    15-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Valenciennes J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    17-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Montdidier P/O R Harvey
    21-Jun-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Domleger P/O R Harvey
    27-Jun-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Biennais J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    30-Jun-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Villers Bocage J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    02-Jul-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Beauvoir J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    05-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Watten F/S R Hardwick
    10-Jul-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Nucourt J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    12-Jul-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Vaires J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    15-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Chalons Sur Marne J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    18-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Aulnoye J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    18-Jul-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Emieville S/L PB Clay
    20-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Homburg J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    23-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Kiel P/O R Harvey
    24-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Stuttgart P/O R Harvey
    25-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Stuttgart J25414 F/O EA Campbell
    27-Jul-44 D Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Les Chattiliers J27538 F/L DBK McDonald
    28-Jul-44 N Lancaster LL692 A2-C Ops Stuttgart J25414 F/L EA Campbell
  13. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Operational Record Book (ORBs) for LL692 JI-A - P/O CJ Thomson, Skipper. 5th June 1944. Weather: Fine and sunny.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests were carried out, Formation Flying Practice, Air/Air Firing Exercises and 1 detail of Fighter Affiliation.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING OUISTERHAM.

    22 aircraft were detailed to bomb the primary target at Ouisterham but only 21 aircraft took off.
    On completion of the duty 20 aircraft landed at Base and 1 at Woodbridge. Cloud over target was 3/10 10/10 with slight haze.
    All crews bombed on the markers which were reported as concentrated with a few red and green slightly to the East, believed to be in the sea, which attracted some bombing.
    Consensus of opinion was that the attack was good and concentrated bombing resulted on the land around the Aiming Point.
    Explosions were reported at 0510 hours in the target area. One fighter was seen in the target area and occasional bursts of H/F from Caen area.
    All aircraft carried a bomb load of 9 x 1000 MC and 2 x 500 MC.

    P/O CJ Thompson RAAF in LL692, JI-A reported: Broken cloud at target.
    Obtained visual of coast and target and bombed at 0507 hours from 9000 feet.
    Unable to assess results as little to be seen for ice on the panel.

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: OUISTERHAM.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 1012[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 21[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 3[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: Several gun batteries in the actual invasion area were targeted on the eve of D-Day. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron was tasked to bomb Ouisterham. A record 5000 tons of bombs was dropped in the one night.[/SIZE]
  14. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    ORBs for LL692 JI-A - P/O CJ Thomson, Skipper. 7th June 1944. Weather: Overcast all day but clearing slightly towards the evening.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests were carried out.

    Visits: Captain P Mansdorf of the United States Naval Air Corps paid a visit to the Station and attended
    the briefing of the Crews for the nights Bombing Operations and also the interrogation on the Crews' return.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING MASSEY PALAISEAU.

    18 aircraft were detailed to bomb the primary target of Massey Palaiseau and all aircraft took off, each carrying a bomb load of 18 x 500 MC.
    Two aircraft were missing and two returned early to Base due to compass trouble. Of the remaining 14 aircraft, 13 landed at Base on return and one landed at Manston.
    Weather was clear below the cloud, the base of which was about 7500 feet.
    All aircraft bombed on the markers which were reported as concentrated and the result was concentrated bombing amongst the TIs.
    Huge columns of smoke were seen on leaving the target.
    Light flak was particularly vicious in the target area and two aircraft were damaged the rear gunner in each case being injured. Searchlights were few.
    Much fighter activity was experienced in target area and eight or nine aircraft were seen to be shot down.

    P/O CJ Thomson RAAF in LL692, JI-A reported: Weather was clear below cloud, base at 7500 feet. Bombed green TI at 0213 hours from 6000 feet.
    Bomb bursts were seen and raid was thought satisfactory. Monica was u/s. Master Bomber was clear and precise.

