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Last Hitler words , true or false ?

Discussion in 'Post War 1945-1955' started by Heinz_Guderian, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. Heinz_Guderian

    Heinz_Guderian Dishonorably Discharged

    Apr 27, 2010
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    If you count Ustashas as Germans , then yes. Hitler never approved mass murders of Serbs in Jasenovac.

    In occupied Yugoslavia there was strict order : "For 1 killed German we kill 100 of your peoepl "

    And what happens when communist rebel kill 1 German ? You know the answer
  2. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    If there were serbs in the partisans fighting Germans then the Germans very probably put some partisans and civilians against the wall,too. I don´t recall Germans being too kind to people about killing Germans.
  3. efestos

    efestos Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    That Hitler improvised his politics and he wasn´t really as smart as he thought is a matter of fact. He was an Idiot and a criminal, wasn't he?

    One year (or a little bit more) and the RAF and L'Arme de l'air would have overhelmed the LW. Probably the nazis expected more of the LW.

    And Logistics. The German - Soviet comercial agreement was too expensive, and Adolph couldn´t pay what he had promised to pay.

    These arguments are some thing like a thief answer he didn´t want to kill the owner of the house but the guy opposed to theft.

    Why Adolph didn´t tried to go for Czechoslovakia and Danzing at the same time? If you betray your promises are unlikely anyone would believe you again. Except other criminal idiot like Joseph Stalin.

    It is irrelevant if he doesn't wanted the war: he provoked it.
    Skipper likes this.
  4. Heinz_Guderian

    Heinz_Guderian Dishonorably Discharged

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Can you tell me where , when and how many Serbs Hitler ordered to be executed ? Or you just sum up all the victims from 1941-1945 ?
  5. Volga Boatman

    Volga Boatman Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I have a message from a 'medium' that my wife consults occassionally...The message is...

    "You are giving Guderian a bad name. Please cease and desist this character hatchet job."

    Adolphus Schickelgruber was simply a misunderstood, regular run o'the mill guy, right?

    He couldn't even spend his last moments on earth with his wife enjoying the simple pleasure of a last, lingering look at Eva's "map of Tasmania". Oh no. Instead, he spent the time 'dictating', as if he never had an opportunity to tell everyone exactly what he thought, politically speaking. He got more airtime than most politicians dream of today to give us these pearls of political wisdom.

    Poor Eva, poor Goebbels children....poor Europe. What a tragedy.
  6. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Partisans in Greece,Yugoslavia,the Balkans ECT - World War II Forums


    German Occupation of Serbia and the Kragujevac Massacre, by Carl K. Savich

    On September 25 and October 10, 1941, Boehme issued orders to units under his command that "the whole population" of Serbia was to be hit severely. Where Keitel had made a vague reference to "the death penalty for 50 to 100 communists", Boehme's strict and rigid interpretation of the directive resulted in the order that for every German soldier or ethnic German outside of the Reich, a Volksdeutsche (ethnic German living in Serbia), killed, a hundred Serbs would be executed:

    General Boehme ordered on October 4 and October 9 that Serbian civilians be shot in the town of Topola.. Boehme sent List a report:

    Executions by shooting of about 2,000 Communists and Jews in reprisal for 22 murdered of the Second Battalion of the 421st Army Signal Communication Regiment in progress.

    The Topola mass shooting was mentioned in the War Crimes Judgment at Nuremberg.

    The Kragujevac Massacre, October 20-21, 1941

    On October 19, 300 civilians were executed in three surrounding villages. All roads leading out of Kragujevac were blocked. All houses were searched. All males between 16 and 60 were taken to district military headquarters for identification, then to cabins overlooking the town. Civil servants were rounded up from offices, and 300 students over 16 were taken from the high school, along with 18 teachers. The roundup continued into the afternoon, with a total of 10,000 assembled.

    100 men were shot early on October 20. According to the official report by Gen. Boehme, 2,300 were executed altogether.

    Throughout October 20 and 21, German firing squads executed Serbian civilians from Kragujevac. German troopers faced exhaustion, and some soldiers were reported to have broken down from the mental and emotional strain of mass murder. The Germans reportedly spared a few hundred townsmen so that the horror could be spread to terrorize the population. Approximately 600 were kept at the execution site in Shumarica, where they buried the dead for the next 4 days. The bodies were buried in shallow graves, which allowed dogs to dig up the bodies and eat the remains. The graves were later marked by Serbian Orthodox crosses, which were removed after the war by the Communist regime.

    Kragujevac massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. Heinz_Guderian

    Heinz_Guderian Dishonorably Discharged

    Apr 27, 2010
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    hey Volga , it's a freedom of speech. I can't talk about tanks all the time , you know :p
  8. Heinz_Guderian

    Heinz_Guderian Dishonorably Discharged

    Apr 27, 2010
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    That only happened when German soldiers were killed and when communist resisted.

