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My WW2 Collection (will update later)

Discussion in 'Collections' started by drewthefan123, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf אוּרִיאֵל

    Nov 12, 2007
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    I never knew that i could be able to feel this jealous!:D
  2. drewthefan123

    drewthefan123 Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Dear Fellow Members,

    I would first like to apologize I haven't been able to put up more pics of my collection due lack of time which also explains why I am not more active on the site. I have been working a lot on:

    > Working at my job, and setting up my own buisness

    >Spending time with my Mom and Dad

    >Going to college (14 credit hours) to learn how to start my own companies

    >Spending time with my GF

    >Spending time starting my reenactment group (German, American, Russian, and Japanese

    >Going to Boy Scout Troops and Schools (even though I am 19, I have connections) for displays so our youth doesn't forget what the Vets did for us all

    >Always adding more and more items to my collection!

    Now I would like to say thank you for everybody and their comments about my collecting. It pleases me a LOT to know there are still people that I can relate with. I feel I should tell everybody how this began:

    It all started 6 years ago when I was 13, my dad took me to an auction in North Georgia. So I went, and I was bored because my Game Boy I had at the time was broke. So my dad at the start of the auction won a box of old stains. So he made me and my brothers clean them all up, as I was cleaning one...I heard a small sound coming from the cup. So I opened the lid, tilted it over and it fell into my hand/lap. It was a Nazi WW2 Fire Mans Hat Pin. I took it as a sign thus I began what is now a investment of collecting WW2.

    Now you all know, and now to see some answers, please read the answers I give to the comments below:

    Thank you for the comment, and yes, I have massive plans to have a museum big enough to become a world Icon. The members in my Reenactment group has agreed to help set it up when the time comes.

    Yes I am 19 years old, but to answer your questions:

    How do I afford it? Simply I save my money, do layaway, and I also look for the best deal at the best time.

    Where do I find it all? Simply: I am a Jack of Trades, a Jack of Trades that rarely gives secrets away. I will however say this much: I HAD TO BUY EVERY SINGLE ITEM ON MY OWN, I WAS NEVER GIVEN ANYTHING BY MY FAMILY MEMBERS (Not yelling there, lol).

    On a side note, this is a very nice website you have here, and I salute you for it.

    Well I hope you won't kill me for it, lol. Nah, all it takes is time and effort. BTW, I knew a Man that was in the Totenkopf, the P38 you see up top was his. Message me some time, I will tell you about him if you want.
  3. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Hi Drewthefan123 , last time I saw your pictures , it took quite soem time to download them and upon a second check I saw the swords that i had missed earlier. you have a really exceptionnal collection for your age and Iwould like to thnak you for sharing this with us.

    Hi Erich, Nice P-38 you have there!
  4. drewthefan123

    drewthefan123 Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Of course! :) You are very Welcome, I had to work hard to get the collection I have now. I am VERY proud of it. I know some people doubts my age and how I aquired my stuff, but I am not botherd by it. Thing is, I love collecting it, and it is my pride and joy. All I can say is: Thank you for helping to keep the memory of these brave men alive.

  5. bigfun

    bigfun Ace

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany
    Very nice collection! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Very nice additions! Thanx for sharing them with us here!
  7. WWII Collector

    WWII Collector Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Man that's a really big collection really kind of you sharing it with us this is the best collection I ever saw, you really should start it as a museum you have so much didn't that cost buckets and buckets of money ?
  8. ZZERO

    ZZERO Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    very nice helmets ,I m collecting helmets, I m from Romania.
  9. Henry G

    Henry G Member

    Nov 19, 2006
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  10. drewthefan123

    drewthefan123 Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Hello Everyone, it is I drewthefan123 (AKA Drew) and I have returned after some serious real life issues. I however have been able to but more stuff, and take pics to boot!. Anyways, special announcements:

    1. I will be getting my hands on a 1913 "DWM" All matching, 90%+ Bluing, Exc+, Luger for a very super deal price.

    2. I have started a reenactment where I am going to be posing as WW2 Imperial Japanese Army Soldiers, thus... BANZAI!

    3. I am planning to build a website that will be used for the education of people on WW2. Basicly a WW2 online Museum. If anyone wants to aid me in doing this in any means: Pics, Info, Stories (real ones), ect...
    Please email me at: drewthefan123@yahoo.com, or IM me at on AIM or YIM (drewthefan123 for both). All I can ask for is your willingness to help :) in the continuation of historical education!

    4. I am also attempting to write a book on the lifestyle, and gear of the Imperial Japanese Army Soldiers, so if anyone wants to aid me in it too, please do let me know.

    Now without anymore, more pics (with tons more to come later!):

    My book cover for my book "Army of the sun" (below V)

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