I came across one more thing. A past issue of the 17th Infantry Regiment Association's newsletter, The Buffalo Bugle, has a reference (see page 4) to two personal narratives from WWII that may be of interest. They also seem to have other resources that are available to members. It may be worth checking out.
That's really interesting. Thank you. I've contacted an individual who runs the 17th Infantry website you mentioned, requesting the two articles that you pointed out. The gentleman said he's out of town and will get back to me when he returns. Thank you again for this.
Wow! A lot of great information. Thank you very much. Can't wait to dig into it. I was just looking at purchasing the audio book for "With The Old Breed" so I can listen to t on my drive to work. I appreciate the recommendations.
alp-Did you find the MR's that you've received to be different than the examples we posted? If you did, I would like to see some examples when you have the time.
No. The MR's I received look the same as the examples. And I would be glad to post some of them for you. I will have some time this weekend.