I've started to explore the Eastern Front airwar and immediately found that, although there are a number of specialised books about individual units ( from publishers such as Schiffer ) it's hard to find a good, up-to-date overview. A book was published in the UK a couple of years back ( Andrew Brookes' 'Air War Over Russia' ) but this has been heavily criticised and relies almost totally on secondary sources. After much digging on the internet, a recommended book seems to be Richard Muller's 'The German Air War In Russia', Nautical & Aviation, 1992 ). But it's only ever been published in the USA ( ). However, thanks to Bookfinder, a dealer in New Hampshire had a copy at $20 ( ) . I ordered it last Tuesday - and it arrived today ( ). This looks more like it - a scholarly study making use of official documents - and it even has a chapter dealing with the historiography of the campaign together with much discussion of available sources. I am looking forward to being enlightened !
Muller's book is good. But, it stays primarily on a strategic level. Lots of detail though. You should enjoy it.
Thanks, TA - that's what I'm looking for. I always prefer to start with a strategic view and then proceed to unit histories/personal memoirs rather than the other way round. I've just read the preface to Muller's book and I think you're right - I'm going to enjoy the rest of it !
Hello Martin, When you've read Muller's book I recommend the Black Cross - Red Star series, there's nothing that even comes close !
Hello Jack - firstly, a very warm welcome indeed to these Forums ! Fell absolutely free to browse around, check out older threads, make comments or raise new topics - and generally, enjoy the place..... Secondly, you're absolutely correct. I've just finished Muller's book which is very helpful for historic background, historiography, and a strategic/intelligence overview. I missed Vol 1 of 'Black Cross / Red Star' ( ) but intend to track a copy down - eventually. However, numbers of Vol 2 appeared at a bargain price in London bookshops over the summer and I made sure to buy one ; it's next in the reading list. I'm also now watching the progress of Vol. 3 at ; - http://www.bergstrombooks.elknet.pl/bc-rs/
Okay, so I read the posts above and think, yeah, that would be a good series. I open up an Amazon.com window, type in "Black Cross, Red Star" and get 4 copies used available starting at $319! WTF? These must be a great series. What is the original asking price? Was this such a limited run of a really good reference that they still have a tremendous demand? Why doesn't the publisher reprint if that is the case?
Hello Iceman, You're right, I've been searching for that book for 3 months ( daily ), because I can't afford such a ridiculous price ! In the end I got it from a friend for free who had bought it once by accident in a ramsj !Such prices spoil the market but rest assured there will be a reprint in the near future at an affordable price. Original price was about 30 Britsh Pounds. Reprint was difficult because the author changed publisher Pacifica Press to Eagle Editions, and the original output was very low.
That often happens with Amazon - if a book is way OOP, they put it in at 'silly' money. You just need patience and determination, and one will turn up at an affordable price.
I bought a series of small books by Bryan Philpott on aircraft that are published by Patrick Stephens, Cambridge in 1981. They are pictures and captions but have excellent b&w pictures. German Fighters over Russia, German Bombers over the Med, German Maritime Aircraft, Fighters Defending the Reich are just some of the series as well as tanks and boats. I bought them used for $1.98 each. One interesting photo was a WWI era observation balloon and crew used to watch Russian troop movements in WWII. Not the Russian front but the person who designed the plane should have been sent there ! A picture of the Blackburn Firecrest. What an UGLY aircraft.
Yes - these are really good little books and can often be picked up cheaply secondhand. The whole series was based on lesser-known official photos from the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz. I recently bought 'German Bombers Over Russia' for £2 - it's very interesting. BTW, the disappearance of PSL ( as with William Kimber and, more recently, Airlife ) was very sad for WWII aviation enthusiasts.
a couple of months ago I sold most books I had on the subject; "Black Cross, Red Star, Vol.I" and the memoires of a Russian pilot. In German, published in the former DDR in 1972 and then some. I still have the memoires of Hauptmann Lipfert and the diay of Rudel (Martin, I still have to mail you that Rudel book! ) but these are not on my To Read pile....Too many other subjects.... Just got back from a long weekend in Oosterbeek....Did the Perimeter walk and the airborne cycle tour....Visited several sites and of course the museum and Cemetery. In the museum I went kinda crazy with all the books I still don't have! Was a bit disappointed with teh Operation Amhurst exhibit. Some really great pics, but not much beside that....
Hello gentlemen, In the wake of the 2 JG300 volumes that are released right now ( thanks Stevin ), I took Walter Dahl's 'Rammjager' and Herbert Bethke's 'Jagdgeschwader 300'( 2 volumes ) from the bookshelf to look them over once more. Do any of you fellows know them, and if so, what's your opinion of them ?
JR did you read my post on JG 300 ? First volume 2 will not be ready for publication at least the English version till November most likely later though the French version and English are running neck and neck. EE is doing proof reading right now for the second volume. econd forget the Bethke garbage haul. This is nothing but photos and some of the worst scanned pics available for a big book. Not text worhty of mentioning and although some of the pics will not be in the Lorant/Goyat book you should definatley save your pennies to buy those two volumes. Repeat, the Bethke volumes should not have even been printed. Walter Dahl is one of the biggest B.S.'s to stand as a Luftwaffe ace as nearly 1/4r of his claims cannot be confirmed, so proud of his leading of JG 300 he was responsible for down sizing the sister Sturm unit IV.Sturm/JG 3 when JG 300 and the Sturms from JG 3 flew together during July of 44 till the movement of JG 3 to the Ost front at january 45's end. Dahls book is made up of half truths as well as a partial bio of himself, he does on occasion come up with some interesting materials such as the secret visit of "Fatty" to the JG 300 unit, but heck we have other first hand info on that as it will be noted in our own work. As for Ost front since you have listed your pose under this forum-thread wait for English JG 300 volume 2, you will not be disappointed
Hello Erich, Thank you for your time and trouble. Your words confirm my thoughts on the subject. I remember that after I bought the Bethke volumes I felt somewhat conned ! After initially being excited with Dahl's book ( I was still young then )I found out more and more about his bad rep. and some obvious 'creative writing'in Rammjager. Thanks again!
Unbelievably, a copy of 'Black Cross/Red Star Vol. 1' sold on UK ebay last week for £109.00 , plus postage.....
That's pretty nuts, especially considering the (alledged, as I don't have it) quality of photos in Volume 1. It received quite severe critiscism for this. Christer Bergstrom has also stated (on his homepage) that a revised version will be released after Vol.3 in the state originally intended, ie more along the quality of Vol.2. Although at the rate publishing of Vol.3 is going I wouldn't hold my breath while waiting!
Hello Heartland, Yes, you're right in both cases I reckon; photo quality in Vol. 1 was bad indeed. And the publishing rate is disheartening ! But on the other hand the content department is superb, which btw doesn't justify this kind of price overrating !
Belive me, it wasn't signed, or anything - 3 guys got into a bidding war in the last minutes, and..... Horrido !!
On the other hand, I just bought direct from Midland Publications their 2-volume set 'Soviet Combat Aircraft Of The Second World War' by Gordon/Khazanov/Medved. These look like just what I'm seeking to unravel the mysteries of Soviet WW2 aircraft. Published in 1999, these are currently being remaindered by Midland in their Autumn sale. Original cost ? £50.00 the pair. In the sale at : £5.00 each !! Now that, I call a bargain.....
Hello Martin, Is there a website with the Midland Autumn sale ? Although the reviews weren't al that positive I've been wanting to buy these volumes, but not for the original price. Now we're talking this kind of money it's a different story! I would be much obliged if you give me some info on this.