    Btw , i live in Serbia , i know that Massacre in Kragujevac was a disaster that communist and chetniks.

    I will try to translate this in English :

    Masakr u Kragujevcu su izazvali partizani i četnici 16.10.1941. kada su u sukobu sa III bataljonom 749. pešadijskog puka između sela Bare i LJuljaka, koji je krenuo da oslobodi zarobljenu 6. četu 920. puka od strane četnika, ubili 9 a ranili 27 nemaca. Posle toga nisu dozvolili neprijatelju da pokupi mrtve već su ih masakrirali na veoma svirep način.

    Massacre in Kragujevac was the cause of communist and chetnik attack on 3rd battalion 749th Inf. Rgt between village Bare and LJuljaka on 16.10.1941.
    They killed 9 and wounded 27 Germans.After that they didn't let Germans to pick wounded and dead and then they slaughtered them.

    That was the cause of Kragujevac massacre.
  9. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Well, what Adolf thought about the actions in the Balkans:

    On September 16, Hitler issued a personally signed directive, Directive No. 31a, to List charging him with the suppression of the insurgency in Serbia:

    I assign to the Wehrmacht Commander…the task of crushing the insurrectionary movement in the southeastern area. It is important first to secure in the Serbian area the transportation routes and the objects important for the German war economy, and then… to restore order…by the most rigorous methods.

    The Fuehrer now has ordered that severest means are to be employed in order to break down this movement in the shortest time possible. Only in this manner, which has always been applied successfully in the history of the extension of power of great peoples, can quiet be restored.

    The following directives are to be applied here:

    (a) Each incident of insurrection against the German Wehrmacht, regardless of individual circumstances, must be assumed to be of communist origin.

    (b) In order to stop these intrigues at their inception, severest measures are to be applied immediately at the first appearance, in order to demonstrate the authority of the occupying power, and in order to prevent further progress. One must keep in mind that a human life frequently counts for naught in the affected countries and a deterring effect can only be achieved by unusual severity. In such a case the death penalty for 50 to 100 communists must in general be deemed appropriate as retaliation for the life of a German soldier. The manner of execution must increase the deterrent effect. The reverse procedure to proceed at first with relatively easy punishment and to be satisfied with the threat of measures of increased severity as a deterrent does not correspond with these principles and is not to be applied.


    In the villages of Meckovac, Grosnica and Milatovac, 427 civilians were executed. In Draginac and Loznica, 2,950 hostages were killed. In Kraljevo, 1,736 civilians were killed. These were reprisals for guerrilla activity near Kraljevo.

    A telegram to the Plenipotentiary of the German Foreign Ministry from the military commander in Serbia explained why civilians from Kragujevac were chosen for execution:

    "The executions in Kragujevac occurred although there had been no attacks on members of the Wehrmacht in this city, for the reason that not enough hostages could be found elsewhere."

    The executions in Kragujevac were indiscriminate. Serbian civilians were selected merely to fill the quota of one hundred Serbs for every German soldier killed.

    With General List on medical leave, General Walter Kuntze was assigned Deputy Wehrmacht Commander Southeast and Commander-in-Chief of the 12th Army on October 24. This was a temporary appointment, until List could return to duty. On October 31, Boehme submitted a report to Kuntze in which he detailed the shootings in Serbia:

    Shooting: 405 hostages in Belgrade (total up to now in Belgrade, 4,750). 90 Communists in Camp Sebac. 2,300 hostages in Kragujevac. 1,700 hostages in Kraljevo.

    Executions of Serbian civilians continued well into the following year. Kuntze in a directive of March 19, 1942:

    The more unequivocal and the harder reprisal measures are applied from the beginning the less it will become necessary to apply them at a later date. No false sentimentalities! It is preferable that 50 suspects are liquidated than one German soldier lose his life…If it is not possible to produce the people who have participated in any way in the insurrection or to seize them, reprisal measures of a general kind may be deemed advisable, for instance, the shooting to death of all male inhabitants from the nearest villages, according to a definite ratio (for instance, one German dead 100 Serbs, one German wounded 50 Serbs).
  10. Volga Boatman

    Volga Boatman Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Of course you are correct in standing up for your right to free speech, Heinz ol'boy!

    Speak then. Watch it though. These rogues KNOW.

    Cheers old fruit!

    Christopher Jensen
  11. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    One of the benefits of being an administrator of this forum is that I can ensure that any question asked will be answered, especially mine.

    I am asking you again to answer these two questions fully:

    This did not answer my question.

    No, I will not delete this thread.

    I don't care what Pat Buchanan wrote. He is not a member of this forum. I would like your answer to my question.

    There is no Freedom of Speach in this privately-run forum. As this is a US-based forum, the forum follows US law. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution only applies to citizen/government interaction and has no bearing on private enterprise. The only freedom of speach offered by this forum is that which is approved by it's owner, or his surrogates.

