'Gunny would be smackin' that dude on top of his head, shouting: "Are you stupid or what? I said 3-round bursts, you maggot!" Did I see a round "cook-off" in that hot-barrel? Tim
I'll bet that thing was spraying rounds all over the place. We had several M2 .50 cal barrels hanging on the wall of the line shack (in our Helo squadron) that had gotten so hot that they drooped several inches...with an oblong hole in the side where the next round came out the side of the barrel near the muzzle!
I was firing the Final Protective Fire with my M60E3 one night. Not only did our barrels glow like that, but they drooped as well. When the gunner next to me and I noticed that our rounds were impacting about 20-30 feet in front of us, we started cranking on our Traversing and Elevation wheels, trying to raise the gun! The E3 barrels sucked, big time!