    [SIZE=11pt]P/O EJ Cossens RNZAF in LL624, JI-R, reported: Clear below cloud. Bombed as instructed by Master Bomber at 0216 hours from 5000 feet. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Starboard wing damaged by light flak. Rear turret damaged due to a fighter attack. Rear Gunner seriously injured. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Captain too busy elsewhere to pay attention to raid. Landed at Manston.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: P/O EJ Cossens in LL624, JI-R. On the night of 7 / 8th June 1944, Lancaster ‘R’ of 514 Squadron [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]was in target area on bombing run flying on a course of 120 deg T at a height of 6000 feet IAS 180. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]At 0217 hours M/U Gunner and Captain simultaneously saw an ME-109 at range of 300 yards on starboard beam level. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Captain immediately corkscrewed to starboard and E/A closed in very fast and passed under Lancaster. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]As E/A passed under Lancaster, Mid Upper Gunner fired a 3 second burst and E/A broke away to port quarter down. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]E/A then attacked again at a very steep angle from dead astern below and fired a burst which shot off the Rear Gunner's leg and rendered the rear turret unserviceable. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The E/A's breakaway was not seen owing to the Rear Gunners injuries. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – F/L Wright. – 120 rounds.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner – Sgt. Brown. - Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Massey Palaiseau Railway Targets[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 337[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 18 (2 returned early)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 27 [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 2[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: This turned out to be a costly raid, with the loss of 8.3% of the Force. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The attack was split into two waves and delays proved deadly when enemy night fighters attacked with a vengeance taking a heavy toll. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]It is testimony to crews’ commitment that under such extreme circumstances, the bombing remained accurate. [/SIZE]

    Missing aircraft:

    DS822, JI-T. Crashed at La Celle-les-Bordes, probably on their approach to the target.
    There are no claims by night fighter crews matching the time and place of the loss of DS822, however there was flak in the Paris area and it is possible that this accounted for the loss of the aircraft.
    Sgt Clarke was held as a POW at Buchenwald Concentration Camp until transferred to a POW camp.

    P/O WL McGown (Pilot) Evaded
    W/O AN Durham RAAF (Navigator) Evaded
    P/O LWC Lewis (Bomb Aimer) POW
    W/O KE Bryan RAAF (WOP/Air) KIA
    F/S JGS Boanson (MU Gunner) KIA
    F/S RC Guy (Rear Gunner) KIA
    Sgt J Clarke (Flight Engineer) POW

    LL727 A2-C. Set on fire by a night fighter over the target area, the crew escaped from their attacker, received further flak damage before
    finally being shot down by the JU88 of Hptm. Herbert Lorenz of 1/NJG2 at 0255 hours. Crashed at St-Eusoye, 20 km NE of Beauvais.

    F/O L Greenburgh (Pilot) Evaded
    W/O LJW Sutton (2nd Pilot) Evaded
    F/S R Fox (Navigator) Evaded
    F/S EG Rippingale (Air Bomber) Evaded
    F/S J Stromberg (WOP/Air) KIA
    Sgt PJ Carey (MU Gunner) POW
    Sgt RS Woosnam (Rear Gunner) POW
    Sgt F Collingwood (Flight Engineer) POW
  15. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    ORBs for LL692 JI-A - W/O CE Williams. 10th June 1944. Weather: Cloudy and dull with some rain.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING DREUX.

    19 aircraft were detailed to bomb the primary target at DREUX and all took off successfully.
    Each aircraft carried a bomb load of 16 x 500 GP and 2 x 500 LD. All landed at Base on completion of their duty.
    Weather was clear with some haze. Target well marked. Green TIs at first slightly to NE of target, yellows at 0101/2, white at 0103.
    Master Bomber corrected bombing in each case but there was much RT interference. Large orange flash was seen at 0056 hours.
    Large explosion at 0100 and 0110 hours and good fires. Generally the attack was considered good. Flak was negligible and there were no searchlights.
    There was much fighter activity. One ME109 was claimed as damaged by Lanc D.

    F/S RD Pick in LL666, JI-D reported: Bomb load 16 x 500 GP, 2 x 500 LD. Primary target: DREUX.
    Bombed as instructed by Master Bomber at 0056½ hours from 6000 feet.
    Many bomb bursts near TIs seen and smoke at end of yards. Weather clear, generally quiet trip.

    [SIZE=11pt]F/S CF Prowles in DS816, JI-O reported: Bomb load 16 x 500 GP, 2 x 500 LD. Primary target: DREUX. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Bombed to starboard of green T.I.s as instructed by Master Bomber at 0100 hours from 6000 feet. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Bombs seen to burst across yards. No trouble experienced. Weather clear with slight haze.[/SIZE]

    W/O CE Williams in LL692, JI-A reported: Had combat with enemy aircraft.

    F/S JM Whitwood in LL734, JI-G reported: Unidentified S/E aircraft claimed as destroyed.