    Other members, please hold your comments until this small matter is resolved.
  12. Heinz_Guderian

    Heinz_Guderian Dishonorably Discharged

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Hhahahahahah , you are making me laugh. ( and i'm not saying like sarcasm ) :D :D :D

    Cheers :D


    I do not want to answer to your question because i already got warning from admins for Anti-Semitis sayings like : " i stand behind his words about Jews "

    So , i will not answer anything that will be anti-semitic and that will insult someone's religion.I hope that this answer satisfy your needs.
  13. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I would urge you to answer Slipdigit's question, since he is the site administrator. We all want to be sure of what you are saying or implying in your comments.
  14. Spaniard

    Spaniard New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    To Funny, Yes looks like a very reliable Source:D.


    Those Types of comments really puts my Nickers in a Bun:mad: I took a big tranquilizer before I answered this Comment, My Response would of sent me Straight to " Casa Cooler del Spaniard."

    That excuse is Utter Nonsence, Yes just like the Homosexual influence Poets, Writes or anybody that didn't want to support the Nazi's +++++++. So he invaded Poland, guess the Polish People were also a problem and a justified excuse.

    Yes use the excuse the Jewish People where the influence for him for horrifically torturing, and Murdering 6 million of them.

    That type of justification is ludicrous.:mad::mad:
  15. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    No, it doesn't.

    Y'all may continue the discussion, albeit without Herr Guderian's input.
    PzJgr likes this.
  16. Spaniard

    Spaniard New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Ok I found this after a 1 hr search, NOW since I have to provide Source I don't know if It's one of those questionable Sites, If so Please let me Know I'll remove the post faster then the Wind.

    Rochus Misch, now 92, Adolf Hitler’s ex bodyguard is the last living person to have been in the Berlin bunker where the Fuhrer spent his last days.
    In other words, he’s the only person left in the world to have actually seen Hitler’s last moments before he committed suicide on 30th April 1945.

    He claims that he saw Hitler a few hours before the dictator died:
    It was toward 11 am. He passes in front of me, stops, gives me a glance before turning around and disappearing. I went back to work. Down the hall, five or six meters away, I heard Hitler speaking to a group of men, including Goebbels: “And so that what happened to Mussolini, who was hung and stoned (on April 28), doesn’t happen to me, see to it that I am burned after my death.
    He describes what happened when Hitler shot himself:
    Suddenly I heard somebody shouting: ‘Linge, Linge, I think it’s happened.’ (Heinz Linge was the Führer’s personal assistant). They’d heard a gunshot, but I hadn’t. At that moment Martin Bormann, Hitler’s private secretary, ordered everyone to be silent. Linge passed in front of me before stopping in front of Hitler’s door. There was a deathly silence. We waited a half hour before anyone opened the door.

    I was speaking on the telephone and I made sure I talked louder on purpose because I wanted to hear something. I didn’t want it to feel like we were in a death bunker.
    Then Martin Bormann ordered Hitler’s door to be opened. I saw Hitler slumped with his head on the table. Eva Braun was lying on the sofa, with her head towards him. Her knees were drawn tightly up to her chest. She was wearing a dark blue dress with white frills. I will never forget it.

    I watched as they wrapped Hitler up in gray blankets. His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me. Someone shouted to me: ‘Hurry upstairs, they’re burning the boss!’ I decided not to go because I had noticed that Mueller from the Gestapo was there – and he was never usually around. I said to my comrade Hentschel, the mechanic: ‘Maybe we will be killed for being the last witnesses.

    Rochus Misch: the last survivor of Hitler’s bunker | UNCONVENTIONAL WORLD RECORDS

    Late in the morning of April 30, with the Soviets less than 500 meters from the bunker, Hitler had a meeting with General Helmuth Weidling, commander of the Berlin Defense Area, who informed Hitler the Berlin garrison would probably run out of ammunition that night. Weidling asked Hitler for permission to break out, a request he had made unsuccessfully before. Hitler did not answer at first and Weidling went back to his headquarters in the Bendlerblock where at about 13:00 he got Hitler's permission to try a breakout that night.[5] Hitler, two secretaries and his personal cook then had a light lunch consisting of spaghetti with light sauce, after which Hitler and Eva Braun said their personal farewells to members of the Führerbunker staff and fellow occupants, including the Goebbels family, Bormann, the secretaries and several military officers. At around 14:30 Adolf and Eva Hitler went into Hitler's personal study.

    Reference for Death of Adolf Hitler - Search.com

    Hitler’s nurse
    breaks silence
    after 60 years

    Erna Flegel, 93, says Nazi dictator
    ‘sank into himself’ as end neared

    Hitler’s nurse breaks silence - Europe- msnbc.com


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