Absolutely. I think my last point rather overshadows the first two. Whatever the motives, and regardless of its lateness, it was a good & much needed thing to do. Thank you America.
Off the top of my head, all but the CCCP - who were offered it but refused. Oh, and obviously the countries under CCCP-dominance also refused it... Finland apparently got none, as did Yugoslavia. Whether they were offered or refused, I don't know. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan#Expenditures is a good link, showing who got what
Notmi wrote: Virtually every western European country except Spain and I think one other that doesn't come to mind at the moment. I will look it up when time permits. Edit..yes all western European countries except Spain(not invited to join due to dictatorship) and W. Germany(which was being administered under the occupation and later joined in the Marshall Plan).
Well, I suppose the nuetrals had suffered losses in trade? Shipping sunk accidently? Or more likely just welcoming the free gift.
Another very important argument for the Marshall plan was of course the fact that poverty in Europe would inevitabely favour communist movements and thus create the possibility for communist governements in western europe. Of course that could not be in the interest of the USA. Generally, the US certainly had selfish reasons to provide the Marshal plan aid, but as far as I am concerned that does not diminish my gratitude for the help they provided us both during and after WW2. What's wrong with the fact that the Marshall plan benefitted both the US and Europe?