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: At 0106 hours in position 48.45 N. - 00.49 E. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner saw an unidentified S/E (Suspected Enemy) aircraft almost dead astern slightly to starboard at a range of 200 yards and immediately opened fire with a 2 second burst. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]M/U Gunner followed almost immediately with a 2 second burst. Rear Gunner then gave order to corkscrew to starboard and both Gunners continued to fire during this manoeuvre. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]E/A was temporarily lost in corkscrew and Lancaster had just resumed course when both Gunners and W/Op saw a ball of fire astern which fell rapidly to the ground and burst. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – F/O Chapman – 150 rounds. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner – Sgt. Rirch – Not Listed – (Approx 300 rounds – based on 2 sec. Burst)[/SIZE]

    F/S CS Johnson in LL677, A2-E reported: An Me410 claimed as destroyed.

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: At 0109 hours in position 48.42 N. - 00.50 E. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner reported another Lancaster on the starboard beam level at a distance of 300 yards and being attacked by an ME-410 and warned Captain to stand by to corkscrew to starboard. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner at the same time opened fire at E/A which immediately turned to attack Lancaster ‘E2’ from starboard quarter level. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]As E/A closed in Rear Gunner fired almost continuously and at range of 250 yards E/A also opened fire, the trace passing under nose of Lancaster. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]While E/A was firing its port engine was seen to catch fire but it still continued to attack on curve of pursuit. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]At this stage Mid Upper Gunner got in 2 short bursts. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]When E/A had come in dead astern and below Lancaster, Rear Gunner got in another long and accurate burst and E/A became enveloped in flames and started to fall. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]On hitting the ground (position logged by Navigator at 48.42 N. 00.47 E) E/A was seen to explode by several members of the crew and by other crews in the bomber stream.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The E/A is claimed as definitely destroyed. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – F/S. Poud – 100 rounds. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner – F/S. Dymott – 600 rounds[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: DS795, A2-J. At 0109 hours in position 48.49 N – 0037E. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner reported JU-88 on the starboard quarter (very fine) below at a range of 500 yards and immediately gave order to corkscrew to starboard. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]On commencement of corkscrew, E/A and Rear Gunner opened fire simultaneously at a range of about 400 yards and Lancaster was hit on starboard flap and wing-tip and the starboard tyre. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]E/A only fired one short burst but Rear Gunner continued to fire with a long burst of 5 seconds, though no hits were observed. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Finally E/A was lost to view in the corkscrew and the breakaway was not seen. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The Mid Upper Gunner was unable to see E/A, being dazzled by trace and subsequently unsighted. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]No casualties were sustained by the crew of Lancaster.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – F/S Acaster. – Nil.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner – W/O Reid. - 400 rounds.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Dreux Railway Facilities[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 432[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 19[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 15[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: Multiple targets were again on for operations tonight. The attacks were primarily on railway infrastructure at various locations. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12pt]‘Nachtjagd War Diaries’ states that a Ju88, one Me410, one Bf110 and ‘two Bf109s’ were claimed as destroyed by bomber gunners with five other unspecified night fighters claimed as possibly shot down or damaged.[/SIZE]

    Everything below this line added by Otto.

    I received an email 10 October 2016 providing the following email concerning this post. Adding it here for search indexing purposes.

    "Hi I have just been looking at your forum and I have noticed in an article posted 13/3/2014 an name error.

    It quotes F/S C S Johnson. In fact it is Charles James Johnson (my father). In LL677 A2-E report and ME410 claims as destroyed. It was and for this action he and F/S Dymott and I am quite sure that F/S Poud were awarded the DFM.

    Kind regards"

  16. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Operational Record Book (ORBs) for LL692 JI-A - W/O CE Williams. 11th June 1944. Weather: Cloudy visibility moderate, improving towards evening.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests and a Cross Country were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING NANTES.

    16 aircraft were detailed to bomb the primary target at Nantes but one failed to take off. All landed at Base on completion of their duty.
    There was 10/10ths cloud with tops 4/8000 feet, base down to 2500 feet.
    Most crews bombed below cloud on instructions of the Master Bomber, but a few did not hear and bombed glow of markers from above.
    Red and green TIs were close together. Yellows were seen later in the attack. No assessment of results could be made.
    There was moderate L/F and a few bursts of heavy. There were 2 or 3 S/Ls below clouds. 2 fighters only were seen and there were no combats.

