This is an excellent website, listing all Medal of Honor recipients, with citations: <> It is quite interesting to compare what resulted in a medal in the Civil War to that of WWII.
Yes. In the early days it was sometimes awarded for rather arbitrary reasons. For the most part from WW I forward the standards are much higher. ,five moh,s given to five sailors on a single landing party in fighting 20 moros ...under actions against outlaw insurrection 1911 in phillipines..looks like a fairly ordinary close quarters kinda fight...bronze star conduct in ww2...mabey silver.
Not only did General Douglas MacArthur receive the MOH (for the defense of Bataan) but his father Arthur MacArthur was awarded the MOH for actions at the battle of Gettysburg. Yep, his father, not grandfather or great granfather, fought at Gettysburg.
Well, even today some peoples grandfathers fought at Gettysburg. It's going to take a while to get through the list. I like it when it says why they go the medal. Much better then just a list of names.