    W/O CE Williams in LL692, JI-A reported: Bomb load 16 x 500 GP, 2 x 500 LD. Primary target: NANTES.
    Bombed as instructed by Master Bomber at 0247 hours from 2300 feet. No visual obtained. Conditions hazy below cloud base of 2700 feet. Port outer engine u/s on return.

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Nantes Railway Facilities[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 329 [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 15[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 4[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: As in the previous raid, multiple railway targets were attacked. [/SIZE]
  17. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    ORBs for LL692 JI-A - F/S PF Carter, Skipper. 12th June 1944. Weather: Fair, Visibility good. Strong winds.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING GELSENKIRCHEN.

    17 aircraft were detailed to bomb the primary target at Gelsenkirchen. Two aircraft are missing and one returned early.
    One aircraft landed at Woodbridge with u/s ASI and the remainder landed at Base on the completion of their duty.
    The weather was clear over the target. The marking was exceptionally good with bombs concentrated on the markers and large fires and a thick pall of smoke were seen.
    H/F moderate to intense with much S/L activity.
    There were few sightings but two combats in one of which a twin-engined aircraft with light on the nose was claimed to have been destroyed by Lancaster K2.

    F/S WM Watkins in LL670, A2-K reported: Bomb load 1 x 4000 HC, 12 x 500 GP, 4 x 500 MC.
    Primary target: GELSENKIRCHEN. Clear over target. Bombed red and green TIs at 0108 hours from 16,000 feet.
    Large explosion seen at 0105 hours and large fires with much smoke. Route quiet but track marked by succession of 4 red balls.
    Flak barrage and intense searchlights over target. Twin engined aircraft claimed destroyed.

    [SIZE=11pt]F/S CF Prowles in DS816, JI-O reported: Bomb load 1 x 400 HC, 12 x 500 GP, 4 x 500 MC. Primary target: GELSENKIRCHEN. Clear over target. Bombed red & green T.I.s at 0108 hours from 19700 feet. Close concentration of bomb bursts seen in area of T.I.s with smoke & fires.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: LL677, A2-E. At 0124 hours in position 49.46 N. - 0026 E. Rear Gunner saw an ME-110 at range of 250 yards, attacking another Lancaster dead astern and below. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner immediately opened fire with a short burst at E/A and ordered Captain to stand-by for corkscrew to starboard. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The other Lancaster corkscrewed out of sight and E/A climbed to attack ‘E2’. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The Rear Gunner then ordered Captain to corkscrew to starboard and immediately afterwards E/A opened fire with 2 fairly long bursts, the trace passing very close under Lancaster ‘E2’. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner replied to E/A's fire with a number of short bursts on the fourth of which E/A burst into flames and started to head back towards the French coast. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner continued to fire with further short bursts and E/A commenced to fall into a steep dive enveloped in flames. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Both Gunners the W/Op, and the Flight Engineer saw E/A fall and hit the ground where it exploded. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]M/U Gunner was unable to bring guns to bear throughout the combat. While the ME-110 was actually falling in flames, M/U Gunner saw [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]unidentified T/E (Twin Engine) aircraft on starboard quarter level at range of 250 yards and immediately gave order to corkscrew to starboard. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]E/A then opened fire to which M/U Gunner replied with several bursts, but throughout the combat was unable to get guns to bear effectively. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]E/A broke away on port beam down and was not seen again. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – F/S Poad – 200 rounds. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner – F/S Dymott. - 500 rounds.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Gelsenkirchen – Nordstern Oil Plant[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 303[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 17 (1 returned early)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 17[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 2[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: The target for this raid was an oil plant in Nordstern. This marked the start of the ‘Oil Plan’. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]On this occasion, TIs laid by Pathfinders were extremely accurate. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The oil plant was extensively damaged with local reports estimating some 1,500 bombs hit the target. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]This caused the loss of around 1000 tons of fuel per day, for a period of several weeks. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Locals reported that 6 German schoolboy ‘Flakhilfers’ were killed whilst manning the anti-aircraft defences.[/SIZE]

    Missing aircraft:

    LL678 A2-L. According to www.lostaircraft.com, shot down by night-fighter of Oblt. Dietrich Schmidt, II/NJG1, crashing at 0124 hours at Zuid Loo, 3km SE of Bathmen, where those who died are buried in the general cemetery.
    However, Nachtjagd War Diaries credits Hptm Gerhard Friedrich, 1/NJG6, with shooting down LL678.

    P/O HS Delacour RAAF (Pilot) KIA
    F/O SA Phillips RCAF (2nd Pilot) KIA
    F/O RG Picton (Navigator) KIA
    F/S G Palamountain (Bomb Aimer) Evaded
    Sgt AC Bentham (WOP/Air) KIA
    Sgt CD Savage (Rear Gunner) KIA
    Sgt SF Williams RCAF (MU Gunner) Evaded
    Sgt GE Martin (Flight Engineer) Evaded

    DS818 JI-Q. Crashed at Nunspeet, Gelderland. Cause not stated.
    Possibly shot down by Hptm. Joachim Böhner, 2./NJG6 who claimed an unidentified 4-engine aircraft 20 km S of Deelen.
    Nunspeet is approx. 50 km north of that location. Those who died are buried at Ermelo (Nunspeet) New General Cemetery.

    P/O DA Duncliffe (Pilot) Evaded
    F/S G Lewis (Navigator) KIA
    Sgt GK Brown (WOP/Air) KIA
    F/S HJ Bourne (Bomb Aimer) POW
    Sgt KR Baker (MU Gunner) KIA
    Sgt WE Steger (Rear Gunner) KIA
    [SIZE=12pt]Sgt PG Cooper (Flight Engineer) POW[/SIZE]
  18. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    ORBs for LL692 JI-A - W/O CE Williams. 14th June 1944. Weather: Heavy clouds with fine intervals. Strong wind.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests, Fighter Affiliation, Air/Air firing Practice and Cross Country Exercises were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING LE HAVRE.

    17 aircraft were detailed and took off to attack the docks at Le Havre.
    17 aircraft attacked the primary target and returned to Base on completion of duty.
    Weather was clear and target well marked. All crews bombed on markers, chiefly red and green as instructed by Master Bomber.
    The dock area was illuminated by fires started in the northern part of the harbour earlier in the attack and
    by numerous explosions which lasted throughout the attacks, bombs were seen falling in the dock area.
    Flak was negligible and confined to light tracer. Four aircraft had combats, 1 enemy aircraft claimed destroyed and 2 damaged.

    F/S CJ Johnson in LL677, A2-E reported: Bomb load 11 x 1000 MC, 4 x 500 GP. Primary target: LE HAVRE.
    Weather clear. Bombed at 0116 hours from 15,000 feet on green TI. 3 large fires seen burning on arrival.
    Good raid markers concentrated. Defences seldom in action. Successful combat in Fecamp area.

    [SIZE=11pt]F/S CF Prowles in DS816, JI-O reported: Bomb load 11 x 1000 MC, 4 x 500 GP. Primary target: LE HAVRE. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Weather clear [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]–[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] much smoke. Bombed at 0116 hours from 15000 feet on green markers. Good concentration of bombs on markers. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Big area of fire in docks & town to the North. One aircraft seen shot down.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Le Havre E-Boat Base[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 234[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 17 [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 1 (Lancaster)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: A notable raid for several reasons. Spitfires (of 11 Group) were used to escort the bombers. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]This was required because this raid took place in daylight, making it the first daylight raid since May of 1943. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The aim of the attack was to neutralise German E-Boats some 30 miles from the beaches of Normandy. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]This was to restrict them from interrupting shipping movements of allied supplies. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The raid was deemed a success, with good TIs and concentrated bombing. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]The raid effectively eradicated the E-Boat threat to supplies for the allied positions on the beach-head.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12pt]No loss of enemy aircraft attributable to 514 Sqn. gunners was recorded in ‘Nachtjagd War Diaries’.[/SIZE]
  19. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the additions Fred. Yes the Nashorn JU-88 Pic was posted before . It was an experimental device and was not used in combat (too dodgy regarding aerodynamics) .
  20. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    ORBs for LL692 A2-C - EA Campbell, Skipper. 15th June 1944. Weather: Mainly fine and sunny all day. Some cloud.

    Non-Operational Flying: Air Tests and Cross Country were carried out.

    Operational Flying: BOMBING VALENCIENNES.

    20 aircraft were detailed and took off. 17 aircraft attacked the primary target, 1 aircraft was abortive owing to Navigational aid failures and returned early, 2 aircraft are missing.
    10/10ths cloud at 10,000 feet was encountered over the target, crews were instructed to bomb below cloud by the Master Bomber.
    Markers were scattered, but concentration was slightly improved by Master Bomber and bursts observed across marshalling yards.
    No flak or searchlights.

    F/S RD Pick in LL666, JI-D reported: Bomb load 16 x 500 GP, 2 x 500 MC. Primary target: VALENCIENNES. Weather clear below cloud base 1000 feet. Bombed at 0039 hours from 9000 feet on green TIs as instructed by Master Bomber. Good concentrated bombing. Much interference on R/T. Route very good.

    [SIZE=11pt]Combat Report: LL734 ‘G’. At 0043 hours in position 5012N – 0327E M/U Gunner reported a fighter flare on starboard beam, [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]followed a few seconds later by a rocket projectile coming from the same direction which passed about 100 yards behind Lancaster. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]M/U Gunner ordered Captain to dive to starboard to avoid course of rocket, but E/A was not seen by any member of the crew. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]M.U. Gunner – Sgt. Lane – Nil.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Rear Gunner - Sgt. Braine. - Nil.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Target: Valenciennes Railway Yards.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft deployed total: 224[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 20 (1 returned early)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Aircraft lost total: 11[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]514 Squadron: 2[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=11pt]Comments: A return to rail transport infrastructure on this split two target raid. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Both the Lens and Valenciennes targets were bombed accurately. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=11pt]Enemy fighter activity on the Valenciennes target was quite intense which saw the loss of 5 aircraft on this raid, 2 from 514 Squadron. [/SIZE]

    Missing aircraft:

    LL790, JI-J. Shot down, probably at 0052 hours by a Bf110 flown by Oblt. Peter Ehrhardt of 9/NJG5.
    The aircraft came down between Iwuy (Nord) and Rieux-en-Cambresis, 9 km from Cambrai.

    P/O EA Kingham (Pilot) KIA
    F/S RH Hutt (Navigator) KIA
    F/S FR Spencer (Bomb Aimer) KIA
    F/S B Bloom (WOP/Air) KIA
    Sgt FN Ansell (MU Gunner) KIA
    Sgt DG Davis RCAF (Rear Gunner) KIA
    Sgt J Black (Flight Engineer) KIA

    DS816, JI-O. Shot down, probably at 0051 hours by Bf110 flown by Hptm Hubert Rauh of Stab II/|NJG4. Crashed at Croisilles (Pas de Calais) where those who died are buried in the British Cemetery.

    F/S CF Prowles (Pilot) KIA
    P/O AH Morrison RAAF (Navigator) Evaded
    Sgt R Surtees (WOP/Air) KIA
    F/S RB Spencer RAAF (Bomb Aimer) KIA
    Sgt AA Holmes (MU Gunner) KIA
    Sgt J Porrelli (Rear Gunner) KIA
    Sgt HA Osborn (Flight Engineer) KIA

    Note: Sergeant John Porrelli was a volunteer who was Exempt from Service, being at position 3 - Skilled Workmen on the exempt list.
    Sgt. Porrelli was the grandfather of author Andrew Porrelli.
    RAAF Flight Lieutenant Arnold Hughes Morrison was awarded the DFC for evading capture.
    He later filed the following crash report for the RAAF:

    ‘About eight minutes after bombing the target, we were attacked presumably by a night fighter.
    Cannon shell raked the port side and the port wing was set on fire.
    The aircraft was losing height rapidly and at about 8000 feet, the Captain ordered the crew to ‘prepare to abandon’.
    By 2000 feet, the Air Bomber had not been able to remove the front escape hatch.
    I am not certain whether the Rear Gunner, Mid Upper Gunner or the WOP had bailed out through the rear escape hatch but the remainder stayed in the aircraft.
    The pilot landed the aircraft on a fairly flat field and the aircraft disintegrated and was set on fire.
    I was unconscious for a while, and while still in a dazed condition looked without result to the numerous small fires for the remainder of the crew.
    I was informed by the Germans that their bodies were in the wreck and buried in the cemetery at Croissant, France.
    The funeral was attended by about 2800.’ Arnold Morrison was discharged from the RAAF as a Flight Lieutenant on 30th May 1945.

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